Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

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>linus tech tips
I'd rather get hit by a mule.


Tip of the Day: these guys sent me money, buy their shit!

How about

>3 reasons not to buy two 80k cinema-grade cameras to film your shitty youtube channel when one 2.5k a7sii would work just as well

what a mug


Funny because his videos still look like shit compared to MKBHD who has a slightly lower version of the camera

>buying an expensive camera but not knowing how to use it

Even some amateur photographer make better videos with Sony A6300.

Bad light plus poor edition or color grade make horrible videos.

Hey Linus. I would kidnap and torture you given the chance.

>a nine minute video to explain 3 points
What a moron
I hate youtubers that do this shit, they make like 30 minute long videos to say something that could've been explained in a quick sentence

>implying the manlet has a functioning appendage down there
dude, that voice tone is not some random shit. LinusShill is a dickless fag

Go out and buy an expensive camera, only to use it on youtube were every video gets a shitty compression

>he doesn't buy a used chinkpad

>didn't say "buy a used one"

Thank god, I don't want normies getting redpilled on that.


you did this to yourself

I only watch the videos for the 7/10 jap with cute hands

Why does he have retarted ass thumb nails

>thumb nails

If he hits 10min they can drop another ad in

Source on any good ones?