The numale dev team at work keeps passively aggressively rejecting my commits and bitching at me during morning...

The numale dev team at work keeps passively aggressively rejecting my commits and bitching at me during morning standups because all my code is pure C99 and our codebase is IDIOMATIC C++14 ONLY.

This has been going on for 3 months, my effective productivity rate is literally zero most days of the week because my commits keep getting rejected, yet I haven't been punished for it yet.
I haven't pushed a single commit this week and the complaints stopped and I still haven't gotten written up for literally not working.
I've been watching anime at my desk this week instead of working.
Should I find a new job, or should I ride this as far as it'll go?

Just make your commits in pascal.

Go away grandpa.
Seriously if you haven't been fired yet it's because they need to fill their autist quota.

Both. Also you should stop being a bitch and write how they do it. SJW is not a valid excuse when you (I mean YOU) act as a special snowflake.

As long as you get pay who gives a shit.

>because all my code is pure C99 and our codebase is IDIOMATIC C++14 ONLY.
I would've done the same, oni-chan

In fact I'd ban you for using C99 in the middle of a C++1z project

dumb akari poster

Having a consistent codebase is far more important than following X style guideline.
For starters, if everything is indented with spaces, fucking indent with spaces.

This is the only thing I think of. Fucking nerds who think the tech world should conform to them.


You are an idiot OP and should be fired for wasting people's time

What's worse?
Having a C89 zealot on your team or being forced to do agile?

Why haven't they fired you yet? Are you some sort of minority they need to fill a quota? Are you a woman? At least you have stopped sending pull requires with shitty and useless code.

Hopefully you will get punished for this in some way.

>being the asshole that writes C when everyone is doing C++

I like C more, but still.
Fuck you, you egoistic prick.

>do agile?
What is agile?

How are you even capable of turning on your fucking computer being this stupid.
What boogles my mind is why they haven't fired you already for doing this shit.
>Should I find a new job, or should I ride this as far as it'll go?
You should stop wasting time and money from others just because you are manchild autist.

Don't be a special snowflake and stick with the company coding standards. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong, just do your fucking job.

>braille unicode
>blind people can't read it on the screen


>all these faggots mad that this dumb shit gets paid to watch anime

It's not OP's fault, his employer is retarded. He should had fired him long ago. That or his co-employees don't complain for some reason...

I got a code review rejected once because I was using "raw low level" realloc/memmove calls.
So I hid some macros in the headers to hide the names to something that seemed like it came from our libraries, and it got accepted.

>What is agile?
The most effective way to create software where the developer also tests and make sure everything is in order. It's a project management framework.

This... OP is obviously incompetent and should have been fired long ago. It's the company that gives him wages that is at fault here. OP obviously don't have the work ethic to be able to provide a company anything useful.

Lmao, but really, it probably exists for printing

how the fuck does a blind person know if he has typed something correctly before printing?

If they are writing a long essay, are they gonna print it and finger it all the way down and then print it again without errors?

Ride it for as long as you can to stick it to the man.

OP is right, his colleagues are nu-males because they have not had the balls to fire OP yet.

while now we use it for making anime girls that the blind can't see.

If they are writing a long essay, are they gonna print it and finger it all the way down and then print it again without errors?

Blind people can read what they have written. there are Braille "screens" for blind people or they might get it read to them.

op-chan im in a similar sitch as you
i have bi-weekly meetings with my boss because apparently only being reachable over IRC and my dumbphone is something my nu-male devs complain about
many of my commits are refused or re-implemented by one of the nu-male autists because C99 is le incompatible with their codebase
i wont get fired i dont think for it since im the most senior of "my" team, though its difficult to work like this

what is it that you do?

You should be fired, you provide nothing of value to the project. Hopefully the weak betas will get some balls and fire you.

But nothing wrong with IRC, what else are they using? Slack? You should start doing your job. If they want you to get a smartphone then they would have bought you one so don't worry about it.

why? i've done C99 implementations at my current position for almost 7 years, 99% of the time on time and tested
its not my problem those idiots dont know how to properly use malloc and free, or whatever their reason was to want to start implementing in C++/python
it wasnt my boss who decided to move away from C, he lets us have decent control of such things so long as its compatible with the rest of the system
they mainly use facebook/messenger and microsoft teams
its been two years since they decided to switch from IRC because they think its outdated
i've proved multiple times to them and my boss that my C implementations are more efficient and better, i think he's on my side

Go argue for them in the meetings then, being passive aggressive about it isn't going to fix shit.
You should know already every codebase needs consensus from the ground up.
Also if you've been doing C this long you should have a good enough convenience library. Share it.

>its not my problem those idiots dont know how to properly use malloc and free, or whatever their reason was to want to start implementing in C++/python
They likely know how to properly use malloc and free as much as you do, but they have chosen to implement in C++ which is the standard that should be followed.

>i've proved multiple times to them and my boss that my C implementations are more efficient and better, i think he's on my side
Your boss sounds tech illiterate, because if you follow other coding standards then it's NOT more effective, it is less maintainable code. You can put your shitty spaghetti code on your personal projects and conform with the coding standards to get work done properly.

The only reason I still use c99 is because the compiler spergs out when I do
for (int i ...)
There's nothing wrong with this format

>OMG C is scary!!!

if you're not able to conform to the team's style then you should leave before you get fired.

you may disagree with the style, but this isn't some civil rights issue and you're not a conscientious objector or something. just shut your niggardly mouth and follow instructions.

Never said C is scary, C is simple and if that is the company standard then people should use it. But writing in C when people are using modern standards instead is just stupid.

If people write in C because they are not able to conform to the company standards then they should be fired because they are incompetent. It's like people who make some wrapper for Python in a java project just because they insist on writing in Python. It's stupid as fuck.

Send me your feminine feet and I'll accept your commit

If your work tells you to do something, as long as it isn't illegal or against your contact or whatever you should probably do it.
If they want you to to do something a specific then you pull up your bigboy pants, suck it up and just fucking do it.

Jesus not every goddamn thing has to be a federal fucking issue.

> codebase is supposed to be X
> I am such a pathetic fuck I can only do Y
> call a random person a SJW and blame them
you're worse than him


Fuck I love you OP.

>Jesus not every goddamn thing has to be a federal fucking issue.
Fucking millennials who have learned C and wants to be snowflakes about it because they don't want to do a proper job. No work ethic.


Don't listen to these fags OP, they probably use std::map while calling new on their virtual base class in a loop constantly.

>new on virtual base class in a loop
I don't even know what that means.


Hack the system so that you can reject and revert their commits while forcing your commits in, like a rigid penis decimating thier lame-ass, ha!

>unironically using agile

Just C++ faggotry.
If such obscure terms can't make the world realize C++ is a meme I don't think anything will.

>still uses the waterfall model

It works much better for medium-small projects if you don't want to end up with an over-engineered unmaintainable mess.

It's not the 1960s grandpa

std::map is bad
allocating memory in loops is bad
iterating over a container and calling virtual function for each object is bad

It's called a touch screen you fucking idiot they've been around since 2007


Welcome to code monkeys.
Nobody cares that you're good and deliver quality. You just have to push out the same shit everybody else does, if you do better, you're bad, not good.

Neo-Sup Forums numale devs who spend shitloads of cash and time studying their silly shit will defend shit like

>Ok our code base here is C++14 make sure you write your code in that style (because we are paying you to do just that)
>C99 is the only thing I know and anything else is for numale SJW fags
>Instead of /doing what I am being paid for/ I am going to watch anime at my desk

you should find a job in food service or something that fits your mental capabilities better
or just kys

>pic related just replace "thread" with "job"

What works works. I don't care what year we are in.

People who are not able to conform to a company style does not deliver quality, quite the opposite.

It does not work though. It's nice for you, but any business who does it like that is a failing business. Using the waterfall model costs 50 times more than agile AND it's more difficult to do changes.

It may not work for you. We've been doing fine.

They are about to fire you, desu. Find a new job or embrace neethood.

Jesus Christ, I refuse to believe people like you actually exist.

You're paid for writing C++, not C.
If you want to write C, then get a C job.

std::map is the most useful thing in the entire standard library. There is nothing wrong with allocating memory in loops, as long we are not talking about a real time system here. STL containers have no fucking virtual functions, that's their entire point.

Please kill yourself.

In the same way that farmers that use horses instead of tractors in 2017 are "doing fine", but you can't compete with anyone else if your competitors decide to go agile.

Nice projection faggot, but there is no excuse for being contrarian in the workplace. That alone is reason enough to get fired, disregarding the shit communication skills and passive-aggressive reactions.
>spend shitloads of cash and time studying their silly shit
lol, I haven't spent a single cent in my career.

std::map is an inefficient piece of garbage

Please use any other map. Except std::unordered_map. It's just as bad.

Are you, by any chance, autistic?

at least 100%