>be me >in apple shop to laugh at normies and put manga on all the displays >overhear QT asian >wtf this looks the same as my iPhone >overhear another QT whitey girl >this looks the same, is this the new one? >whats different on this? >this sucks
So they added the reducing hairline to make it differentâ„¢?
Dominic Hernandez
that is not the X..
Aiden Rivera
Yeah, I talk about the X, I thought it was obvious since the other one doesn't has it
Zachary Jenkins
God that's some yummy slut.
Sorry user didn't read a thing
Aiden Campbell
Imagine pushing your face into that and savouring the savoury aroma.
Benjamin Brown
The chance is high that the only aroma you would get would be hpv and genital warts
Hudson Rivera
Ugly drug addled bitches, and fat chicks have more diseases than lean, premium sex objects like this.
Isaac White
Yes, it seems that normies don't know they've even got a new phone unless it physically looks different. All they need is a haircut for their iPhone and they'll spend another grand.
Nolan Rodriguez
Normies want new shit because it's new, not because it's more useful. If you can't tell it's new by looking at it, it holds no value for them (reference red dot on new watch).
That said, AAPL stock gonna take a hit
Evan Gomez
It's really funny to me that the iPhone 8 has one of the most revolutionary processors in the industry and literally no one is going to notice because it doesn't have a notch.
Ian James
It already did.
Caleb Lewis
Make a video and upload it
Connor Mitchell
Nice gap.
Chase Wood
Real nice
Aiden Mitchell
wrong pic
Mason Morales
because in n November apple will release iphone 10 ... normies will buy the newest iPhone..
Jack Sanders
Noah Walker
Being able to easily tell if someone has the latest iPhone is important to nomies, even if they can't identify if any other phone is NOT an iPhone.
I have been asked a bunch of times if my Note Edge is an iPhone. This is the level normies are at.
Gabriel Carter
I'm gonna need some source. Is there more?
Luke Flores
Just imagine her BRAAPP'ing in the other girls face. That would be quite funny, haha.
Apple is doing same design for almost 4 years now, even the most braindead normie is aware of that. Also >showed pictures of iPhone X to a normie friend >lol that notch looks retarded GG apple.
Chase Garcia
>japanense hiki and neet american men actually fall for this fake cutesy act of japanese women
Justin Peterson
Came here just to sniff this post
Luis Kelly
I need ass like this so goddamn bad. Where to meet girls , anons?
Jaxson Carter
That jpeg compression.
Asher Torres
i hate women
Jonathan Perez
This. Those crazy hoes will lop off your cock in your sleep, run away to another country, and never talk to you again.
Ryder Ramirez
In order to catch nice fish you need to become a good bait.
James Foster
fags not welcome, pic related for you
Jason Ortiz
How so?
Evan Harris
i like romantic drama scenarios and this kind of girl would probably leave me with another guy. so looking at this picture doesn't turn me on. because sex and love makes me very very insecure
Logan Myers
ywn get a qt gf why must i suffer
Dominic Kelly
Camden Perry
Women are basically children in adult body. You, my negro, need to know how to play with them. It's a ritual just like installing linux.
Blake Cruz
What's the point in creating this thread on a technology board? It's not /fa/ or /lgbt/, we discuss here operating system kernels, IPC, hardware interruptions, memory mapping, high performance computing, artificial intelligence and sometimes the superiority of the white race.
Ryder Mitchell
true, did you see her take that fall like a champ? I bet it'd take some martial arts shit to beat that bitch senseless
Eli Perez
>fags not welcome >her jaw is nonexistant she mus be korean huh? or a cabbage patch kid.
Wyatt Taylor
>mfw just now learning that iphone X and iphone 8 are actually two different products i thought X was just a new marketing name for the 8
Hudson Brooks
They already skipped the 2, so everything is possible.
Christian Collins
It kinda went under the radar I don't blame you user. Also, the least attention that is given to aplel the better, hope that fucking elitist company dies.
Ayden Murphy
>mfw no one cares
David Jackson
FUCK i love gaps so much
Dylan Martinez
>normies Fuck off normalfag.
Christian Clark
a-are you talking to y-yourself user-chan?
Caleb Morris
Daniel Stewart
Juan King
>pic for ants
John Rogers
But it has a shiny glass back now, plez gib us u sheckles
Zachary Rogers
OP you piss me of posting this low res image
Carter Nelson
Colton Bennett
Brandon Adams
Don't make me gay...
Eli Rodriguez
Be honest with yourself, even if you could get financing you wouldn't buy an iPhone X One
Samuel Reed
>tfw no qt 3.14159 gf (XY)
Nolan Rivera
She. is. perfect.
Logan Powell
Himetan is not faking. She's very cute, clumsy, and cares about her friends like Ikuchan. Do NOT talk bad about the nogis, or I'll fight you.
Ian Myers
Why do you know anything about subreddits, faggot?
Owen Jones
>tfw S8 owner master race
Liam Anderson
this. would not bang/10
Charles Garcia
But she'll graduate :)
Noah Reyes
She's done her best, and I will marry her when does graduate. No worries.
Yes, they are vain, insecure, and immature. They just pretend to be mature. You must play into their vanity, until they feel safe, then they will show you how infantile they are, and if you can deal with their shit on a regular basis and still be a man, they will rub any part of their body around your cock for you.
Owen Allen
I hate chinks so go fucking lynch yourself, nigger.
Henry Flores
Normies don't like the 8 because it's the official poorfag phone. They only want the X, an upper class phone.
Landon Jones
Mental ward
Levi Lopez
>we discuss here operating system kernels, IPC, hardware interruptions, memory mapping, high performance computing, artificial intelligence and sometimes the superiority of the white race
did you mean: we discuss here the superiority of the white race and sometimes operating system kernels, IPC, hardware interruptions, memory mapping, high performance computing, and artificial intelligence
Ryder Lopez
> >>we discuss here operating system kernels, IPC, hardware interruptions, memory mapping, high performance computing, artificial intelligence and sometimes the superiority of the white race >did you mean: we discuss here the superiority of the white race and sometimes operating system kernels, IPC, hardware interruptions, memory mapping, high performance computing, and artificial intelligence