Just been given lenovo Thinkpad x200s for work what should I do with it?

Just been given lenovo Thinkpad x200s for work what should I do with it?

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Install software useful for your job and use it for work.

I already have a Lenovo Ideapad with the same specs which is more modern.

this is the laptop given to you by your work, you should work on it instead

This, if you know what's good for you.

Throw it in the trash.

Flash the BIOS with libreboot.

>tfw no x200
>tfw no job


Ignore this guy.

Don't put any trannyboot (core/libre) on your Thinkpad.

Was not planning on doing anything like that.

Go fuck yourself you freedom hating bootlicker

You should.

Ignore this guy Instead of flashing with trannyboot, flash it with a modded/whitelisted bios.

install gentoo

Is Ubuntu good enough?


Nigger detected

I'd install Fedora instead

Ignore this guy Install libreboot, it will DOUBLE your vRAM and let you use any wifi chip, because it's a BIOS that actually respects your freedom and fundamental human rights as a computer user.

Yes, if you use the GNU+Linux-libre kernel and disable the nonfree repos.

add ram, ssd,
replace wifi module with atheros wifi module,
replace battery,
purchase flashing kit,
flash bios to libreboot,
install trisquel, tlp

ignore these guys install hardened gentoo and emerge all network-facing applications with CFI instead

Ignore this guy Trannyboot it's incompatible with Window. It's
very messy with it.

If you have a REAL job, won't be using hobbyst/freetard software in your machine.

Just put more RAM on it and an SSD and you'll be fine without those trannyboot shit.

Install Libreboot and OpenBSD

No I'm kidding, this is a work computer, so it fucking depends of OP's work. If OP needs to work with Mach or needs some proprietary firmware, go for Windows. If OP is a backend developer, go for Fedora or Qubes OS. If OP is a sysadmin, go for OpenBSD.

>Trannyboot it's incompatible with Window.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Go fuck yourself bootlicker.

> You say that like it's a bad thing
Why use a BIOS that's it's compatible only with a pair of distros when you can use a real BIOS that can be used with any OS out there? (Including Windows, Linux distros and Mac OS)

Keep being a freetard.

No, while it's the best Loonix distro that just werkz, don't do anything to your laptop other than anything work related, so unless your work requires you to use a linxu distro, don't.

No dumb dumb, Libreboot is compatible with ALL linux distros and BSD

I do web design

I am thinking off installing more ram and a SSD any recommendations?

Specs on your machine?

>given lenovo Thinkpad x200s for work

>for work

>what should I do with it?

Get an SSD
Upgrade to 8GB RAM, it's not technically supported but it will work with the right memory modules
Use these newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIADRH5UV1676
I have them in several X200 and they work great
Replace the wifi chip with an atheros AR9380
You'll need core/libreboot or a whitelist BIOS to use that
New keyboards/palmrests are very cheap on ebay if they need to be replaced


Celeron and 2GB of RAM

In that case, disregard everything in this thread and dispose of it in the nearest trash can.

>disable the nonfree repos
nice meme