How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?

How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?

I have a 500GB internal hard drive that I harvested off of an old computer. Whenever I want to jerk off, I retrieve the HDD from a box under my bed, after which I will open my computer case and connect the HDD to the computer's motherboard and PSU (after making sure the fans have stopped whirring, of course).

This ought to prevent family members from coming across my explicit material, as I doubt any of them are tech literate enough to connect an internal hard drive to a computer (they also all have super thin Macbooks, and I doubt those have SATA ports, kek). But is this enough of a deterrent? Of course not.

When the HDD has been connected to the machine, no porn will be found. Why? Because it's encrypted, and the only way to unencrypt it is with a 7 word passphrase I have invented specifically for this purpose using Diceware.

So let's say that the HDD has been connected, and that the porn has been unencrypted and the virtual drive B: has been fully mounted. Am I ready to fap now? Of course not.

Now I have to figure out exactly what I want to do. For you see, my hard drive contains the following programs:

-Web browser
-File manager with built-in image viewer and video player
-Torrent client
-Kodi (why? we'll get to that)

This means that all porn-related activities are isolated to this hard drive.

For now, let's say I want to enjoy one of the many lesbian JAVs I have stored on this hard drive. I could just double-click on the video I want to see, right? Of course not.

For you see, when I jerk off, I like to lay on my bed and watch porn on the flat screen television I have hanging on my wall. The problem with this arrangement is that I also want to enjoy the sound of Japanese lesbians screaming with pleasure (or pain? You can never really be sure); this is difficult to do on the TV, as the loud speakers will be non-discrete, to put it lightly. All hope is lost, right? Of course not.

I don't hide it because I didn't live with my parents, and even if I did I wouldn't hide it.

I don't because I don't share my computer with my parents you sad fucker.

Stop watching porn.

I got three internals (8 TB each) on my drive my wife & family don't know exist. I keep them drive letter free and use diskcrypter decrypt them just in case they end up WITH drive letters at some point.

Only problem is if the faggots ever get drive letters Windows will prompt you to format the shit.

This is kopipe

You have to be 18 years old to post here

if you're gonna post 3DPD, at least post traps so I can jack off to them.

I store it in a folder labeled "porn".

I'm 34.

.promotions folder on my external drive

By not having porn.



>This ought to prevent family members from coming across my explicit material

Not unless you've disabled thumbnail caching





>extra hdd
>encrypted .rar files with passwords
>hide folders
>clear thumbnail cache after you're done

>I have a 500GB internal hard drive that I harvested off of an old computer. Whenever I want to jerk off, I retrieve the HDD from a box under my bed, after which I will open my computer case and connect the HDD to the computer's motherboard and PSU (after making sure the fans have stopped whirring, of course).

>unironically putting this much effort into something as pointless as watching and hiding porn

How do you guys name your porn? I prefix everything with a broad category unless it's a specific actress.

Seems to work okay but I like seeing other people's naming conventions.

I know this is just made up but the drive would be better hidden just left in the computer unplugged.

>mom found the thumbs.db

>How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?
I don't because
1) I own my own computer
2) I live alone
3) I only have a couple of movies anyway, most stuff I just stream from Pornhub or xvideos or whatever like a normie

>Have 8TB EXHDD dedicated to all my glorious porn of MANY MANY flavors, fetishes and tastes...
>Hook it up to homes media server so I can access it on any of my devices when I want too such as mobile on toilet.
>Family over for get together, nieces and kids in the family have gone into the media room and turned on the 4K TV to watch Netflix because started raining outside, it defaults on where I left off, straight onto a double penetration BBC scene loud moans and all echos throughout house.
>I'm frozen solid out of embarrassment, start sweating and panicking and finally sprinting to the media room.
>Can't find remote, TV doesn't have any buttons on it and don't have easy access to its power plug.
>Run outside and trip the safety switch in the power box because fuck fuck fuck.

We haven't had a get together at mine since then and my family (especially brother, father of nieces) have a dislike for me now regardless of my apologies and me telling them I deleted all of it (which I did).

And you still hide porn from your parents?

I Keep it in a folder names "20" on a 1gb Flash drive (I dont have much). this has done me fine

I'm not 12 so I just have a porn folder. Not hidden, encrypted or anything.

This thread again?

> Be at a party.
> Everyone sharing youtube faves.
> Url prediction instead goes to

盼盼已鸠 (Pan Pan Yi Jiu)

Who downloads that shit anymore? It's not 2005 anymore, HD streaming is a thing.
>open incognito window
>rub one out

You're probably better off telling your gf you watch jap lesbo porn than jumping through all the autistic hoops that OP does.

2 words: Incognito Mode.


For me 9 times out of 10 I totally forget about an awesome video by the next jerk session so I save just for convenience.

does she have any nude? with that keyword alone i can't find any nude

anw, thank you Sup Forumsentleman

stop being poor and having to share your pc with other people

virgin detected

and too young to know why to clone the hdd

>downloading porn

Why download anything for that matter? It's convenient.


The difference between porn and anything else is that porn is rubbish and shouldn't be a priority in your daily media consumption.

I don't hide it. Shit I even have it labeled as a favorite dir in my file browser.

>t. yourbrainonporn brainwashed pleb
Enjoy your testi cancer.

>low test faggot needs porn to fap
>low test faggot doesn't have sex regularly

It's the means to an end. It's not something I just watch to mull over.

sex is degenerate

I have a $1500 sex doll, STD free, fuck when ever I want, doesn't have mood swings. Best money I ever spent.

I hide my porn on the bios chip of my librebooted x200.
I use cbfstool and flashrom to add/retrieve porn from the bios chip.

Oh nice, didn't know about that one.

>>clear thumbnail cache after you're done
you also have to clear media player "last used" lists, also your OS may keep a record of "last used" files.

basically unless you use full encryption (entire OS, not just data), there's no sure way to prevent data leakage.

either way
>hiding porn from family

srsly, what is this

I put it on my home server so I can access it any time on my phone.

At which step do you unzip your dick?

I don't like the idea of someone finding my porn when i die.

You can die in any moment.

then you shouldn't have porn that embarrasses you

I don't hide porn anywhere. I don't save porn either. Grow up and move out of your mothers basement OP.

look at this vanilla fag and laugh

My process is much simpler.
1. Go to porn site of choice
2. Find a video
3. Jerk off

>being a degenerate unironically

i encrypt my hdd


Everyone is. The difference is some people are in denial or lie.


Deadman switch for porn should be a service.

You just gave me an idea user.

>actually cumming unironically

I don't.

I only save favorites or hard to find porn I enjoyed.
Keep it on a tiny flash drive I can just remove if someone's going to use my PC, or if I want to plug it into another computer.
Keep a portable browser on the flash drive that I use exclusively for porn, so it doesn't show up on my main browser.

So far it's been the best balance of simplest and safest way of watching porn I've found.

I name the folders by whatever Sup Forums board they'd belong to if I were to post them there.
s, h, gif, Vids & WebM
I don't name individual files, since that'd take way too long.


>saving porn
why do people even do this

Stop whatever illegal thing it is you're doing, or contemplating.
No, seriously.
You can tell by how you express yourself.
Stop your violations.

>STD free
thats what you think. what you dont know is that I (and a group of similarly inclined enthusiasts) go around, breaking into neckbeards' homes while they are wobbling to the supermarket to buy another month's supply of cheetos.
I then insert my member, my filthy, used whore member, if only you knew where this piece has been before, I insert it into said neckbeard's onahole, and I leave all my AIDS-containing slimy juices inside.
I even inject the onahole with a special gel that promotes bacterial growth.

I have killed hundreds already, and I will kill hundreds more. you think you are safe from the real world, but while me and others like me continue to fight the good fight, your kind will find no peace in this world

>implying I leave my house
>not having your mother go buy you cheetos

OP is a pasta. If you've never seen it before, you can tell by how sheerly retarded it is.


Oldfags have extremely specific fetishes or an interest in illegal content. You can't trust streaming for that.

except your ISP, the pornsite you used, possibly google because you of cookies etc.

You should've just acted like the kids turned on an adult cable channel by mistake or something.

Pretty sure he said he uses incognito mode.

yes indeed; would make a great company

>reverse searched op pic
absolute cmindmin

i save porn faggot what you gonna do about it?

Get off your Frognigger gibs and go back to Norwegian jail with your family, you stupid church-burning Snownigger


Why the fuck do you have you're porn on a media server? I just store it on a spare HDD and carry it with me (because it's also my general purpose HDD as well)

when did Sup Forums become retarded and waste their time doing shit like this instead of using full disk encryption? prying eyes aren't going to get through 256-bit AES

Stop watching porn

Only when the connection to your internet is lost you will truly realise what you don't have.

>not striding in like a boss
>"hey guys, you got to see this next scene - she gargles the national anthem with both loads"
>"well, why else did you switch it on?"

A USB flash drive in a hidden place in a locked box that is also in a locked box.

Who cares. The gf doesn't and that's the important part. Adblock those pornsite jews anyways. win win

>How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?
i memorize all porn scenes so i can mentally stream them later

Finish your story.

But I do the same I have a laptop where I do virtualizations, gaming, big data. If broken into or hacked there is nothing incriminating.

I have a Linux box which I mainly use for learning "how to hack"

My Thinkpad is for unsafe browsing such as watching or streaming movies and browsing Sup Forums. I downloaded porn here and stash it elsewhere.

I have a computer isolated from any internet/wifi/any connections/general access hidden in my garage which I have turned into an external storage of sorts inside is my massive 500GB++ porn collection. My porn files are only watchable on here. Or unless I copy them to my phone which is usually the case then promptly deleted.

This is the pro way to hide your porn

Productions company - Date(Euro style of course) - Actress Name - Scene Name

Very helpful. Say I'm in the mood for scene from last year at Round and Brown very easy to find

What did varg do wrong?

I simply have my porn folder on my desktop

>Frognigger gibs

I just use a .7z folder with a password

just hide your porn in system32

>has to hide porno
>theres a thing called porntube

>father walks in behind you
>"patriotism like that turns me on"
>sheds a single tear as a bald eagle is heard screeching in the distance

I haven't laughed like this in a good while. Thanks!