Have you entered the void yet Sup Forums?

Have you entered the void yet Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>install void
>display manager not installed

>logs in

If this is a reference to the film "enter the void" yes.

>GNOME won't load

>Try to install to USB
>It keeps fucking up
Yet Arch installed perfectly fine.


I'm interested in Solus

Not even MATE/Cinnamon/KDE will load


>werks on my machine

>not setting up your xinitrc


>not setting up your xinitrc
Exactly. What a piece of shit installer

>too retarded to edit xinitrc

special snowflake distribution for edgy twenteens.

Install gentoo

The installer didn't set it up for me, it's not being retarded, it's called having common sense to spot a half assed effort.

Why didn't you pick the ISO which comes with a display manager and a DE for people who are retards

Did that exactly.
>Display manager not installed

>obscure garbage literally geared towards distro hoppers so they can feel more non-mainstream


>he can't read the name of an iso

Provide me a good non-snowflake binary distro similar to gentoo.

Arch or void


There are isos for every DE under the sun, I installed the Xfce one, started into LXDM and logged in no problem. You must either be bait or cant read the name of an iso

Yeah, I installed a live ISO with a DE (can't remember which one). I Installed it, rebooted the PC and the display manager was not working. Then I tried to start the display manager and found out the login manager isn't even installed. Then I tried to connect to the wifi. No wifi connection manager were installed. So I tethered my phone into it, installed connman. I enabled my wifi, downloaded manjaro, dd'd it into the flash and installed it.

0/10 Never ever

Of course. It just works.

Someone had issues using S/PDIF on Void? Got sound on HDMI but not on S/PDIF.

>xbps-install -S xorg
>I cant remember which one
Low quality bait
>login manager isn't installed
Install one
What is wpa_supplicant
>dd'd it into the flash
Did you launch a cyber nuke at the same time?

Stop being an apologist, user.

Triggered hard

Come on now. You think I'm a systemd cuck or an autist? Of course I entered the Void

>You think I'm a systemd cuck or an autist?
>or an autist
>installs void

>tiling manager

It's a breeze for non-idiots

Cuz I'm a hacker, you dumb nigger

Does virt-manager work?


Even without all the sysd dependencies?

Bump from page 8

No, they're stupidly understaffed to maintain a repository with the contribution model they're using.

I tried void and it was alright but xbps sucked

I'd rather use Devuan

Why should use the Sup Forums version of Arch?

Shitposting from my X220 with void and xfce right now, it's breddy gomfy

>downloaded manjaro

if you want arch than go and rtfm wiki.archlinux.org

but if you are retarded for that you can use arch based distros like manjaro and antergos (if you are not total moron you would install antergos)

(when manjaro crashes dot come back to cry how ARCH is bad)

There is a fucking how-to in the void wiki how to get GNOME working. It's pretty easy desu.

Do its counts if I install from Arch Anywhere instead of "Do-it-yourself" "Arch Way" via Terminal?


>that hostname
God damn why does everyone have to be so edgy when they use anything but Ubuntu.

I like Void because it's like Arch but doesn't break everytime I use it and no systemd.

if you dont want to do it arch way than arch is not for you i guess

whole point of arch way is to learn and get interested in doing&resolving stuff using terminal

not to spam on 4c "pacman broke my xorg" memes

There's a warning on the download page which says NOT to do netinstall if you want into install with DE.

Is it really so hard to xbps-install xorg xterm xfce4, though?


.t systemD shill

>BSD licensed package manager
>no governance structure
Install Gentoo.

>tfw void@x220
I like to keep it simple


Cringe thread?

What WM do you use ?Its look beautifully

awesome wm. zenburn theme (one of three that come with awesome). I only added the network, cpu and battery info, everything else is default.

can someone give me a quick rundown on void? currently using arch and I feel like switching is unavoidable

just use fcuking alpine

You could just install one of desktop environment isos if you're having trouble somehow