
>be me, 20y/o kissless handholdless virgin
>first week of uni
>ok, let's try this socialize thing
>some plain girl sitting in front of me
>'hey what's your name?'
>'do you like GNU/Linux?'
>'what's your favorite programing language?'
>'emacs or vim?'
>tfw she doesn't understand a thing and thinks I'm mispronouncing words
>looks at me weirded out and turns away
how am I supposed to socialize when normies are unironically this stupid?

Other urls found in this thread:


so did you get arrested?

you should in fucking jail you fatass useless pedo weeaboo neckbeard faggot

you're supposed to ask where she went to high school, what her favorite classes was, where she's from and why she chose this uni and major.

fuck off nigger white knight cuck

Regular Arch user

is that really how you're supposed to do it? ask stupid shit nobody cares about anyway? the fuck do I care where some stranger went to high school at.

You have reached the point of no return. Enjoy your mage powers at 30.

Yes. You don't actually need to remember any of the answers.

Oh shit, that's some golden stuff, gonna have to screencap this shit.

That's a windows user.

Was it a CS class? If so, murder that bitch in her sleep.

so why ask them in the first place then? I don't get it.

Stop being an autist and talk about normal things.

Fucking children. 25yo handholdless here.

OP fucking reeks of underage redditor trying to be le funny. This thread fucking sucks.

For me,
>overhear convo between girl and l337 hackathon asian in CS math
>"have you ever played CS?" hackathon asks
>"no, I like more strategy games like RimWorld"
>ya boy HAS to step in here
>"ever play DF?"
>"no." you can't have everything
>but gain study partner the rest of semester
>technically two because hackathon sticks around, always sitting with us but clearly only interested in talking to her
Also never took it further because she had a bf and I'm not that interest in relationships. To wit,
>an also cuuuute girl sat next to me in another CS class the other day
>asks me for help
>I help her
>take no further initiative because chasing hormones instead of grades is top kek silly shit
But, yes, you kind of have to tailor your interactions to the situation, user. Also be attractive. But I recommend being based enough to not care about any of this shit.

Don't think too much about it. Just know you will come across as a reasonable person, compared to if you start talking about GNU/Linux for example.

also, both her and hackathon saved my ass several times on projects. Don't deprecate social interaction, but maintain rational motives.


>first week of uni
>classmates keep trying to make conversation
>this weirdo with a speech impediment sitting behind me can't keep quiet
>"Hay wass o neem"
>"O yy aik gee nn oo slahh li'iks"
>"As yyr heiwit pragmangi lanwhish"
>"Imecs ar vaim"
>can't understand a word but try to converse anyways
>eventually give up
I just want to get back home to my little programming projects, why do they let retards like this in our schools?

>be killsed handholdless virgin
>have that god tier fucking awesome room
>still not happy because he never sticked his dick into a hole


>cringe weebshit
>awesome room

>Also never took it further because she had a bf and I'm not that interest in relationships. To wit,
>an also cuuuute girl sat next to me in another CS class the other day
>asks me for help
>I help her
>take no further initiative because chasing hormones instead of grades is top kek silly shit

Yeah, keep telling yourself you won here.

id trade my hole fucking memories for a god tier weeb room any day

>Second month at uni
>Girl from my statistics class asks for my number
>The only time she texts me is when she wants home work answers
Should i start giving the dumb thot blatantly wrong answers?


such winning

whats depressing is the faggots on this site acting like their lives are worthless because they havent fucked some cunt. you only feel good 4-5 days the first time you do it and barely a couple hour the other times. its useless just buy a robot if you want to fuck a hole this badly

they did this to me too. what did they mean by this? are they just using me?

theyre using you ugly fucks while they slobber on chad thundercocks dick

>actually start talking to some guy in class
>not spilling spaghetti, feel pretty good
>he emails me basically asking for my code for an assignment

lol fucking normies eat a dick

show tits

>assuming it's a girl
girls don't exist user

Looks comfy

It's a deeper concept than it seems, for those curious: encyclopediadramatica.rs/No_girls_on_the_internet

I mean if you're actually going to ask those questions, make sure that they would even have a chance of knowing what you're talking about. Like, asking a sophomore computer science student.

That's the fucked up part about this world. There is no logic to it. There's no reason. The more you try to figure it out the less it makes sense. It's supposed to be about the communication or something, personally I couldn't give less of a shit and I don't give enough of a shit to pretend to give a shit so I just don't talk to anyone it's much much easier

You don't. The end game is getting your dick wet, boring conversation is a means to an end. Always strike with the wanna go on a date or go home with me your stuff after you make them laugh.

Making people laugh is easy though.

>OP fucking reeks of underage redditor trying to be le funny. This thread fucking sucks.

still, accurate portrayal of 99% of the people on this board

Are you people really that self-cucked? Reading this thread makes me feel like a Chad

>be me
>steady girlfriend for 7 years
>work at PC repair shop the last couple months
>get flirted with by every milf that comes in
>spent today flirting with a cute 21yr old who gave me her email address
>hacked, disappointed to find no nudes
>will just ask her for some one day

pic related, forgot to add it to my post

>Should i start giving the dumb thot blatantly wrong answers?
C'mon man, don't give her any answers. That's cheating and that's a sin. What if she was a guy, would you do the same thing?

Why do you want sex so badly? I'm a virgin and couldn't care less. I'd like to be with a girl I like but if you just want to relieve yourself can't you just jerk off?