Ryzen is the best thing!

Ryzen is the best thing to happen in CPU's in fucking YEARS.

Competition will push tech forward and everyone is going to benefit!

AMD Fanboys have something to brag about.

Intel Fanboys can stop being ass fucked by intel and get something good.

And everyone else will get faster shit.

I mean look at CPUs in 2000, the Pentium III 800mhz to 1 ghz lets say. 6 years later you are looking at the Pentium 4 with HT and over 3ghz. There is NO comparison. But an i5 2500k is still usable 6 years later. And it fucking sucks. the WHOLE i3/5/7/9 line is just intel pissing out tiny boosts.

in 6 years the Ryzen 3/5/7 and Intel i3/5/7/9 of 2017 better be useless.

>in 6 years the Ryzen 3/5/7 and Intel i3/5/7/9 of 2017 better be useless.

>implying there won't be massive delays for further nm
>implying there won't be overheating problems due to die size which will outweight the speed gains
>implying you can get massive improvements on silicon anymore


Well I kinda agree, but I hate AMD though.
Intel won't be releasing anything worthwhile anytime soon.
Like 2-3 years for something actually worth buying.

>implying you can get massive improvements on silicon anymore
Graphene when?
I know, it's expensive as fuck...

Our chips are still 2d. You can still get massive improvements if we can figure out how to cram transistors into the third dimension. CPU design is also far from optimal.

That's fine you can stay a intel fanboy. and yes this will take some time but Competition is for the best. Its not like intel has no money and cant compete with amd.


Not coming anytime soon.

>if we can figure

wishful thinking

Silicone is stagnating. feels bad man.
(also nice trips)

if only vega could have similarly disrupted graphics technologies

Man, how the fuck can anyone actually like Intel? Seriously, they're the most disgustingly corrupt, morally bankrupt cunts in the world.

They fucked customers in the ass for years by creating an illegal monopoly by literally paying OEMs not to use competitors products, then raised prices on their own products by ridiculous amounts and dished on tiny improvements for years.

They paid Dell billions to not use AMD processors.

How can a modern consumer ever support a company that fucked them over this bad?