Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread Into Which Keyboards Are Posted

One and done edition.

>Buyer's template:
>Where to Buy:
>Keyset wiki (


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in for wood

still my favorite one I own

>one and done
>magazine holds at least 10 rounds

What magazine user?

pls respond

I like it but id rather have ANSI layout

Still working on my new custom keyboard layout.

so how are you doing layers?

rosewill is ok
I wouldn't though because of personal preference

With Number Lock on it will function like a normal number pad, with Number lock off it'll function similarly to T9. Fn is just to allow 1-9 and 0 to be used for F1-F9 and F10 key purposes now

i bet you spent $900 on a camera just to take this faggy picture for your circle jerk threads.

is the unicomp model m a meme or is it IBM tier? I just moved abroad and one of the packages with my hardware disappeared on the way. so my legit IBM model m is gone

Whats the best shitty keyboard? I have plenty of different mechanicals I like plenty but something about those old chunky and mushy keyboards that came with HPs are nice for casual use on your alternate computer. Whats the best of whatever those are?

What's gunfags lighting setup and camera settings?

I've got a black wrist rest with some details on the ends in slightly less black, black case, black keys and I can't get a good photo.

I used spray paint and tung oil on a palm rest and it still smells two days after the final coats of point and oil. Am I gonna get cancer from the fumes?

Don't worry, you're already cancer for using a palm rest and everyone knows you can't get cancer twice.

Where can I purchase Swastika keys?

That flannel is amazing.

back to plebbit

I got banned there when I asked on their reddit.

According to the balding brit and another bunch of reviews the Unicomp feels almost as good as the IBM when typing, however they use much thinner plastic, and tolerances are way looser (stems are not held firmly in place and can twist a little, caps are not uniform in height, writings are off to one side, some caps even have plastic smudges on the bottom) than the IBM, which is surely due to the toolings being completely worn out after thirty years of use.

What keyboard? Looks great, I want one.

looks like ducky mini

Don't get this keyboard (Corsair Strafe RGB Silent)

RGB is cool for like a week or two but distracting otherwise.

It's "Mechanical" but you can't tell by using it. Silent switches feel like mushy shit and had problems with the keys double pressing within a couple months.

Why did they make the bezel too big on it?

Ducky Channel Shine 6
The MX Cherry Blacks are quite good

Yeah, I see now.
I can't find it anywhere though. Out of stock on amazon, no local retailers have it in catalogue either in my yuro country.

I just want a UK layout one and then replace the keycaps with ES layout. It looks really good.

Not as good as reds.

ok manlet

You can say that as I pump in 30 WPM more than you.

nice gun

ok manlet

nth for browns are shit

Rosewill is cheap and fantastic for the money.

Not super worried, probably like 300 ausbux and below.
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
Only switch I've used before are browns, not super stoked with them, might prefer reds or blacks so open for suggestions.
>Form factor
Whatever would look good with customer keyacaps, so RGB I guess.
>Previous/current keyboards
Ducky One

Additional note: I plan to replace the keycaps with custom caps, so a decent case would be good. Also wireless if wireless mech keyboard even exist.

Drevo excalibur is bluetooth I believe

w2c topre board

Is there a good MX Blue keyboard with Mac keys?

Yeah a normal one, with the keycaps switched to mac modifiers


I want one with brightness/volume/eject, most normal keyboards don't have this.

Then get a Ducky and switch the keycaps

Did I do good?

>shipping is 80% the cost of the product

Perks of living in Europe

Where did you buy it from? I live in Britain and feel bad when I have to go to the post office and pay the VAT charge when I get something from America. It's usually less than £20 though.

don't forget getting you ass plowed by customs for atleast another 19% on that $150

in Switzerland.

I found a few Swiss websites selling them, they are usually priced at an equivalent of roughly 200 $ and have a "30 days shipping time". So what happens is probably that they order it in the US on demand when the order comes in.

I never had to pay VAT when ordering something from the US, but it was never more than 20-30 $ of value. From what I read, I will probably have to pay 11.92 $ of tax on this order.

>order keyboard
>mail delivery truck approaches
>wait, that's a truck of tolerance!
>You have died.

Is there a list of recommended keyboards somewhere if i don't want to fill in the buyers guide

dying or receiving a keyboard sounds like a win-win to me

Unironically this

Is not very up to date.

Just ask here, we'll help. State what you're lookin for and how much you're willing to spend.

/mkg/ had one, but we got rid of it for the same problem. Any Ducky, Varmilo, Leopold, Cooler Master, Realforce, Magicforce, James Donkey, etc are good choices.

Pretty much this, don't try your luck with a shitty brand you will regret it.

is this some kind of trick

No, you stupid faggot. Do you want help or not?


can anyone post an aesthetic mkb with a nice click and just a link to buy it thanks

>price range
>what switch/key you like if you know
>if not what do you want the key to be like? Requiring a lot of force? Not much force?
>Where do you live

Just get a Ducky and call it a day.

Ducky only have 1 year warranty, even my logitech mouse has a 3 year warranty.

luckily i'm not you

Then get a logitech mouse and use that as a keyboard

How long is warranty on Das keyboards?

Eww might as well get chink shit instead since even those have better build quality.
Warranty doesn't matter since it doesn't cover wear. Its better to get a better built keyboard instead

I was just asking as an example, Filco, Corsair, any other example would be fine I just think that 1 year is probably quite short for a warranty on something you are spending $150 + on.

Then get a cooler master with PBT keycaps. Or an $80 Ducky keyboard

Hello guys, my first post here, so let's hope this goes well ;)

Here it is:

It only cost me 8£ brand new. Why is it good you ask? I shall tell you.

Well, first of all: this keyboard is from Logitech, which is undoubtedly the best keyboard manufacturer today. It is a rather common keyboard, yes; but because it is a Logitech, somehow it doesn't feel cheap. It's like the brand itself makes a crappy keyboard turn into a great one. I don't know, Logitech has always made me feel comfortable with cheaper products. The keys are superbly well distributed, and your fingers won't touch the surrounding keys like some other ones I've tried. The keys are also not very soft, nor very hard to press down on. You know, this keyboard makes it just right, so that you can actually take advantage of the impulse that the rebounding keys give you.

This keyboard makes you feel like gravity is actually working WITH you, rather that against you.

Another thing I absolutely love about it, is the space bar. It is just the right size, and not too small or too big like on some other crappy keyboards from other manufacturers. The space bar is the most balanced key in the whole keyboard, it sits right at the center, and you can actually use it without looking at the keyboard. I mean, that's just brilliant design. It's an USB keyboard. This makes it perfect for use with modern computers, and even laptops and netbooks. No more using that old crappy PS/2 port. We're in 2017, people. I could be here all day, but in the end, I just wanted to share with you my experience with this marvelous piece of peripheral engineering.

I recommend this keyboard to anyone.

should i buy this keyboard if i can only afford abotu this price

>this copypasta
It wasn't funny the first time, it surely isn't funnier now. Stop reposting it for fuck sake!

so is this the bait keyboard general version

Whats the new qisan magicforce? I bought mine last spring and now the market is totally different. There are few variations of the magicforce available and the more desirable ones are more expensive. The cheap TLK tomoko is gone.
Whats the new $50 king?

Holly shit you brits are cucked as fuck. Its an 8/10 keyboard, and I don't think you can get anything with similar build quality for cheaper, unless you buy from your neighbors like france or belgium

How does that make Brits cucked what are you talking about?

Yeah, that's decent seems a bit expensive though.

The insane price difference. That same keyboard is $79 here in america

it looks boring as fuck get something else

>filename is the guns name
>not the keyboards
>insists he's not a gunposter

why don't you an hero you cockmongler.

Brrt I luv u pls mrry me bb

Its like that every where here. When it comes to keyboards its basically a £1:$1 ratio

Switzerland is only 8% and they barely check deliveries to private people, unlike in Germany where the customs opened my package and put the stuff into a fucking lidl bag....

200% keyboard lmao

It's called VAT. Automatically add 20% to your prices and they'd go up too. A lot of companies will try and go 1$ = 1£ though which is a Jewish trick.


At least they don't do that with Steam games, $60 = £40 for some reason, but it will = €60.

Yes you will not get much better than that for that price.

Give the US price VAT and it would cost this much so really British only over paying by £15.

why are different keyboards even a thing cant they just standardise versions?

Not everyone wants a linear switch keyboard

Anti-Semitic piece of shit

Great, the fucking nazi made the thread. Later guys

This is a nice guide for inexpensive boards user-kun.

are mx silvers a meme compared to reds?
I sorta want to try them but don't want to shell out for another board

>cherry switch
>not a meme


Idk, I like it like that. If you want thin bezel get a pok3r