What operating system do NASA astronauts use on their awesome space laptops?? Do they play Runescape up there??

It's gentoo of course.

you can literally see in the picture that it's windows XP
they're migrating to linux because of budget issues unfortunately

What's with the two cables going up his legs?
Do those connect to his testes?

>my tax dollars go to their stupid fucking trillion dollar annual program without my consent
oh what a shame they're switching from windows to debian

>trillion dollar annual program
pick one

>pick one
>pick one
pick one

kill yourself

do you prefer they waste your taxes on being the world police instead?

yes. fuck islam

do you prefer they waste your taxes at all?

The 2008 bailout was more money than NASA has seen in it's entire existence you fucking monkey

Some linux and some windows.

not windows

Related to this, the Cassini mission control workstations used Solaris.

Not to mention


i used to work for NASA and I'm not really at liberty to give away too much info, but I WILL say that the DE's on NASA computers all use flat themes

>paying taxes

Isn't that just programs that aren't on the books for obvious reasons?

It's better that $6.5trn is "missing" than that they spent $6.5trn on pens, coffee cups and new carpet in the conference room. In my opinion.

They used Debian after Windows XP and then moved to Ubuntu when 14.04 came out.

I heard that there was an issue between them and Canonical hence why they dropped Ubuntu but they didn't state what they'd be replacing it with.

You're right. It's much better to spend 6.5 trillion dollars on developing secret torture and assassination methods rather than spending it on the technological evolution of the human species, which is required to avoid our imminent extinction.

>technological evolution of the human species
>pens, coffee cups and carpet

>It's much better to spend 6.5 trillion dollars on developing secret torture and assassination methods rather than spending it on the technological evolution of the human species,

Do you really think torture and assassinations cost that much?

80% of the time the government refuses to tell the public about programs it's because they're highly illegal either domestically or internationally. See Chelsea Manning leaking that the US bombed journalists in the middle east with no justification at all. Some trigger-happy drone pilot drops a couple missiles on a random truck and laughs about it over the radio, and the government claims that the public would be in danger if this knowledge was leaked. They cover up their dirty secrets in the name of national security as a routine, I really wouldn't be surprised if they decided to do MK ULTRA V.2 and gave it a few billion dollars in funding. They’re already assassinating US citizens without trial.

More like, how many other countries are missing trillions of dollars and who is powerful enough to steal those large amounts on money?

Well, the bankers and the royal families of course!



> complaining about nasa
ancapistan ain't gonna happen, user

God fucking damn that naming contest for the new plane was completely bullshit and the winner was clearly picked before the polls even went up


I have a lot more, most don't really fit in with the topic of Sup Forums - technology but some are kinda related like off the top of my head there was one where the federal government wasted a few tens of million$ to build out solar panels to make their facilities sustainable but the tech they where using for the panels wasn't compatible with the main grid so they spend about another ten mill to try to retrofit something to make it comparable but before they could finish they decided to scrap the whole project because they project wouldn't fit in with parking lots they wanted to build.
Another, they spent a a couple dozen mill on aircraft in Afghanistan but the technology inside the aircraft did not hold up well against the hot sand grain filled air so they sold it all for scrap for only like $10k.
I got more on that too, but I can't think of a way to relate it to technology without stretching.