Why don't you run Slackware Sup Forums?

Why don't you run Slackware Sup Forums?

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I did for a while but I swapped back to centos so that it'd be more in line with my desktop distro

Why do you run systemd on server user?

Why wouldn't you? It's one of the places where it's an effective benefit over a "dumb" init system that doesn't actively manage the state of daemons.

Manjaro is ok

I do on one of my other computers, it's a very reliable OS I must say

Because it is gets chaotic and has insane configuration with retarded config files.

Same except with Gentoo, after I realized how surprisingly slow-paced Gentoo's development was. And also I needed multilib, and while alienbob did make that tarball that makes things super easy, it makes removing packages with slackpkg a little bit harder to keep track of. And I use Gentoo for my laptop, too, because, well, I'm an autist.

You aren't the audience for this thread

Because it's dead.

Why do you need multilib for (not non-free vidya)?
t. dumb arch user

Too difficult for my 87 IQ brain

It is one of easier distros if you only need anime and internet browsing machine my friend.


Virtualbox and also certain compilers
You just have to try your best, user!!!

OK, I did not find any sitation when I needed losts of mulitib packages, well, then just anything that suits your needs [spoiler]just without systemd[/spoiler].

Doesn't Steam need multi-lib?

Again, non-free video games

Why, because I'm not an edgy manchild who wastes time in managing dependencies?

Again, who cares.

No. Because Arch prioritizes bleeding edge over everything else. In contrast, the appeal of Slackware is that it does as little as possible to interfere with their users. It's a vastly different philosophy, not because of any technical flaw, although there a flaws to both as a consequence of their direction.

Again, I think you know the answer to that question.

I picj free software and drivers until they are unavailable or unusable. I am not an ideologue in regards to free software. Maybe I'll switch, what's the screenfetch look like?

Why would you use entire set of botnet on your machine?
Also yes, it does.
From my usage all games I needed (VCMI, OpenMW, some wine applications), worked greatly on minimal mutlilib system.
Actually you waste very little time managing dependendcies in Slackware.

>I picj free software and drivers until they are unavailable or unusable.
Perfectly reasonable. It's not something that I personally advocate, but Slackware does in fact ship with proprietary drivers and blobs in their package tree. I actually use Freeslack.
> Maybe I'll switch, what's the screenfetch look like?
It looks exactly like how you want it to look. There's nothing that has to do with appearance that is inherently bound to a single distribution, so it's absurd to think of things in that way.
If you're asking whether Slackware has screenfetch packaged in its official repositories or not, the answer is no. It is, however, packaged in the Slackbuilds repo, like most other things.

Slackware actually has the best package managers I've ever used on any distribution. It's insane how fantastic Slackpkg is, despite its simplicity. And juxtaposed to sbotools, you have a seriously powerful set of devices at your disposal. I have never loved distribution for its package management more than with Slackware.

I don't actually like systemd that much and centos 7 being so far behind fedora does make it a bit of a headache so I was considering hopping back to slackware at some point, and gentoo maintaining a udev fork and slackware choosing to remain systemd free has made the whole idea a lot more appealing, it's just finding the time to hop distros once again really

>And I use Gentoo for my laptop, too, because, well, I'm an autist.
man I feel you there, gentoo on my c2d era laptop was not a good experience

Is openmw playable yet?

This, having systemd on a system you need to run reliably is idiotic and you should be fired.

Here is the latest developer commentary. OpenMW is now fully playable. You can play all the quests and everything, all that's left to do are bug fixes and various improvements here and there to reach the 1.0 goal. Bugs might be a little rough around the edges so results will vary, but it's definitely playable.

PERFECTLY, literally no problems only fucking tiny things that are like stuff that does not matter

More than perfect, even. OpenMW introduces features to MW that the original MW engine didn't even have.

Imagine the graphics mods that will come out for openmw, now not even the engine can hold mods back. There will be mods that can make the game look as good as skyrim is.

Motherfuckers, it seems like im getting back into gayming