Will its full potential ever be realized?
Will its full potential ever be realized?
Took several years, but finally now, it's potential is being used to it's best.
FX is a great CPU for even 2017.
AMD has Ryzen again
Some things are just too ahead of their time and I think Ryzen is one of those things.
I still use my shitty fx4100
Full potential being what? Bulldozer and the subsequent Piledriver refresh were meant to be high clocking monsters to make up for their lack of IPC. However the chips were more leaking than AMD planned, and thus, nothing went to plan.
If you're referring to DX12 actually taking off and AMD's moar coars idea finally bearing fruit. Then yea, sure. But Ryzen is better in every single way than FX and also benefits from DX12.
Í still using my FX 4300 @ 4.5 and buttersmooth as my workstation, with 16gb RAM I don't see any difference with my I7 6700 that now I only use for games
>tfw [email protected]
Paid like 180$ for it when it was new.
Did the FX CPUs have anything over Intel during their release?
not in a way that Sup Forums would like, Bulldozers were good CPU's. They were strong and cheap. The "problem" was that AMD didn't pull off any jewish tricks with the first core.
They were worse than Phenoms II.
paid like 160 CAD for it 4 and a half years ago
going strong
AMD should have just continued development of the k10.5 architecture rather than fucking around with the CMT meme. Pic related.
>4c vs 4c
>17.4% clock advantage for bulldozer
>Only 1.4% faster
Bulldozer was worse than the thuban chips in every way possible, and piledriver is at best barely better given 2 additional cores and significantly higher clock speeds. Are they good enough? Sure, but don't act like these chips are just sitting there massively under utilized.
If you do real nigga shit like edit video, then you've been using it to it's full potential.
>Did the FX CPUs have anything over Intel during their release?
They scaled better in heavily multithreaded applications. That was it.
No, they were worse than Phenom II's in most aspects just like Intel's first gen of Pentium 4's were worse than Pentium III's. They had good multithread but the horrible IPC meant it couldn't really compete with Intel's high end.
What potential? It needed higher clockspeeds than it was capable of achieving. If AMD had released a Steamroller desktop CPU at 6GHz maybe but that never happened.
I love living in the future.
>being proud of a Ryzen at 3.75GHz
Me too, user.
Some specific server setup probably already did.
Considering it finishes 3 minutes earlier than Bulldozer at 6.1GHz or Phenom II at 5.2GHz, yeah.
Looks like fast RAM means a lot for this test.
I also have a 144mhz core advantage. Superpi tests everything, and is fairly memory dependant, yeah. I think it's also storage dependant, I should put it on my ssd and retest, but don't really want to bother.
There's an entire wiki dedicated to maximizing the performance of it, whereas I left basically everything running and went about my business while letting it run in the background. Those two benchmark scores I posted are also using optimized windows 7 installs with as little software running as possible to get the best possible score. So keep that in mind when comparing the ryzens to them.
>Using a trickshot editor
>real nigga shit
I use my FX-8350 since I bought it at launch, does lots of shit simultaneously well. I have a lot of stuff I leave in the background. (p2p clients, browser, bitcoin wallet, other draining shit)
I noticed mine never lags even with a ton of shit open or when it's rendering video, people often overlook the that this thing has a 8mb of L2 cache to go with it's 8mb of L3 cache. which makes it great for rendering, despite not being nearly as high end and expensive a platform as X99 or something.
Is your thermal sensor broken? 10 °C is too cold, unless your room is even colder. Condensation is dangerous for electronics.
The temperature on amd fx is only accurate under load.
It was early in the morning and the CPU was idling at 1.4GHz at the lowest VID all night, my load temp is 58C, just find that particular speccy snap entertaining.
god tier combo
SSD is a nice touch, right?
>full potential
>4 shitty floating point modules and 8 integer modules nobidy asked for
>pipeline more ridiculous than i9 bingbus
Its simply shit, there's no secret hidden piwer to bulldoser, AMD went for high clocks over IPC trying to mimic pen4 commercial success while also borking this "8" cores that arent real but softwate thinks they are its a complete mess.
Theres not one good idea in Bulldiser.
>that sexy sliver and red single slot GPU
2013 ipc with 2009 clocks, 2future