Is Bing objectively better than a Google in present year?
Is Bing objectively better than a Google in present year?
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Who the hell is this george guy
Is this some liberal forced meme, because I have never heard of him
it doesn't insert adsense partner sites into the results so yeah
If you had to start knowledge from scratch you would have to choose Google.
Their list of scientists are more diverse and would have better insigns and creations.
He invented peanut butter.
I don't know about Bing vs Google, but Bing Images vs Google Images is no contest.
The edison of peanut butter.
It takes a lot of resolve, intelligence and creativity to come up with something like crushing nuts into a paste.
Do you know how many times I've heard of this guy as being a "black inventor?" Quite a few. And I never thought anything of it. But now I'm starting to think, is this like the apex of black inventions or something? Peanut Butter? How the fuck is this guys name up on a list with the person who discovered relativity, and the person who pioneered pretty much all of everything electrical?
There's a very empty barrel of african inventors and they really need to scrape.
Sucks since there are lots of good scientific articles written by africans full of good research, but it's in something obscure that the normalshitters can't understand.
So grinding some produce to a paste is
>relativity tier
>3phase current tier
>wired communication tier
I can't wait until this culture war develops into a full blown civil war
>Neil deGrasse Tyson instead of Tesla
RIP Google.
god damn, I thought you were joking about peanut butter, but just checked it, in case..
Damn, I don't really have any words for this..
Well, Bing pays me to use their search engine, so Bing is better.
Einstein was German
Einstein was American.
Deal with it Yuros.
>anything other than a fraud
No wonder the peanut butter guy makes it into the list.
well bing actually displays the entire information without shortening words, that's already superior
also waddup with saying einstein and tesla were "americans"? they were refugees at best, that's borderline misinformation
They both had US citizenship.
Bell was even less American than them.
People oblivious are obviously referring to their nationalities when doing these search rather than citizenship.
Otherwise you could list Guccio Gucci and Giorgio Armani as British fashion designers and Gerard Depardieu as a famous Russian actor.
>>anything other than a fraud
>No wonder the peanut butter guy makes it into the list.
So is edison.
Definitely. You get money for using it too, made $25 already this year.
>not using duckduckgo
Except he didn't actually invent peanut butter. The Aztecs were making peanut butter-like foods as early as the 15th century.
We had peanut butter long before photography, dumbass.
Invented crop rotations, I think?
he invented watermelons
You make it sound like they're ranking them by importance or something.
They're probably listed by hits. Hardly Neil's fault if he is more popular than Tesla.
No because tesla is not American
Looking at this picture I understand that Google uses searing algorithm based on Jewish SJW think tank approved by PC police. Bing on the other hand uses algorithm based on retardation and knowledge of your average Americlap.
Nice source there.
Didn't know People now beling to the country they die in.
He war born in Germany , as if any Amerifat could be as smart as him.
Almost all infuential Scientists were born in Europe. Get fucked you filthy Police State
>He invented peanut butter.
according to American Dad he didn't
>George Washington Carver
>Benjamin Franklin
>Nikola Tesla
>Alexander Graham Bell
>James Watson
There are no such things as Americans.
>Nikola Tesla
krepaj četniče usrani
hows that refugee cock treating ya
>feeding microsoft just to spite google
true Sup Forums shit posting.
fuck Sup Forums im out
Grandfather Nigger invented peanut butter.
Fucking kill me
Why does bing show me videos from YouTube only even when I search for porn? Safesearch is off.
>google is literally revisionist history and propaganda; the service
Phoebe from friends - That is brand new information!.mp3
bing is only good for porn
the video search is better than searching in one porn site
Lol even ancient people sumerans and babylonians knew about crop rotation
quite a setup for some peenutputtter
really ferments my sauerkraut
Tesla was a Serb born to an orthodox priest.
Niko Tesaka was Japanese.
Apparently, it's the same except Bing struggles to work with NoScript et al. on. Must be the "African American" string being matched.
>mashed up legumes
>an invention
pick one
feels good not being an amerishart
>b-but he wasn't American! He was born in some no name shitter Yuro country then moved to America !
Listen up Yuroshitters, when you move to the US, you become an American, that's how it's it's always been. Because America isn't just a landmass, it's an idea, a concept, something poor, backwards Yuro peasants could never understand. A Serbian who moves to the US is American. A German who moves to the US is an American. You're just butthurt that everyone left your medieval mudholes for the Land of the Free.
Then why is it only america where everyone goes "I'm 76/89ths german, 4/56ths Native american and 4/5.54ths african!"
No other country speaks about their genetic makeup like this.
>diversity over significance
Yeah peanut butter is better than ac current.
Niklas Teslasson was Swedish.
Turns out, if you change your default search engine to Bing on Chrome, you get a new new tab screen
No one does this really
Unless someone specifically asks where are your ancestors from
European here, every single American tourist I ask gives an answer like that. I specifically have to ask where in the US they're from to get a more sane answer. Gets particularly ridiculous if they claim to be Irish.
Four words:
There’s lots of Irish in America.
This. Bing image and video search is far superior. Some friends spent 10 minutes to trying to find a YouTube video uploaded by an old middle school friend 12 years ago. YouTube and google weren't even close despite unique wording. I showed them the power of bing video search: first search first result.
Google does have better voice recognition. Bing's feels at least a year behind.
>It's another "Sup Forums doesn't understand how algorithms work" episode
DuckDuckGo >= Google > Bing
I like it when people say I'm 1/3 of something. How the fuck does that happen?
Google fucked their search up badly, was so much better 8 years ago.
Why does Google give me results for nigga when I searched for nigger?
Because the person who got your particular search query was a fucking kike.
Yeah it's weird that it took thousands of years to figure it out huh?
/s (just in case)
This. You can’t even search with “” really.
Then you have to search like a pleb and ask questions like a pleb would instead of identifying keywords.
i use bing simply out of google spite. it's honestly slightly inferior in search results but it gets the job done 99% of the time
the only times i still use google are:
>cross ref bing w/ esoteric tech issues
>directions - anything beyond basic map use with bing is pain
>RIS from this very site
>not using startpage
I just get sick of google delisting so much shit I automatically go to bing when I'm making specific searches nwo.
i tried yahoo for a week before bing 2 years ago looking for escape from the capital G gravity well. try to use yahoo for a day... it doesn't even make sense to me anymore
the google algorithm is make you think you're being sucked off while making sure you're the one with the dick in your mouth when the music stops
Einstein wasn't American. He was a whiny jew.
Apple Maps has improved drastically.
His own father was born in England. So he was the first of his father's line to be born in America. On his mother's side, only his mother was born in America - both of her parents were born in England as well. So one of Franklin's parents, and all four of his grandparents, were born in England.
Why the hell didn't you guys ship the slaves back to Africa? That's what I'll never understand.
ITT: Sup Forumstards get triggered by an algorithm
Literally SJW-tier bullshit guys.
>Implying America does not have the greatest inventor Steve Jobs
Checkmate eurpoors.
>no diversity
Wtf britbongs.
Stop searching google for your interracial cuck fetishes.
They both died, willingly, as Americans. Deal with it you piece of shit European.
Okay to the Carver thing, he didn't invent peanut butter but he made serious advancements in agriculture as well as making various synthetic products through his knowledge of plant biology many of which (such as plastics and fibers) he made from peanuts. His legacy had as much impact as nitrogen-based fertilizers.