/pcbg/ PC build general

>If your build isn't completely Poverty-tier, consider an SSD. Consider buying a large SSD for the price of an HDD + SSD, and saving 50$ next paycheck to buy an HDD

If you want help:
>View this handy guide on picking parts
>Assemble a part list
>If your part list needs a monitor, be sure to include information like response time, refresh rate, and resolution
>State the budget & currency for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)

>A8-9600 (APU) - Poverty-tier builds (Don't bother with a dGPU at this point)
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (R3 1300x - Good stop gap between the 1200 and Ryzen 5, get a R5 1400 if you need multithreading
>R5 1600 - High FPS Gaming & Mixed uses, 1600x if you can't be bothered to overclock
>R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use, not just for gaming

Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices way up, using an old GPU / waiting to build may be a good idea right now.
Anything below the RX 560/GTX 1050ti is garbage and not worth even considering
>1050 TI - 1080p 60hz at low / medium settings
>RX 580 - 1080p 60hz at high / ultra settings, supports Freesync
>1060 6GB - 1080p 60hz at high/ ultra settings, supports G-Sync
>1070 or Vega 56 - 1080p 144hz at high / ultra settings, or 1440p 60hz at high / ultra settings
>1080 TI - 1440p 144hz at high / ultra settings, or 4k 60hz at high / ultra settings

>Check your Mobo's QVL before buying any RAM, you usually want to buy RAM on your Mobo's QVL.
>Ryzen CPUs benefit from high speed RAM, 3200(+) MHz is ideal

Other urls found in this thread:


If I want to run a bunch of VMs etc, do I go with an R7/i7?

If so, which one?

If you want to try the retarded and obscenely difficult task of making a working Mac VM, you 100% NEED Intel. Otherwise, get Ryzen for moar cores.


how's this for gaming/photo edits? i'm adding an HDD later on

With a budget like yours, I'd spend an extra $20 for a B350 motherboard even if you aren't planning to overclock. I probably wouldn't get that particular RAM, but if it's on the QVL, it should be fine.

Post some pretty computer builds as inspiration please, I want to come up with something aesthetic.

Get a dual fan or blower 1060, the mini ones are terrible.

Will AMD stuff work well for solidworks etc? Eagle?

I'm wondering if I should get an R7 or an i7.

Should I put money in CPU or GPU?

I could go for a i7-7700k, or go with an i5 and get a 1080 instead.

Or should I get a nice CPU now, then wait for card prices to fall?

pro/g/ramming build.

Depends on your target resolution/fps. For example at 1440/4k your performance will mostly depend on the GPU. Either way, R5 1600+gtx1080 is best for your budget.

find a Sup Forums archive and look for the guts threads.

Shove a knife up your bumhole.

Small shitpost machine, mainly a pretext to switch to AM4 and allow me to give my old PC (i3-6100 without discrete GPU) to my father who's finding his C2D slow but find it a bother to upgrade. Will be used for browsing, light image editing and at most GIS (once in a while). No gaming outside of some VN from time to time.

R3 1200, MSI M350M PRO-VDH, RX 550/460/560 (the cheapest one at the time)
Already have a 2TB HDD, a FSP Aurum Xilenser 500 W (will need to find a small PSU for the old rig) and a 256 GB SSD. I remember reading that M2 SSDs get hot but I'd like to get one to avoid having too many sutff in the case. Probably not a NVMe though, I'm going for cheap shit.

The 1060 will struggle on the 1440p screen. Get a B350 motherboard.

what are the cpu's cores, threads and cache responsible for in terms of performance?

>rosewill psu

1600 and 1080 >>> 7700k and 1070

>Thermaltake - Water 3.0 Riing RGB 240 40.6 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
>Deepcool - GAMMAXX 400 White 74.3 CFM CPU Cooler
The fuck

That's just vsync and FPS rounding errors.
Turn it off if it bothers you that much. Enjoy your baked GPU.


>buying an i5 as of today

This has to be the most retarded shit one can do in the pc building scene as of now, when the next i7 will feature more cores and you could get a ryzen chip with more cores for the same price as an i5 at the time.

Just either buy a 4 thread pentium or an i7 or go amd, everything else is moneywasting shit.

buying i7 is also retarded when next-gen i5 (which releases in 2 weeks) is going to outperform it and cost less

Some Pentiums are really overpriced as of late.


Yeah, Intel caught up and saw that there was quite the price gap between, say g4560 and an i3 for similar performance, I'm thinking of a a8 9600 as an alternative to g4560/g4600 plus better igpu.

What's a good gpu around £250? Don't mind buying used. Don't mind using an older card.

Cores: The core design determines how much the CPU can do per cycle
Cores/threads: The number of cores determines how many distinct things the CPU can do at once. Threads is more complicated, but basically SMT allows a single CPU core to act as two(or more) cores for certain purposes. AMD's and Intel's implementations amount to roughly 30% increase in multithreaded performance. IBM's implementation of SMT is on a whole different level, of course.
Cache: The size of the cache determines how often the CPU needs to fetch something from the next level cache, scaling roughly to the square root of the cache size. So if(for instance) you increase the size of L1 cache from 16kb to 64kb, that means the CPU needs to fetch data from L2 cache roughly half as often. Bigger caches however have higher latency. Latency(and bandwidth) in turn determine how long does it take for data to get from the cache to the CPU, so ideally you want the latency to be as low as possible, which is why there are multiple levels of cache, with some IBM CPUs even having L4 cache between CPU and RAM.

This is all oversimplified to the point of being incorrect, but it should give you a rough idea of what each of those things means.

Cheapest 1060 6gb

>I'm thinking of a a8 9600 as an alternative to g4560/g4600 plus better igpu.
The problem is the CPU side of the Bristol ridge APUs is shit. It's still based on bulldozer. I'd wait for Raven Ridge. That's the Zen based one with integrated Vega graphics. Based on the specs of it we've seen so far, the on board graphics on Raven Ridge would be about on par with an RX 560, which is significant. And then Raven Ridge will have up to 4 cores and 8 threads. It's going to be a monster.

>just wait

Holy fuck I didn't know, when the fuck is it coming out?

>The problem is the CPU side of the Bristol ridge APUs is shit.

Well, I checked the score on cpubenchmarks and is similar to the g4560.

Raven Ridge is supposed to launch in late 2017. No set release dat, but I expect around November. It's first being released for laptops. I don't expect dekstop skus until January/February of 2018.

>Well, I checked the score on cpubenchmarks and is similar to the g4560.
Yeah, you should check some actual reviews instead.

That's way too long... fuck... it looks like a big improvement though.

Will the prices be similar to current apus? I'm looking at a really cheap build, my budget is 200€ reusing hdd.

>Will the prices be similar to current apus?
pricing should be near identical.

I'd actually expect the price range to be bigger, but you should definitely be able to get something much better for the same amount of money.


Do you think it feasible to get a 4c 8t with 560-likr gpu for $70?

I only have money for one which should I replace first, 280x or i5 4960

Well, the cheapest 4c/8 is $150, and that's WITHOUT an iGPU...

I mean when raven ridge comes out.

That's only in a few months. In case you hadn't noticed, CPU prices REALLY don't work like that.

Just Wait™ bro

I wouldn't expect it to be $70 for the 4c/8t version. I'd expect $110-130 for that sku, but that's my prediction.

Whats the difference between the same graphics card that comes from a different producer/publisher? Like EVGA or Gigabyte. I can see they have different length and different amounts of fans but is that all?

aio is for the gpu

>yfw he sets his monitor at 59Hz in the first place

Different heatsinks, thus difference heat dissipation/noise levels. Otherwise, they all have the same chip inside, and will all perform nearly the same.

Cooling and maybe some minor features. Cooling and customer support should be the things you consider most. Don't want to end up with DoA card and fight with useless support for a long time when other manufacturer makes it painless.

thanks for the answers. what support do you mean exactly? does every manufacturer releases their own drivers? And is a card with 2 fans any better than one with 1 fan or are they just build differently so in the end they work at about the same heat levels?

I'm fucking around on PC Part Picker even though I know I won't have the money for a good computer by the time new better shit is out.


meme ssd, you can get sandisk 480gb for $18 more and you wouldn't notice a difference between that and samsung evo in real world performance.
gtx 1060 cost less and perform the same as rx580.
27" is too big for 1080p, 24" is perfect. you could fit a nice 144hz 1080 monitor in that budget.

>$60 on fans
literally why? your case includes 2 and nothing in the build merits them

I've had bad experiences with Fractal's default fans, they've gotten loud for me after about a month.
I like be quiet! and it's in my budget.

Thank you!

>16GB (4 x 4GB)

Best B350?


What does /pcbg/ think about the 1070ti?
Will GDDR5 memory bottleneck a basically underclocked 1080 with slightly less cores?

Just bought this, is it the top 650w psu?

I tried to OC my 1080. Benchmark ran without a hitch. However after I got into game I would crash after ~1 hour or so.

Should I not bother with overclock at all unless I'm getting seriously unacceptable performance?

It's Seasonic and gold rating so there's not much to improve on. I myself have 660w platinum.

Here is my recently bought build on the same budget as yours in case you are interested


bad mobo and absolutely shit monitor. the rest is good

It's the best 144hz 1080p monitor out there as for the mobo it was my only choice



I'm thinking of buying a PCIe gen3 x4 M2 SSD at either 250 or 500GB ,what should I look for in SSDs? Are they like RAM so I can just go for the cheapest brand with the specs I want?

What do you guys think of the Samsung LC24FG73FQUXEN 24-Inch it's supposed to combine the advantages of both IPS and TN technologies.

Are you sure you need the NVME? You might be paying extra for no benefit.

This is what i have currently with a generic 400w psu. It does well enough but i want more out of my pc and feel like i made a stupid choice with the 4170. Im fine with the 1050ti and ive just been putting off getting more ram. I'm wondering what you Sup Forumsuys would think is the best way to upgrade this for ~$200cad or less. I wouldnt mind buying a new mobo ram and cpu as then i just have 2 computers but if i can keep the ram or anything itd be better cause of cost

For gaming. Ignore kangaroo prices, I'm waiting for price drops.

>It's the best 144hz 1080p monitor out there
you're seriously retarded if you think that. the best 1080p 144hz TN is viewsonic xg2401 and there are 144hz samsung monitors with VA panels which have much better colors. vg248qe shouldn't cost more than $180 because even a shitty g2460pf which costs $200 is better. you probably got baited by reviews on amazon or someone recommended it to you, anyway i'm not going to validate your shitty purchase.

"VG248QE is an irrelevant and vastly overpriced 2013 monitor with terrible (120hz 3D/Lightboost) or mediocre 144hz image quality because it and its mediocre replacement, the MG248Q, both suffer from contrast, gamma and screen uniformity loss @144hz vs 60hz, and the VG248QE has less accurate and vibrant colors with significantly lower sRGB color space coverage compared to newer 144hz monitors like the LG 24GM77 and Viewsonic XG2401 which are PWM /Flicker Free unlike the VG248QE which uses LED PWM Dimming or Flicker which ruins motion clarity and makes some people suffer from health issues like headaches and/or eyestrain."

>inb4 "s-shut up it's all f-fake"

it's the new model of CF24G70 which is the best 1080p 144hz monitor BUT there are a lot of issues with purple overshoot, just google it. so getting a good unit can be very hard.


hang yourself

The MSI B350 Tomahawk is by far one of the best B350 boards on the market. Fuck off with your brand loyalty bullshit

is the 1600x literally better than the 1700 for gaming?

you can't do much with $200. the best cpu choice would be buying a used i7 4770, but that wouldn't give you that much of a performance boost.
either save up more money for a whole new platform or buy 4gb more ram now (only used, new ddr3 is not worth it) and get an sdd.

all good, personally i'd get seagate or toshiba hdd though.

>not the brand with the highest failure rates

hang you're fucking selve

it's only metaphorically better

Sure. You should just get the 1600 and overclock though.

For gaming they perform about the same. If you don't need the 8 cores for something you do, go with 1600.

Go watch some reviews on YouTube man it's the best by far you can check it on 144hzmonitors and pcpartpicker

I'm really confused looking at these two 580s



one of them is a bit cheaper but I have no idea what to look for

i've heard they still have problem with long boot times and also asrock has better VRMs: 3+3 phase instead of 4+2 in msi, which tends to get hotter, look up threads on overclock.net forums

>youtube reviews
seriously kill yourself nigger

Would you say that the 4gb ram is limiting my system? If so then i may get another 4gb but then if i decide to upgrade later ill be limited by my ddr3 and still down $50. I may just get a new system but then im worried ill fuck up again.

>they are all wrong!! I only have the right and valid opinion

Hang yourself my man


I'm buying M2 because as I understand it SATA is a bottleneck for SSDs adn I'd like to not have to upgrade for a while ,I only have HDDs now.
This new model is supposed to fix those issues
What would be the best 1440p 144hz monitor?

>SATA is a bottleneck for SSDs

Post ssd with symmetrical 6gb transfer rates.

You don't understand it.

they are wrong you fucking illiterate child. technical specifications and benchmark results aren't a matter of opinion. stop embarassing yourself and don't talk about subjects you have no idea about. maybe next time if you do some actual research you won't make a terrible purchase :))

nvme isn't worth it unless you do some serious production stuff and work on big files all the time. it was in the op but someone removed it. in real world performance you won't notice any difference between a sata ssd and nvm one.

as for the monitor i heard that the new model still does have purple overshoot issues. 1440p 144hz monitors are a lot more expensive. check the link in for some recommendations.

8gb of ram is a good amount for gayming. if you're planning to get a new build then just buy a ~250gb ssd now, it's probably the best upgrade to make if you don't have one already, and just start saving up $$$ for a new platform. building is easy as fuck and unless you're absolutely retarded it's hard to fuck up, especially when following a simple tutorial or a youtube video.


>ASRock actually have guide on Win7 installation on AM4 boards
What a based company.

costs $30 too much. only children would buy this because "muh rgb"

I did and it's top in every review are you retarded?

please link me

>computers should always be ugly boxes
kill yourself

How do I convince my normie friend that buying a fucking i5 7600(non k mind you) is a terrible idea.