Software engineer

Why are you not a software engineer yet?

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I am you dumb fuck nigger.

chinky looks like she sucks some mean dick

It's boring and autistic job. Fits most of the Sup Forums though

I am but I don't spend an hour in commute every day because someone forces me to work on a computer located at a specific location.

Was already during university. Rather like my manager position. I am better at reviewing code and security than writing it.

>1.5 hours of public transportation
>instruments laying around, looks like a fucking mess of a lobby
>patreon shirt
>la croix
>patreon thermos
>going outside office to get coffee even though office has a coffee maker
>another 1.5 hours of public transportation
tech crash when?

>tech crash when?
when the advertising bubble pops

Am going through degree right now.
Pretty comfy desu
I like studying CS and EE on the side, but SE is better for landing a solid job to keep myself afloat. Especially for game design.

Most of that start up companies are already just bubbles. They are living off of sponsors with the future goal of maybe sometimes make profit. Most only have user information as real value and they can do shit with it. They are even missing rare software assets. (source: was co founder of a tech company and gtfo after seeing nothing inovative someone couldn't have created in his living room, was produced)
My guess is, it may take about 5 years till the next tech crash.


Is she /ourgirl/?

>game design
>solid job
You're in for some reality check. Gamedev is more soul-crushing than doing backends for banks. It's more soul-crushing than doing drivers/firmware for samsung. And it pays way less than both.
Do yourself a favour and go to fintech for a few years, save up some money, you will get more than enough in fintech and then get some friends to makea game with you. Don't. Fucking. Work. In. Gamedev. You'll burn out in few years.

Well my plan was just to get a full-time easy job that could me afloat then dev on my free time.
Starting out with small, simple games one guy can do, then eventually getting bigger and bigger and getting more people to work with until I can full time game dev.

How old are you at the moment? Have you finished any games so far? Doesn't matter if they have been commercial or non-commercial. Mainly asking because I can see my younger self in those plans of yours.

I sincerely doubt you can make worthwhile game while working fulltime as a dev. Provided you (plan to) have a family, it would take too long with the little time you have for yourself.
Getting a highly lucrative job for few years and saving is better for your health and comes with the bonus of actually making it possible to put out some quality game. The market is oversaturated with crap so it's hard to make a living out of some shitty half-assed prototypes. You need a several man-years to make even a simple game that's polished enough to be a pleasurable experience. People working on their own stuff are also highly susceptible to feature creep for some reason so chances are your simple game will end up being just a monstrosity made of bunch of unfinished ideas.
Games are hard to make, in every measure. Programming? Hard. Art? 90% of the budget or you can ship it with a warning: "vomit-inducing". Marketing as an indie? Better fuck me in the ass. Coming up with a good concept? All of the above. Not saying it's impossible, it isn't, but you need some serious dedication to finish a game, not just as an indie, it is standard to sleep over in work as a gamedev. And the AAA games have insane budgets and insane man-hours put into them, they are still mostly shit. Indies are even worse, you get a few gems in an ocean of bullshit.

I like the way this thread is going. Do you perhaps have firsthand experience either from the AAA side or the indie side of things? Or have you done gamedev as a hobby?

>when the advertising bubble pops
please... stop.. you will be hurt too

Not that user, did it as an hobby. Was asked to start a patreon by some hundred people because I revamped a 2000ish cult game for android.
Best hint I can give: first learn propper programming in a company and then start your game. You will need that knowledge, since most games nowadays need to be on phone if indie and for that speed and processing time matters. Noone nowadays plays a shitty optimized unity game.

For PC games you need a fundraiser and a team, a one man stunt for bigger games is infeasable.

>Why are you not a software engineer yet?

What education do I need to be a software engineer
I had to take one programming class in college and I was shit at it

Thanks for subscribing to my blog.
I've been in AAA gamedev working on engine (which means mostly developing tools for the engine, contrary to popular belief) for 3 years in the PS3 era, it was my first job and it was a great company. But i was not willing to slave art team, listening to their bullshit for 70k so i got back to yuropoor. Started working in formal methods and stayed, i get paid more, work less and work on *hard* problems which i enjoy. Also overtime forbidden, yay!
Good point with the engine, but. If you want to roll your own engine that doesn't suck, that's 2 more man-years. I'm not familiar with the android ecosystem, but even on consoles, which are/were very streamlined, it took a lot of effort to make an engine (the art was mostly done by the time we were finishing the engine and i wasn't there for the first few months of development). Even a 2d engine is a big workload, so on PC i definitely wouldn't bother writing my own with so many options to use, unless it was for fun/education or the game really, really really needed some feature that required some heavy bending of the engine (like an mmo which you will never ever make as a one guy).


I'm not talking about big games at first. Just small 2D things with simple but fun concepts.
As far as dedication goes, this is the only thing keep me from offing myself so.

>Why are you not a software engineer yet?
Because I'm a web developer.

if i had a dollar every time youtube/google algos are trying to feed me videos and then i see them on Sup Forums

I'm watching you.

I'm perfectly fine being a sysadmin here at my local hospital desu

For some reason I dislike being "forced" to code shit I dislike.

Im a network engineer.
Pure software jobs are sucking the life out of you

Because they cannot govnocode!

I assume you didn't work as a developer yet so i'll just tell you right now: you won't want to touch a computer after working for 8-10 hours on meaningless shit. Your options are:
Fintech where you can offset the burnout by the monetary rewards you get. But you need to be good to get a good position. Analysis, measure theory, probability and stats are your new best friends.
Formal methods where you avoid burnout altogether by good monetary reward, challenging problems to solve and not having to program meaningless shit for 8-10 hours straight. Your new best friends are all the logics you didn't know existed (from propositional, to temporal, or better yet, learn model theory), algebra (universal and homological), analysis, algebraic topology, category theory, basically whole CS math curicullum. Also coq, haskell and C if yuropoor.
Figuring out which area of IT you enjoy, besides gamedev and embedded and going there so you don't get disgusted by the look of a keyboard. Good candidates: networking, robotics, DBs (research).
Even a small 2d game takes a lot of effort. Take a look at Casey Muratory, his game is at what? A man-year? He didn't even start with gameplay yet, just the engine. And he's by no means a begginner, he's an industry veteran. Sure he works with a C++--, but he knows his shit quite well and you wouldn't want to use many more features of C++ than he does anyway. Don't be decieved by how fast you can put up a working prototype of a game, polishing it is what takes gargantuan portion of the schedule.

>you won't want to touch a computer after working for 8-10 hours on meaningless shit
I worked in gamedev and didn't have this happen to me. I mostly just wanted to be done with the work assigned to me so I could work on my own side projects.

Did you ever consider maybe she has patreon shit because she works for patreon?

I'm a software engineer down the street and I drink many cans of la croix a day and I spend more time getting coffee than working. You virgins could be a rich unproductive chad like me if you knew how to have an offline conversation.

I wish I had your motivation. During the workday I think about side projects and get excited about them, but by the time I get home I just wanna watch youtube and game.

she yearns for the WHITE COCK

What is this meme about?

I made the first thread with her. She's mine, faggot.

What position? I mostly see juniors or gameplay programmers say this. Pretty much everyone on the engine team burned out at some point, though we had a guy that did demos in all his free time. I know many of them stayed there after taking 4 months off because the team was awesome. It's inevitable to burn out when you're pretty much living in the office and get home maybe at sunday just to sleep, and that's how most AAAs operate because of the insane deadlines (which are even worse these days than back then), of course not always but there are critical phases where you have to do that shit.

web developer === software developer && software developer === software engineer

At least, lots of people seem to think so. I'd personally never call myself an engineer, but a software developer is acceptable.

I don't really give a shit. It's not like it matters. I am a B.Eng and I write software for a living, but my official title is web developer so I'm using that.

We say software engineer in the valley because it sounds better. Companies have engineering blogs, not developing blogs.

Oh fuck... What a bitch.
Have you noticed too how everyone seems to be pissed she's filming instead of working?
And what kind of shit did she wrote?
> typedef an enum for integers?
Did she tried to write an enum for all positive integers and claim it as a new datatype? She must be really good at sucking dicks to work as "Software Engineer"...

Mainly because I'm an electrical engineer

>t. never worked with objC
It's a new standard way of defining enums in objC
Needless to say, objC is shit.

javascript hipsters have degraded the term engineer

Because I wanted to be an electrical engineer and then I decided I wanted to be a mathematician; but now I think I might want to be a software engineer.

Deep learning and machine learning crash when?
Eventually non-techsavvy investors are going to realize that they are being duped by sillyval bros into dumping tons of money into what is essentially a dumb trial by error algorithm.

>mfw i had a comfy web dev job where i could be as unproductive as shit
>voices in my head tell me to quit work
>sporadically quit work one day

i fucking hate life..

There's nothing wrong with javascript, faggot. It's a good all-around language. It's not 2009 anymore.

There's some genuine progress being made in ML with tools from topology with some possibilities in more advanced math. Shame it's all hidden behind the insane pseudolanguage that ML papers are full of. It might even be an interesting field if you bite the bullet and filter out the nonsense. I wouldn't expect ML to crash anytime soon, if ever. It's just so much of meaningless buzzwords that investors can't see through it, so as long as there is some progress, it will be the best thing ever in their eyes. And if the time comes when the investors stop pouring money, they can scrap the pseudolanguage and describe it in proper mathematical terms and it will be "revolution" once again. Then it will even be an approachable topic.

That's not the question that matters here.

The question is why is she a software engineer? As she clearly states, her kind of job is just to use some programming language to retrieve data from some database to display information in apps.

That is a job for a software technician, having an SE degree is overkill.

Is like doing Electronics Engineering and work repairing TVs, same job any technician could do (not even in the tertiary level)

*all of Sup Forums

>be an se
>get paid to look at pajeet's java EE spaghetti code, go to meetings with gurpreet, helpout bupinder after he's slacked me his latest stack trace for the 20th time today

yeah this is really great

what about actual game DESIGN, not game programming? i.e. coming up with ideas and game mechanics?

I hear the game dev industry has a MASSIVE shortage of ideas guys. You should definitely approach game developers and see if they'll program your game idea for free, since you have such great ideas!

Good luck getting a job, every studio is full. You can't just do design, you have to work up to it. You need some skill, preferably programming because every retard can dream up some game and made up some rules. A game designer should know what's feasible, programmatically.
As an indie, you could. But you'd have to hire people to do the game for you.

>I wouldn't expect ML to crash anytime soon.

The world is too complex for ML to fail. The problem is that the models developed as a result of ML aren't accurate enough, even with literal petabytes of data.

Too many investors think you can just grab a load of data and make money with ML. But if you don't know wtf you're trying to learn with it, it's not always going to be useful.

You have to make a bunch of little games first. I'm gonna give you a personalised career path to follow:

Learn UE4, do the monthly game jams on their forums. Make games for Ludlum Dare or any other game jam. Lurk /agdg/ on /vg/. After you have enough mini projects under your belt apply for an intern position at a dev shop.

God, I hate people who can only say but not do.

No degree
No portfolio or github
No network or connections to bypass HR filters
No 10 years of minimum experience required even for entry level jobs
No resume full of every possible buzzword skills
No confidence and imposer syndrome

Web development isn't that hard though. I'm dumb as fuck and do full stack web development.

Friend's job is to go to small businesses, consult with them, and then utilize technology (90% of the time custom software, but may have some hardware components to it like RFID or something) to help businesses be more efficient or grow. Would Sup Forums consider him a software engineer?



Do NOT do internships for game studios unless in uni and for a studio you absolutely want to work for. You won't get to touch anything meaningful for your personal growth. There are very few game companies that let interns talk into the development, for a good reason.
Do little prototype games, create some skeleton of a game that you can use for all of them so you can really focus on the game, not the technical stuff and try to put every idea you have into a prototype. See what works and what doesn't, in what contexts, identify the good parts, try to bind them together to learn how to do that, polish at least one of the prototypes so you have something to focus on later when you get interviewed. Get at least a bachelor and apply to any position with that portfolio. You're guaranteed an interview where they will ask you about your portfolio. If you had that polished prototype that stands out, it will be about it. 5-10 years later, if you were actively bringing up issues with the design and solutions to them, and generally provided good feedback on the design, you might get promoted to designer. Alternatively, with 10 years in the industry under your belt, you can apply to designer position and have a chance to get hired in the very unlikely case that there's such a position open.

>algebra (universal and homological), analysis, algebraic topology, category
What does any of this have to do with fintech?

maybe ted was right after all

she's cute, I wish I could sit next to her and then have her sit on my face after a long day's work

>Come back from long night at work
>See this response
I guess, you don't know, what quality assurance is? Whenever someone pushes a job I have to test his shit and look at quality improvements most of the team gives a fuck about.

As a Haskell/Idris weenie I'm very interested in formal methods, but I thought that space was only open to academics. What does one have to do to get into formal methods as a developer?

cause im a sysadmin and drink too much to write good code right now

my bash scripts and meager python/xml/json/other random onesy-twosy understanding get me by

its a small shop though so everything is my baby and it keeps me up at night a lot. just waiting for that IM/SMS/call/alert

the simple things in life are often the best

but broski senpai you'll miss band practice and vegan pizza

I'm not saying your job is useless. I'm saying you are not good at your job and someone capable should replace you.

Talking about that is useless, neither of us can prove anything here. But before starting as dev I was 6 years in QA and debugging. I have a hand for finding bugs and seeing cases, that could happen, most people can't see.
But maybe you want a developer for it.

who started that meme claiming females are better coders if their hide their gender?
Most of them are only able to work on front end and thats like fucking designer job.

Work at a startup you like dawg

She has a vibrator strapped under her skirt

How does she go to work at 10 AM and leave around 5 PM? It didn't even look like she did all that much.

God this pisses me off so much.

>Women eat and drink all day, then go home.

Hmm. The only time they're less productive is when they're videotaping themselves doing this all day.

Cuz I majored in networking




I'm an "Associate" Software Engineer

How the fuck does she get to work at 10:30 and not get fired?

literally my gf. down to the haircut. god she's so cute and I love her. Add in a bunch of dirty, stinky pajeets though to whiteknight and try to be the biggest gentleman and then get mad about how she has a white bf.

Side note: I'm trying to move into SWE but programmers are LITERALLY women. They all say "yeah dude we want a smart problem solver who knows how to program you don't have to be an expert in the language" So I come by and say "here I am look at my skills I have a degree in ACTUAL engineering and know how to program more than some silly little website like you do here, hire me." their response is always "why don't you have any internships or work experience in this specific language????" fucking idiots if any of you retards do this you should be ashamed of yourselves.

i'd fuck her

>How the fuck does she get paid 77 cents for every dollar her male coworkers make

Because I don't know how to program.

I'll bite. How am I affected when scumbag ad companies go under?

3D Female programmers are not gf material.


>talks about software engineering
>puts a picture of a woman
Since when can females code?

>>>/reddit/ if you need the spacing because you can't into reading comprehension, these are for formal methods. Also, analysis is essential to working in fintech (on a position that's worth the effort).
I didn't have a PhD when i started in formal methods, though my thesis was in formal verification. Developers from embedded get into formal methods all the time anyway in this company and they usually don't have the expertise, we train them. So if you want to formal methods without PhD, just focus on it during uni or, get into embedded in a company that does formal verification and work your way up. If you want to do it the developer way, studying relevant parts of math will be very benefitial.

Because I'm a Data Engineer and I enjoy it.

no one gives a single shit; it literally makes no difference

don't let tyrone find her or it's all over

>tfw no gf

shit code

Non-slut Asians view Negroes like invading Moores of bygone, so likely not.

>not finding some rich kid who has a dumb idea for a start up and overpays his programmers

But I am.
Currently working in Munich, but I am glad when this project is over, I want to go back to Frankfurt.

>look girls - you can get dolled up and pretty while also being an independent strong (slave)!

did you just come out of codeacademy and felt the need to show what you just learned.

cringy kid