Why are Apple's sales slowing?
Why are Apple's sales slowing?
Stock market burst?
So they're in a worse situation now?
because they are constabtly hiding their profits oversees
So thats why shareholders went full retard and forced them calling the 7s 8 and releasing the X as a prototype state
Everyone who wanted an iPhone got one apple has to find another way to make money now
If you have to ask, you're fucking stupid. Their products have been getting worse and worse.
Because post 2016 Apple is fucking retarded.
The only good thing they've done recently was block cookies from advertisers.
Tim cook is not a products guy
In advance, thanks for reading my blog
Probably a combination of
1. a lack of new market creation,
2. product line segmentation
along with the weaker reasons of
3. uneven adoption of technologies across products,
4. lack of consistent design vision
1 is clear - aside from smart watches, there hasn't been a new "product" consumers are looking for. Apple of the Steve Jobs eras did well when it did two things: create new products that consumers didn't know they wanted, and do existing products better than the competition. Lately, Apple has been doing neither.
2 has become especially apparent with the advent of the iPhone X, but really came into existence with the iPhone 6 Plus. Too many SKUs confuse consumers, especially given Apple tries to tackle problems from the "We Know Best" angle. The iPhone 8 is probably a great phone, but fragmenting the market has now left many consumers (myself included) waiting until the iPhone X comes out.
3 I personally feel hasn't become an issue yet, but it's looming, and people online have already pointed it out. Why do iPhones use Lightning connectors, while the MacBooks are using USB C? Apple clearly has the technology and expertise to make a fantastic touchscreen MacBook, but opted for the Touch Bar so as not to cannibalize their iPad line. There's probably also software concerns (should iPad/iPhone apps run on a MacBook with a touchscreen? How will they sunset the iPad/MacBook if/when one subsumes the functionality of the other?)
4 is close to the classic cries of how Apple has deteriorated since Steve Jobs' passing. Remember the Pencil, rechargable mouse, iPhone battery case? Their failings exist because there isn't someone with both the vision for how these things should operate together with their parent product, and the clout to get others onboard with the vision, so instead we see products which miss out on the tight integration the Apple ecosystem allows.
good summary. I had no idea that an iphone se would be my last apple purchase. I love my oneplus 3
The iPhone 7 was basically just the iPhone 6 with a newer processor.
Even normies are intelligent enough not to waste their money on an identically looking phone that hardly performs better than the the $1000 device they bought last year. Some normeis, at least.
The same goes for the iPhone 8.
That's why apple made the iPhone X.
They are increasing, though. That article is from 2016.
iOS developpers BTFO.
>mfw wanted to study a course in uni about iOS dev
>saw the apple X
>ABORT ! i jumped ship to study model driven engineering instead.
feels good man.
Everytime i hear someone saying that jobs would've made innovations I literally want to go full REEEEEEEEEE.
The fucktard didn't innovate or create anything.
He pushed fucking projects, made by others, for nearly 3 decades and a few of them became a thing... And nobody else but him got credit.
For more than a decade his only "hit" on apple was a fucking mp3 player. Their laptops sucked balls, their obsession with ppc made their platform more seperated from general s/w ecosystem.
In the end he was lucky that cancer got him at his first good years of iphone, because the fall was inevitable....you can't push useless products forever on your consumers(see ipad, ipod, e.t.c.)
t. loser jelly of successful people
The bank refused to loan more money to their customer base.
X isn't out yet. It will sell like wildfire seeing as it's the shittiest most overpriced scam of a device they've ever made. It's kind of like those apps that do nothing but cost $100. Status, baby.
iPhone 5 was pretty retarded too.
> Their laptops sucked balls
retard detected.
profits are for people corporations that aren't brave
He knew what projects to push and which people to control.
I'm quickly discovering that "assholes" are basically just people with the power and influence to enforce their particular visions/ideas over others'. The world needs assholes, because without them you get limpwristed compromises everywhere trying to please everyone and all sense of direction and cohesion collapses.
Steve Jobs did what an executive is supposed to do. He was an asshole that brought Apple from the brink of bankruptcy, and now the company is sliding into irrelevance as idiot decisions keep getting made.
But in all seriousness, as stupid as consumers are they eventually can see when something is too much. Certain phone manufacturers as of late have artificially priced their products well beyond the cost of profitable for marketing purposes. The reason being is a high price is seen as an indicator of a premium product, and while this allows you to dupe people it only works for so long. Consumers are rebelling against this because they don't see much improvement yet still see premium price points.
Beyond Apple a prime example of this notion is google. While the nexus line up made google money it did not have a large adoption, and the primary buyers of those devices were people who know about technology and wanted the best bang for their buck. The pixel is google attempting to join the 'premium' phone market, and one of the ways to market your device as premium is to have a premium price point which is often unwarranted (the highest end pixel costs a little over $200 to make).
Yeah, Android fags were laughing at this for being too tall. Years later every flagship Android has a fuckhuge screen. iPhone 5 was the best iPhone.
Apple is made for no brain low IQ liberal hypocrites
No one wants the new iPhone
I don't get business
like say a company made 55 billion in revenue last year and this year they made "only" 54 billion
why is this considered a bad thing?
How is 16:9 retarded?
Because people are starting to realize there's no point in paying $1,000 for a rectangle that's only marginally better than their current rectangle and all of the new "features" are either shit other phones have done forever, or the same shit the last generation of Apple devices did already, just with a fancy new name.
Also their laptops are stale af. There's really nothing special about a 2017 MacBook vs a 2012 MacBook pro. So why buy new from applel when you can buy from MoAT for less and still get a 2 year warranty?
It's over. Apple is kill.
because capitalism. Growth is the only measure of success.
new iPhones don't have the appeal that they need to get norms salivating over them. I know plenty of normies who are fine with their 5s still and honestly it's a better looking phone than any of the new shit so why wouldn't they be? literally all they care about is that it's an iPhone, it has blue bubbles FagTime and iTunes and they haven't smashed the screen or dropped it in the toilet yet.
>prop juice squeezer
>Android fags were laughing at this for being too tall. Years later every flagship Android has a fuckhuge screen
Why do you lie on the internet, user? Androidfags were laughing at the iPhone 4 & 5 because they always had tiny baby-tier screens.
>It will sell like wildfire
captitalism was a mistake
Apple is finished and everyone knows it
>"""wrong direction"""
I just switched from Android to iPhone. I must say I fucking loved android but it let me down a lot. It just wasnt reliable. Despite all of the specs and features, there was always a chance you accidentally clicked a setting and youd miss something like texts or calls. that fear made me switch. if phones were not used for phone purposes, the android would win but apple, as they say, "just works." I dont mind the botnet on either, its inevitable unless youre Terry Davis. iphone is smooth and reliable. that ultimately is most important as phones get more complicated and the endless customizations increase failure probability.
>there was always a chance you accidentally clicked a setting and youd miss something like texts or calls. that fear made me switch.
Explain. The only thing I can think of is the flight mode.
>the endless customizations increase failure probability.
Only happens if you don't do it right.
maybe im a normie but it just seemed like things could go wrong, not that they did. theres just so much control over it, which is great, but made it seem like that control could impede its essential functions. I also had a garbage model for 4 years and it was slow but I know thats expected if you dont pay for performance. At least with iphones, the base models are above average android phones' performance though a great andorid is a lot better than the best iphone. I will say i fucking miss the play store but again, theres little anxiety over what i download in the app store. i guess it just really comes down to knowing your shit. if you dont care about using your phone to the most optimal way possible, get an iphone. if not, android and its endless potential is for you.
Ireland here. Thanks guys.
>there was always a chance you accidentally clicked a setting and youd miss something like texts or calls
Just like how half of a paper is gone all of a sudden?
why not join windows masterrace
this "android isn't as polished", "lagroid" etc memes, are from ages past. i have an iphone and android side by side here on my desk, and android is simply better in all regards. i don't even need to get into the details. android just has better settings, apps, and overall handling and design, and is faster, smoother, less buggy as well.
tb.h the only Android problem is the playstore, there are fucktons of sketchy apps and snake oil that Google needs to get rid of.
are you dumb? Apple phones were tiny
how do you update your android system
His biggest mistake was embracing x86 and even then it was done because intel was cheaper to build compared to PPC which was in a state of flux.
They'd be better off on POWER.
Go into Settings, About Device and click on Search for Updates.
Steve at least had some common sense as to what a device should work. Who the fuck greenlit the notch?
Somebody, some actual goy at Apple looked at iphoneX and said "I want to use that phone with the notch".
>PPC which was in stasis.
Apple didn't use enough PPC chips (a few million per annum) to make it worthwhile for IBM to put in the effort to boost the clockrate. Motorola had gone off selling its MC88000 chips to the car industry. So Steve Jobs wasn't able to keep his promise of a 3GHz PPC Mac.
This triggered Jobs' Plan B; Intel. Apple had been compiling an Intel version of OSX since early in the piece.
>Why are Apple's sales slowing?
multiple reasons really
>rising material conditions in 3rd world countries has led to cheaper phones taking huge parts of these markets
>the rise of android based phone manufacturers (samsung, LG, etc) has led to a decent alternative that is usually far cheaper than their apple competition
>they had a huge chunk of the market share, logically they would reach their peak at some point and slowly decline just like IBM
>the absurdity of the iphone's "technological progression" has moved a relevant amount of their customer base to other phones with fucking headphone jacks
there's probably more reasons but i can't think of them
This is the correct answer
> 2.
sales increased with the introduction of the plus phones, because the market wanted larger phones.
if everyone waits for, and buys the iphone x, ASP goes up. if the iphone x is too hard to get and people get the iphone 8 instead, ASP still goes up because the price of the iphone 8 went up in comparison with the iphone 7.
> 4.
the pencil is fine.
I didn't say that the iPhone 6 Plus was the end-of-the-line for Apple - just that, up until then, when you bought an iPhone, you had exactly the same iPhone as anyone else (barring storage size or CDMA/GSM). This simplifies things for everyone involved: Apple can focus all their efforts on making a single SKU great, developers don't need to worry about devices having different features (3D Touch, various resolutions, etc - although admittedly the iPhone 5 was the signal of the end of that era), and consumers have the best end experience ("I have an iPhone, therefore, this accessory that says "supports iPhone" will work, this problem I'm having probably has a widely-known solution, I am basically guaranteed to have app support, etc.). I agree that we won't really know what the impact on Apple as a whole is until the aftermath of the iPhone X, but it's clear from the lackluster launch day sales that the closeness of their releases has negatively impacted their immediate bottom line, and the effect it has on consumer perspective of Apple is yet to be seen.
Regarding 4, I agree - the Pencil is perfectly good. I actually bought an iPad Pro specifically for the tilt detection. But the memes of it sticking out of the bottom of the iPad are all that needs to be said: it looks retarded. It should have come with some sort of docking station like Wacom pens, but with an active charger. Maybe they could have introduced wireless charging (just lay your Pencil ontop of your iPad, and watch the magic!) I don't know that a better solution existed, but considering that a good amount of the allure of Apple products is the status they convey, the Pencil was a momentary blot on Apple's image that could have been avoided.
Link to the apple facegate?
16:10 > 16:9
It's a mathematical fact.
Because 1 billion is a lot of money?
Mostly market saturation.
People who want iphones already have them.
Red ocean businessplan.
The smartphone is almost a perfect invention (perfect in the sense of final).
There is not much to fix or change on it, it already does everything it set up to do and more, and it does it pretty well. The only thing it can do is become cheaper, and Apple is not gonna do that for the next 3 years.
We are now all about IoTs and cloud computing.
>calling it perfect
>still using the same shit technology for batteries since 3310
Things have been tweaked a lot since the 3310.
there were significant changes in each generation, and then changes in the spec bump for a generation, that the developers had to take care/advantage of, i.e. the retina display in the 4, the new screen size of the 5, the touch id of the 5s, force touch in the 6s.
there is an adapter included in the box so that you can charge the pencil from a lightning cable, but no-one can meme on that one.
Could it have something to do with charging a grande for a fucking phone?
apple's laptops would not be remotely competitive by now if they didn't embrace x86.
>$200B """"""cash""""""" in jew tax dodge havens
>only $5B actual cash to run operations
>$100B+ and growing debt to pay for operations
>$100B+ in dodged taxes that governments ALWAYS collect on
>iToddlers think applel cant fall
Literally history's biggest bubble waiting to pop.
If this year your revenue is less than your last year revenue, then there's something wrong with either market, or your product.
Nowadays Apple probably will just blame the market though instead thinking that maybe their products are undesirable.
It's just retards being retards. If you have no idea what you're doing, don't install any apps that sprcifically state that they mess with the system. You don't install disk cleaners or task killers for ios, so why do you suddenly have to now?
>re-use same phone design for 3 years (6 models)
>wonder why no one buys
sounds like you need a certified dumbphone. a large benefit you'll get is a weeks worth of battery life or even greater before needing to recharge it too.