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the box looks nice, i'll give you that
>these clocks
I wonder how hard it will throttle.
>no hyperthreaded i3
Fucking jews
>95W TDP
Not fooling us this time
I can live without the official ddr4-2666 support that would deliver the rated performance, so now I'll just wait for my bios update and enjoy the smooth transition form skylake to coffeelake. Thank you Intel!
Z170 and Z270 is not compatible with Coffee Lake, it even says it on the box art, Requires 300 series chipset
I see outrun is going mainstream
time 2 dump my stock in it
That was an early mockup. It should have said
Requires* ....
*if you want the rated performance that comes from fully supported ddr4-2666
What's next, grief?
Looks like the i3s only support 2400 Mhz RAM, not 2666 like the i5s/i7s.
No, they've confirmed this multiple times. You can't use Coffee Lake with Z170/270 motherboards.
8700k price?
You realize the 8700K is a 7700K with two more cores, right?
Same as the 7700K.
Exactly the thing that was needed to fight Ryzen.
I doubt it'll overclock as well now, especially if they're still using Jewish semen for TIM.
>inb4 loses to 7700k in gaming
There's literally golden samples OCd to 5.3 in the wild.
>I see outrun is going mainstream
since Drive, fagtron
They're using the same shitty TIM as the 7700K.
>golden samples
awesome. So 0.001% of processors shipped will hit even close to that without requiring stupid amount of voltage or custom cooling. That's like bragging a video card get hit 3ghz!!!*
*with a peltier cooler on the VRMs and LN2 keeping the chip cool
It manages to beat.....wait for it......the 1700 (stock).
Considering the clock difference it's stupid to make that comparison.
with a 360mm radiator with 2500rpm fans consuming 300W
no, thanks
You mean thank AMD for forcing Intel to try again?
>try again
What? Intel is still using their Pentium 3 based architecture and slapping on cores. Their arch was never meant to handle high core/thread count. At least not at the clock rates Intel keep tossing out there, but high clock rate is the only thing keeping Intel competitive.
Why do intel shills still buy the same cpu for the third time. 8th gen is a refresh of a refresh. Also you need a new mobo. Dafuq?
Now it has moar coarz.
Long live Israel!
> cant even overclock 7700k because too hot
Add 2 more cores, this bitch isnt hitting 4ghz on an aio anytime soon lmao
>overclocked chip beats stock one
>Neither chip in the article is overclocked
AMD is cheap shit for pajeets. There's a reason Intel is so dominant.
>AMD is cheap shit for pajeets.
Intel's blisteringly fast single thread performance is cleverly hidden by the scale of the graph.
but it will hit 5.2 GHz if you get a golden $360 chip, pay an extra $50 for delidding and spend $200 on a custom cooling solution, plus also spend $200+ on a mobo with enough phases to provide that kind of power
AMD's $180 6c/12t CPUs with $100 boards that don't clock as high are finished, don't you see?
>12 thread processor
>b... but it's really good if you only use 1 thread
>I-i don't mind being frustrated by sloth-like performance of basic computing tasks while I'm in between cinebench benchmark runs
>20% slower than Intel's fastest CPU that costs $50 to $150 more
By extension, I guess every Intel CPU that isn't a 7700K is "sloth-like", including all of Intel's non-K series CPUs and everything else they've ever made.
Or you're just a mouthbreathing retard shill.
I'm waiting a year and a half for Zen2 @ 7nm.
>Intel STILL shilling this desperately
it's like walking into a walmart and the greeter is a one armed, one legged nigger that acts like he doesn't have a disability. Kinda painful to watch, ultimately pitiful and cringeworthy.
>But at least he's trying kek
How dare you bring logic into this thread!
>Intel's blisteringly fast single thread performance
And their shitty hyper-threading? Its a higher clock than the ryzen 1600, same core count and thread count, yet its slightly lower than the ryzen. Fucking hell you intel shills are retarded. BUT MUH SINGEL COAR PERFORMANCE. Your processors suck ass, deal with it. Shitty HT, shitty temps, shitty power draw, etc...
That box design is terrible. It's like they hired high schoolers to do them.
Yea, if they fix the overclocking barrier it'll crush Intel's lineup.
Does a 12M shared cache mean that i7 hyperthreading is actually useful now?
Bulldozer tier OC on Ryzen when?
>Same arc
>Same socket
>same IPC
>New socket
>7700k single thread is higher
How the fuck is this acceptable?
Money, my dear user.
Isn't it going to retail for like $400 USD? $100 more than a R7 1700 for 2 less cores and 1 GHz higher OC. Maybe a little faster with higher IPC but can't perform better than 2 extra cores.
And of course this bullshit means you'll need to delid them.
link to the VLC fail footage?
BS. Any random 7700k will reach 5.0 with delidding ($30 tool) and an NH-D15 ($90) will cool it just fine. Asus Z270 boards start at $150 and will handle DDR4-3600 no probs which you can't say is true for cheap AM4 boards.
It's not even a new socket, it's incompatible for no reason at all.
> but muh gaming
i hope youre not a gaymfag
add moar coars
if i3 is cheaper than r3, might buy.
Thank you intel, can't wait for the new motherboard socket
>Have to buy a new mobo even though it's the same socket as Kaby Lake
Fuck you, Intel.
Nice being AM4 master race
They added cores and increased the cache on some CPU. No architectural changes.
They literally could not add more cores to the architecture without making some sacrifices. The achievement of 8700 is that it offers 7700k single thread performance with better multi..
Intel Core i7-8700K: 6 cores/12 threads at 3.7 GHz, boost to 4.7 GHz; $359
Intel Core i7-8700: 6 cores/12 threads at 3.2 GHz, boost to 4.6 GHz; $303
Intel Core i5-8600K: 6 cores/6 threads at 3.6 GHz, boost to 4.3 GHz; $257
Intel Core i5-8400: 6 cores/6 threads at 2.8 GHz, boost to 4 GHz; $182
Intel Core i3-8350K: 4 cores/4 threads at 4 GHz, no boost capabilities; $168
Intel Core i3-8100: 4 cores/4 threads at 3.6-GHz, no boost capabilities; $117
i3 might be a deal breaker, like g4560.
>girl overclocking
thats a vanilla soy latte not liquid hydrogen tho
>7700k single thread performance with better multi
Hope you enjoy running it at 95c
its seemingly better on paper but yea once you think about the limitations and cost ryzen still wins
Fuck this shit. It's like Detroit in early 70s. Monopsony is clever when we plebs are forced to buy. But we are. And we haven't. Those retarded MARKETING slide decks from months ago weren't market. THIS SHIT HAS BEEN THE ACTUAL SALES STRATEGY SINCE THE SPECS WHERE SETTLED.
BS. My 7700k oc at [email protected] reach 80+c x264 stress test with NH-D15s.
RAM voltage, vccio and vccsa affect Kabylake temp.
XMP at 3200Mhz will jump cpu temp around 10c compared to 2133Mhz.
No delid for now.
Fucking pigeon poo.
>have a really narrow uarch
>bolt on MOAR COARS and moar clocks to attain throughput
>doesn't work
When both AMD and IBM are telling you gotta go hidemari sketch wide in your cores for SMT throughput you should probably listen. Hyperthreading can still give negative scaling.
Intel wins again baby. Get fucked AMD.
Where the 4GHz+ base clocks nibba
Thats the secret, under any sort of heavy multi-core load clocks plummet.
What the fuck is with the 1GHz+ boost clocks? This looks fucky
max boost on intel is always on one core
max boost on all cores are probably 400-500mhz lower due to restrictions from un about WMD's
infinity glue
any will hit 4.8 ~60% hit 5ghz and 4% hit 5.2 according to silicon lottery
Why is everything being marketed to "gaymers" these days? Is that really the only thing pushing the market?
50% higher core count means they'll draw more power at the same frequency, especially since the process is only a slight improvement. At the same time, single-core performance is pretty much the only advantage these have over Ryzen, so they want that as high as possible. So low base clock + high single-core turbo is pretty much the only option other than better cooling(lo) and increasing the TDP ratings. And OEMs probably wouldn't like mainstream processors with 130W+ TDP.
>can't issue z170 moth-
Didn't Intel fire their EU marketing team?
>NEW Intel Z370 Chipset Motherboard
Did they seriously JUST make the board they released for 2066 obsolete already?
>comparing desktop platform to enthusiast platform
>enthusiast platform
>16 lanes and 2 memory channels
That Kaby Lake-S SKU shouldn't exist but keep pretending to be retarded.
Z370 motherboard for 6-cores
Then there are leaks about a Z390 platform for 8-core Icelake next year
I doubt its 10nm since if it were it would be Z470 or something
Intel just nuked Kaby Lake and Coffee Lake in succession
I assume AMD will go full retard and will have a 12-core 2800X
The R7 2800X (or whatever it'll be called) won't be 12 cores because it won't be a die shrink to 7 nm. That'll have to wait until the 3rd iteration of Zen. The R7 2800X will probably be a minor improvement - slightly better IPC and slightly better clock speeds from a refined process, hopefully.
Clocks are given, because we know what 12LP is.
Throw some critical path optimizations, and you have more clocks!
They add moar corez because they cannot compete with single thread memes with Intel
So they compensate with multi thread memes even though their target market (gaymers) use software that only utilize 2 corez at max
Now watch Intel scramble to give the 7700k six more corez