Is this the best Linux distro?

Is this the best Linux distro?

Why did you make this thread?

Cant choose between Hackintosh and Manjaro

>Easier to install than Linux
>Works better than Linux
>More software than Linux

B-B-But its made by Applel

>Evidently doesn't realize every "Linux" has a different installer.
Invaluable opinion. Post hidden.

I've installed anything from Mint to Gentoo and hackintosh was the easiest OS install I've done.

No, it's Gentoo.

>Easier to install than Linux
Try installing that shit in my PC

>using Cinammon
try XFCE

>buy 1700x and high end gpu
>install linux


What's so confusing?

Dual booting Botnet 10 for gaymes would be a better option

But I don't play many games. The only two games that I rarely play is rocket league and shadow of mordor

Go for antergos then

You spent a lot of money on that build. If you just wanted to use linux, you could have gone with the cheapest celeron around. No difference.

>No difference.
How? Concurrent project builds are very slow and impractical in the cheapest celeron. How is that no difference?

It's not a Linux distro at all, you fucking tech illiterate.

Because OP doesn't know what he's talking about.

>>Easier to install than Linux
>>Works better than Linux
Also wrong. Not scalable and it's literally useless for servers and doesn't run at all on embedded stuff.
>>More software than Linux
Still wrong. The amount of software for OS X is so fucking tiny compared to everything else.

Fedora and Debian have better installers with more options. Are you the kind of retard that thinks an OS is hard to install because it lets you pick your own hostname instead "hurr durr blease name le gomputer" or some shit?

Ignore him. He's the kind of retard who only uses computers for social media and fapping.

Look buddy, you are not going to game/video edit/media produce on Linux, there's no point on buying that kind of CPU and GPU for a Linux build.

>Ignore him. He's the kind of retard who only uses computers for social media and fapping.

Wouldn't that be you and him if you're using linux though?

>Wouldn't that be you and him if you're using linux though?
And why is that? Are you one of the retards that thinks that GNU/Linux is still where it was in the 90s?

Literally nothing but retarded shit to do on Linux with high end hardware.

Kill yourself.

>you are not going to game/video edit/media produce on Linux
I am not

>there's no point on buying that kind of CPU and GPU for a Linux build.
I just gave you a hint why your statement is false. Are you retarded by any chance?

>retarded shit
How is compiling projects is ``retarded shit``?

If you think you need a 1700x for software compiling, you're the retard here. And what about the GPU?

See Don't you have a throttling fruity toy to fuck yourself with?

>If you think you need a 1700x for software compiling, you're the retard here.

>And what about the GPU?
What about it?

Nah, I just have a superior intel processor with decent single core performance. Keep being poor and enjoying that used craiglist dildo you poorfuck.

Both your GPU and CPU are unnecesary for software compiling.

You can larp about being a bussiness man that needs their shit compiled in about 5 minutes if you want though.

>servers and embedded stuff
I give you that. More software too, sure. However, when Sup Forums discusses technology, all they care about is the desktop. Mac offers a better desktop experience and offers more quality software for desktop. Most of that software is proprietary and shit but I need it for work. Believe me, I wish all of this ran easily on Linux. I still have Arch on my laptop and I'd be happy to install it back on my desktop too.

GPU isn't for software compiling, nor do I use GPU for it. CPU is essential, and you can't compile software without it.

Now what about my CPU makes it unfit for software compilation?

What CPU do you happen to use?

Pajeet, you are man now. Do you choose lots of cores for less money or two cores for lots of money?


>I just have a superior intel processor with decent single core performance. Keep being poor and enjoying that used craiglist dildo you poorfuck.

when Sup Forums discusses technology, all they care about is the desktop

>Mac offers a better desktop experience

>and offers more quality software for desktop
Made me spit my coffee.

macOS "just werks" also it gives better battery life on applel laptops so no reason to switch to Linux on fagbook.

>However, when Sup Forums discusses technology, all they care about is the desktop.
Demonstrably wrong

>Your opinion
> wrong

>My opinion

grow up manchild

It's not unfit, it's a waste of fucking money.

What are you using that GPU on linux for? displaying xorg?


I'm whiter than you, both spiritually and physically.

>it's a waste of fucking money.
In what sense is that a waste of money? You suggested to get a ``cheap celeron`` and I already told you why is your recommended CPU is unfit for my needs.

>What are you using that GPU on linux for? displaying xorg?
Well yes, Ryzen does not have an iGPU of course

Show specs

I don't own any Apple products and I'm not planning to. I have hackintosh on my desktop and loonix on my laptop.

More than half of Sup Forums are stupid vermin and most of the discussion is about how their hardware runs their video games (e.g. AMD vs. Intel). Rest are either ricers or freetards. Maybe 1% of Sup Forums is interested in technology besides the desktop.

>1% of Sup Forums is interested in technology besides the desktop.
Phoneposters massively outnumber desktop posters

When they are on their desktops, they play video games. When they are in school, they wish they were playing their video games and shitpost about their hardware on Sup Forums.

>I'm whiter than you, both spiritually and physically.
t. Pajeet

MacOS doesn't use the Linux Kernel. It's not Linux.

You are describing Sup Forums


Wow you didnt get the joke did you...

I like how OP is getting buttfucked.
Just another typical day of a mactoddler

You could have saved money with lower end components you fucking autist, you don't need that GPU to render fucking xorg and you could have saved like 200 on that cpu for software compiling.

Here you go, blank spaces are for privacy.

Just use Ubuntu. It's very easy to try out any of the other desktop variants on it, in fact one command will install xfce, kde, mate, budgie or whatever and you can switch between them at login.

You are not making any sense. My GPU were $230, so if you are suggesting me to get rid of it are you telling me to use that money in intel CPUs? Which one would it be? And how do you think buying a motherboard with the compatible chipset would be cheaper in the long run?

Furthermore, do you think an iGPU can take as much as stress as the RX570?


You could have gotten an rx 550 or something.
You could have gotten a ryzen 5.

>Furthermore, do you think an iGPU can take as much as stress as the RX570?

Behold, Tux Racer.

>You could have gotten a ryzen 5.
Ryzen 5 is not as good at multi-threading as Ryzen 7. When Ryzen came out, I made up my mind to get an R7 because intel was no where near as 16 threads in the same price bracket

>You could have gotten an rx 550 or something.
I guess I could, yeah. There isn't much difference in price between anyway

>Behold, Tux Racer.
What exactly do you mean?

>What exactly do you mean?
Are you autistic? Seriously now.

>I guess I could, yeah. There isn't much difference in price between anyway

GPU prices are fucked as of now, so yeah, now it'd be more expensive.

What I'm trying to say is that, that grade of hardware is something you'd use on Windows, not on Linux. And compiling software doesn't require that many threads unless you have ADHD or work at MS or some shit.


sleep deprivation

>that grade of hardware is something you'd use on Windows, not on Linux.
Where did you get that laughable idea from?

>And compiling software doesn't require that many threads unless you have ADHD
How are ADHD and ``working at MS`` related to concurrent builds?


fuck you 10/10

how did you make your Fedora look so faggy?