Stickers make everything look cooler ;^)
Stickers make everything look cooler ;^)
Other urls found in this thread:
can i put arch stickers on my stuff if i use manjaro
i dont wanna be a poser
just don't tell anyone c;
Reminder, if you don't have a GNU sticker by now, you're supporting evil software doers
no stickers is ideal
one sticker is acceptable (depending on the sticker)
a billion stickers covering every inch of the top is garbage
a few stickers that don't even fully cover the top is worse than garbage
I like a few stickers when they are laid out correctly
These threads are gay and don't belong on Sup Forums.
I found the cuck
do you get a lot of boypussy?
give me good vector art to print at work
Like what kind of stuff u want?
>recommending White Border (tm) Redbubble
Wish I was at home I've been making stuff recently here's something random but it's in png it's not meant to be anything just practicing
I like the white borders
just waiting this thread, thx Sup Forums to make me sticker autist.
Like my stickers? ;)
My laptop's cuter than yours!
women are not allowed on this board
What do you guys think? :)
Not as good as mine!
>Like my stickers> ;)
No, they all look normie and mainstream as fuck.
Also not sure why you had to have your expensive iPhone and Nike shoes in the picture, you materialistic bitch! ;)
Also mine
I like your Lain, we need more lain
Jelly much?
do they make pepe decals that light up with the apple logo on a macbook air?
that poopy coffee mug stain tho
>I'm an autistic weeaboo and I want the whole world to know Edition.
where2find cool designs? i can only think of anime/vidya shit on redbubble... tho I'd still like an Eva + something vidya, even if a bit contrived.
where can i get more like the Japan one on the far right?
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Any EU fag here have good recommendations for sticker shops inside EU?
I don't feel like paying jew money to customs.
They know and i still get girls
>do they make pepe decals that light up with the apple logo on a macbook air?
They can be made as a custom order from a website like "", but I'm not familiar with the pricing.
If you want an idea for the design, I've made this picture here for you. Let me know what you think.
do you bring your anime clad laptop in public pham?
2D girls don't count bud
pretty much as clean and as aesthetic as you can get with stickers, noice
Where to cop the gucci sticker?
What anime is the eye sticker from?
I forgot...
breakfast food test road
i don't like stickers on laptops for the most part, but this is tasteful. pretty good
nah he's probably not kidding about getting real girls, it's just that they're probably whales.
Just another day at the office
The pepe needs to be bigger. Also that's not how butts work. So like the sideways 3 looking part should be on the top. Those don't even look lile legs, just green boxing gloves.