Is this checkmate?
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Well they cannot just encourage you to pirate, so they just have to sort of keep up the facade and maintain the status quo
in my opinion, piracy harms sales because antipiracy will prevent me from buying something
antipiracy is there because of piracy, so piracy caused a loss of sale
Oy vey.
Piracy would have a large effect on singleplayer games, such as Skyrim, where there is no point to buy the game when you can just pirate it and mods are easy to use and available all around (Nexus Mod Manager), heavily-multiplayer oriented games such as Rocket League and CSGO and so forth will be much less affected duo to inability to play online with a pirated version.
Pirating are down, but (((Hollywood))) amd (((industry))) still suffer, i wonder who's gonna get blame next?
>The report found that illegal downloads and streams can actually boost legal sales of games, according to the report. The only negative link the report found was with major blockbuster films
>The report found that illegal downloads and streams can actually boost legal sales of games,
More people exposed translate to more sales, and it's compounded if the people who pirated the game talk about it.
Piracy is still considered sin because you're violating copyright laws. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Romans 13.
In France, an organism was created to fight and find solutions. They said sharing should be permitted, each website like pirate bay would become legal and share a part of their revenue to the artists, which would create a new offer for culture.
Its their own fault, I'm only willing to pay for physical copies that don't require Steam, and games are rarely sold like that on PC anymore, so I pirate. The few examples where they are actually sold in the way I'm willing to pay for, I pay for it.
It's logical... I mean, only guys that pirate are either pro haxxor teens who feel edgy or "poorfags" and you can't make either one pay.
How do you feel about GoG?
Wow I'm sure that your """"""opinion"""""" would hold up strongly to that 300 page essay
Yeah man I'm sure that whatever you *reckon* has no chance against a structured argument
When Ceasar sees fit to break his own laws and leave his consumers in the dark with illegal trade practices, then don't be surprised when people don't take that lying down.
Besides, with older games Ceasar should be providing a way to buy them. Tell me it's piracy to download mechwarrior, for instance, or any DOSbox game, when the platform barely even works anymore.
It's not checkmate, but it's pretty damning for anti-piracy advocates.
You are the minority. Most people who are pirating shit won't buy the thing if they can't pirate it, they'll pirate something else instead. The research on this has been pretty damn conclusive, when people can pirate stuff they're more likely to pay for similar media as well. Almost all media industries benefit directly or indirectly from piracy.
This isn't a good idea. It might be better than the status quo, but forcing TPB to turn legitimate isn't the solution. All that will happen is TPB will become gimped as fuck and people will populate other torrent sites instead.
GoG and Humble Bundle are great for DRM-free shit.
I have pirated media almost exclusively for about 10 years. I'm not even close to either of the things you describe.
Whether it's morally right or not is irrelevant, as long as it's legally not allowed. Comes to ask, what has to happen to effectively change the legislation through legal channels?
Not that we don't have bigger problems, but how to get public attention on this kind of stuff when nobody is affected (virtually)? I found that people simply don't care.
oh goy.
>Whether it's morally right or not is irrelevant, as long as it's legally not allowed.
So would you say that people who hid jews from Nazis were sinning?
Damn, who could've guessed the EU was so pro-corporate and anti-freedom?
I don't like them, I would be indifferent to them but in a video GOG released when it first started said
>these days, you might not always feel like you actually own the games you buy
when their service does not fix that feeling for me at all. The reason I don't feel like I own anything if I pay for a digital "copy" of anything, whether it be music, movies/shows, or games, is because I feel like I get nothing in return for my money, and GOG does not fix that at all, they just make it worse since those faggots actually act like they are fixing the problem.
Digital only is the reason games are released so unfinished these days, the reason for DLC/micro transactions (I'm alright with actual expansions), and early access which is you paying to test the company's game even though they used to have to pay people to test it, and buying digital is supporting all those negatives that digital caused.
I'm not a hypocrite so I actually buy games that are released physically for the PC and don't require Steam, I have the Elex Collector's edition on pre order which is going to have the entire game on the discs and not require Steam or GOG.
The only advantage digital has is convenience, but that convenience isn't enough for me to not pirate.
Between all the games I can pirate, will be able to pirate, and can emulate, even if another physical release never happens, I'll never have to pay for a game.
Don't care if its "DRM Free" or not, if its digital then I'm not paying for it. They are not entitled to my money even if I play it.
Well, I guess I can't argue with that.
>Don't care if its "DRM Free" or not, if its digital then I'm not paying for it. They are not entitled to my money even if I play it.
This is really strange, care to explain your logic?
No, as the government has not to decide what is a sin and what not.
Did they do something against the state's law? Yes. Was it morally wrong? No, I guess. That's my point. If the law is wrong, the law has to change, and the law doesn't change simply because people break it.
I don't have to wait EU to tell me that piracy is ok.
Take this example.
There are hundreds of new games coming out on Steam every day.
Go to any popular tracker or mega link sharing sit and you will see that games have zero downloads.
That means people wont even bother to download your game.
If anything piracy is free advertising and some people wont even get that so they publish articles on polygon or kotaku that they uploaded the game on piratebay themselves.
Small example - GoG (Good old Games), a web and client based store that specifically sells DRM-free games, is a big player ij the industry.
There is not logic to it, its just how I feel, I am not willing to pay for digital distribution of media.
>If the law is wrong, the law has to change, and the law doesn't change simply because people break it.
The law changes because people's perception on what is moral changes. If no-one breaks the law, there's very little reason for most people to think about its moral implications. Breaking the law may not be sufficient for making it change, but it necessary. If people had stopped consuming alcohol simply because it was made illegal, prohibition would still be in effect.
>Most people who are pirating shit won't buy the thing if they can't pirate it, they'll pirate something else instead.
This guy gets it. I buy things I would normally buy, and pirate things I would normally pirate. There is no "if I can't pirate this, I'm going to buy it." I would simply do without.
In the short term, free marketing via piracy has enough documented examples of accelerated sales, such that some devs are even putting their own games on pirate sites as an initiative and actually benefiting from it.
In the long term, pirates have been proven to be the biggest buyer-base because they go through so many more products than non-pirates and therefore have the confidence in buying products compared to non-pirates who always take risks.
Also in the long term, and this is the biggest positive in marketing management, pirates are easily converted into loyal consumers with a long-term relationship with the company if you have an appealing quality product and a pro-pirate view which sees it as marketing rather than lost sales.
Its amazing how every rock band and pop singer has zero album sales now, to the point that rock music is dead and everyone just listens to MP3s of music recorded when people bought all the albums they listened to
The current system is a mess.
Current copyright laws are a bad thing.
I think copyright is fine, but there needs to be better rules about this.
If a company makes a game, I think it is fine that they get to legally protect it from being made by others and I think it is fine that they sell the game to people.
If they make a sequel or update to the game, I can see why this would extend the duration of this protection, so the duration of the copyright does not dictate how long people are allowed to spend on a project.
But I think they should run out eventually.
There needs to be made a compelling case for each thing that should be extended.
A good example is T9.
It is a brilliant input method made almost 20 years ago which accurately predicts what you typed with a small keyboard.
The patent on this thing is still active.
There were improvements made, but it is still not legal to make a free software replacement of this technology as they want money for every install.
I get that the people who made it want to get paid, but this is insanity.
The technology was made, cool.
Promote the hell out of yourself, use it to launch a new career or something.
But if you haven't been paid by this thing yet, do something else.
There are so many people who are inventing input methods that is worse than this instead of improving it.
I think the lifespan of all these protection systems needs to be a lot shorter, maybe 5 years.
If you make something that adds to the thing you have protected, expand it sure.
But once they stop, the protection should as well.
fpbp and /thread
people defending that piracy is bad are just mindless puppets
Antipiracy is just another excuse for internet censorship.
link to the actual report please
too much fake news nowadays
Except shit like securom was introduced even before piracy was an issue and it was literal malware that infected everyone
wow 300 pages? must be legit
xddd nigga go outside or sth
>antipiracy is there because of piracy
Antipiracy is there because of greedy jews.
I can actually answer that with a great example - WoW. The majority of the success of WoW comes from the pirated private servers who are literally a self-advertising bug-ridden demo version of the game, and if you want to play the full game without any bugs and without having the chance to wake up some day with your favorite private server shut down, you simply pay to play on the bug-free retail version. From personal experience I can pretty much say that about half of the players on Blizzard are people who tried private servers before the actual WoW, got hooked up on the game and then proceeded to pay for the real product.
Another different example that owes its success to pirating is Minecraft, which self-advertised through easily piratable clients which eventually led to people deciding that they're about to invest a fuckton of time into the game and just buying it. Another different non-game example is GoT which wouldn't be even close to what it currently is if pirating was 100% eliminated since there wouldn't be enough people talking about it online and advertising it for free. Most other software is a lot like that as well, like Windows which would've never been what it is if it wasn't for pirating
And lastly I want to add the most important part of all of this - that the majority of those pirated games/movies/software would've never been an actual sale to begin with.
>EU bringing out the bantz again
The only time I've pirated something was Ubishit games because their DRM was awful and I had a much better experience with the pirated version... Developers need to get their head around that first so that the actual users don't get fucked over.
If piracy will be possible, video game companies like EA will fuck their clients even more and pump even more money with dlc and shit microtransactions from known series just because of trademark.
Well the only way to fight piracy is to give people reason to buy it.
For example Shovel knight, you buy complete game on steam and you will also get free acces to free additional stuff as DLC actually are 2 additional campaings but in future there will be more
i mean if piracy will be NOT POSSIBLE
Archived link please need to check is real
>4 out of 10 movies watched are pirated
But would they have been watched if there was no piracy?
Aren't there people still having their wages garnished for downloading a Metallica album in 1999?
Look at EA doings,watch the whole thing.
You're violating copyright laws with that image.
Because if you like something, most likely you would want to add them to your collections.
For example, I still buy translated LNs and manga even though I already read it on internet. I actually would buy eroge if I can buy it here desu.
>rock music is dead
wtf I love piracy now
Open the bible, look for the Genesis 2:25 and look up the 11th word to find your response, my underage friend.
a good band is a touring band and makes monster money from that, while album sales are there for people who like an artefact on their shelf
>Open the bible
Which translation?
The one that the creator of the DRM read.
Sony? 新共同訳聖書 then?
>pro-corporate and anti-freedom
you better not be implying the UK isn't three times as corporate and anti-freedom
They want absolute control of the media, both what is published, availability of it and time availability restrictions. There are companies that deliberately modify the availability of their IPs so they can raise or low the price of such IPs and they also want to rent everything like a service to you.
They want absolute control, is not about "sales".
Also without DMCA and Copyright they could try to do things like banning alt-right retards to use pepe
So, you think that the data on a disc is somehow analog?
>the current state of Sup Forums
Woah, what did they mean by this?
because we've been forcefed so many goddamn lies that we not only started to believe the lies but we started to propagate the lies we're all exiled from truth like a million other pompous corpses
good answer
Or people in yurop who can't get a decent selection of movies/tv shows even with multiple streaming services
That's a great example, since piracy of windows has been literally endorsed by Bill Gates, meaning he already understood this concept perfectly decades before this report. By having everyone using windows, regardless if they payed for it or not, he ensured that it would became a de facto standard. Easiest way to make a monopoly on all things computer.
There are arguments and examples against this that show with a good targeted democratic, and well executed marketing you can sell your product at a huge profit without piracy. Example: Overwatch.
Overwatch is purely online multiplayer that has to connect to blizzards servers to do anything. Pirating it would be useless, since at most you could play against shitty bots. If the LAN client used at Blizz tournaments got leaked, that might be a slightly different story, but it still lacks the variety of playing online. OW also faired well due to its $40 price tag instead of $60 a lot of people assumed it would have been (that was honestly the reason I bought it ASAP after the public beta).
I hate how the entire notion of LAN gaming is dead just so developers can hold esports by the balls.
Intellectual property doesn't exist
I bet you're australian
how retarded do you have to be to make a post like this when the EU is the only entity on the planet who stands up to american megacorporations, and nowhere on earth has anywhere near the level of consumer rights the EU has
Are you literally retarded?
There is a study that has concluded it DOES NOT harm sales. How do you think your contradicting opinion is anyhow more relevant?
Does the study actually address the effects of DRM on sales?
Friendly reminder to tell everyone you know to get into pirating.
Surely it won't impact sales and we all get it for free~ :3
Hello, I'm an EU I make laws to benefit people based on scientific studies and I'm not biased.
GOG games don't require their Galaxy client to run. Unlike Steam stuff, everything you download from GOG is free of DRM, so you can backup the games and write them on whatever physical storage you want. It's for all intents and purposes "yours" because they aren't selling you a licence, they're selling you an independent product that's not bound to your account.
Only time DRM worked was when you had to input a word or less from the manual or from a stack of cards or spinner or whatever. Before the internet, you were fucked without the manual or even the complete set. Those days are long over, piracy doesn't harm anyone, but antipiracy and DRM does.
I don't know but this is how it is with porn for me:
>be on porn hub
>just finished mine 16th jerk of the day
>penis starting to not want to get hard for round 17
>going from video to video
>no reaction from penis
>finally stumble upon a really good video
>either the actress is really hot or the video is just really specially my fetish
>jerk off
Now I know this actress exists and I usually check out their clips4sale store.
You really think I'd have ever found these amateur producers and their content had someone not stolen some and uploaded it to the piratebay?
The piracy has literally increased my likelihood of buying clips in the future dramatically.
I'm guessing it's probably the same for other, non-porn forms of media.
lol, copied my friends games and just put .txt file on the floppy will all the permutations.
>Wow I'm sure that your """"""opinion"""""" would hold up strongly to that 300 page essay
I am pretty sure it would. Big organizations would not suppress an opinion that claims piracy cause loss of sales.
>Yeah man I'm sure that whatever you *reckon* has no chance against a structured argument
Structured arguments only work in philosophy. When it comes to politics it does not matter. Facts and arguments don't matter. Look at how many don't "believe" in human-made global climate changes even though the facts clearly show it.
>Except shit like securom was introduced even before piracy was an issue
Nonsense, the company that invented securom was established in 1983 which is several decades after piracy became an issue and decades after the first malware.
>letting the truth be told is encouraging you
how long do you have to live in an oppressive nanny state to have this mentality?
Great, so where's a link to your study on the matter?
>jerking off 17 times in a single day
Impressive desu
My record is at 13 times I think
Do you want to break your penis engine?
>just finished mine 16th jerk of the day
Tell me your secret user.
It's called being 14.
I don't know how you do it. My "record" is like 4 or 5 times, and I haven't jerked it >2 times in a day for over a year.
>mfw even at my peak I never got more that 7
>and that was only when I had a whole day and house to myself
>my balls hurt by the end of it
>be some autistic shitlord
>Legitimately, honestly never fap, don't even know how to do it
>still erp on obscure chats
So then anti-piracy causes a loss of sales.
>Unzip dick
>Rub it with a vertical motion until ejaculatus maximus
>open up something that will make you hard
>get hard
>rub peepee until it feels good
Unless you can't get hard, then lay off the fucking antidepressants.
Fucking kek