/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Last thread you guys didn't invite me to HD-T and fooled me into posting my email. I should have been less gullible ;_;

in b4 404

How can I get myself banned on IPT? And do they give IP bans and/or invite tree bans? Just don't ask me why I want to do it, thanks.

For starters, post a real screenshot, not one you dug up from 2015.

>macrodong wangblow$ 7
>macrodong office word 2007
>fucking AVIRA
>adblock that isn't uBlock


you should have read the op

thats not the fucking point here dude

>Not even posting news in 2 attempts at making an OP
>Doesn't even warn fellow /ptg/ers that L4U is using a cryptocurrency miner

Don't worry, user. Soon this thread shall be consumed in the sweet embrace of 404 and we can begin anew.

So TC was nuked by HDB or PTP?

>TehConnection's servers were seized
so all our data is in the hands of the Canadian Government?

RED. RED figured out they could generate more activity if people were trying to get to the PTP thread.


RED had a TC thread too though


Not since they got seized/hacked and put up a shady bitcoin address for donations.

Only for PU, which is easy. The PTP thread requires much more user investment.

They still do have a TC thread though, dummy

No they don't.


>he doesn't even use a tracker link to /mark/ people anymore
Step it up, 312cuck.

God I wish that were me

Delete this

Found this on a request. What does it mean?

Only members of royal houses are permitted to fill this request.

You are not one of the lineage, you will not understand.


suddenly Sup Forums adds a vast amount of gay porn to the torrent d/l list...

Best serverhost for setting up a VPN instance?

Plan on using it for tunneling jackett and similar through it. I use PIA for downloading, but since trackers are fucking asswipes about not using dynamic ones for browsing, any VPS that is decent for cheap?

You can only upload from a phone running LineageOS

I don't know about torrent purposes, but digitalocean and amazon lightsail have pretty decent $5/mo plans if you just want to tunnel traffic.

I believe scalesay has a $3/mo plan, but I heard mixed reviews about their network.

read the upload rules, you fartsniffer

Lineage is a list of equipment, software and formats you used in the process of ripping a vinyl. E.g. turntable A (with tonearm B and cartridge C) -> phono D -> ADC E -> recording software F -> encoder G.


Forgot the dropbox.

Wait so one tracker's admin doxed another admin and led the police to him?

I hope someone cuts his tongue out

>PIAnigger too retarded to use Air or Nord
>presumes to be able to set up a VPS

Now, that's a tasty squirrel.

what does squirrel meat taste like?

Like rabbit, but slightly less gamy and more tender.

wait holy shit is this real? i'm not clicking that shit

thanks that's interesting

What's inside it user?

>implying I don't know more than you
PIA is the only one proven in court.


>The absolute state of the REDcuck
>doesn't even have his entire library in FLAC

The other two are out of US jurisdiction, not to mention actually technically competent enough to not put the user in court in the first place, dumb nigger.

PIA is still the only one proven not to hold logs, regardless of the mental gymnastics you use in order to defend the other ones.

And about the jurisdiction, if you're worried about NSA having your traffick then you're already fucked, pedo.

i'm having trouble getting buffer on Empornium, anyone have any tips?

It's trash. Lmk if you want anything from the inside

stop wanking

>PIA is still the only one proven not to hold logs
you keep saying this but where is the evidence, nigger

Forgot pic.

>no port-forwarding

enjoy never seeding you dumb idiot.

I don't waste my time spoonfeeding teenagers on my days off, homo.

how to get into AB?

so you admit you were just lying right now then
I was just making sure

>gets btfo
>simulates insanity
Go back to your preteen subreddit.

Find someone in animebytes who has invites and beg.

lol why would you want to

>for browsing
>enjoy never seeding
kys retard

>RED: PTP Power User, BTN Power User, AB Power User, HDB 1080i (member >=4 weeks, downloaded at least 30GB, ratio >=0.95), BIB Power User, GGn Power User.

Does this mean one of those requirements or all of them?

all of them. red only recruits the creme of the crop

feel free to google "PIA no logs court case", retards.

If there's nothing in the description about not uploading it to other sites, can I take a movie from HDBits and upload it to PTP without catching shit?

Fucking waifu FOR SURE

join gaytorrents.
easy to earn buffer plus path to HDB

>need new VPS host for VPN that is going to be used for browsing since I can't use my PIA VPN that I use for actual torrent traffic since trackers don't allow for dynamic VPNs while browsing

Reading comprehension?

Let me break it down for you
>have dynamic no-log VPN that I use for downloading (PIA)
>need new VPS hosted VPN that doesn't share IP with other VPN users since dynamic VPNs aren't allowed (CANNOT USE PIA SINCE IT IS DYNAMIC)
>your retard ass blurt out two other dynamic VPN providers, one which is shit at seeding due to no port-forwarding
>Since I expect you not to be completely retarded and actually able to understand words I assume you yell at me for using PIA and not NORDVPN/AIRVPN
>I tell you nordvpn is shit because it doesn't allow port forwarding thus limits connectability when seeding
>You somehow go back to my original question about getting VPS vpn for browsing and equate that with my reponse to nordvpn being shit for downloading+seeding

You're fucking braindead, now appologize for wasting my time.

Do you think they're going to call the cops on you for copyright infringement?

post dtop

>this level of autism
I literally just told you that you shouldn't bother with VPS, seeing as you're a person who is technically incompetent and mentally deficient to the point of preferring a fucking Netflix proxy for normies hosted in the land of NSA to actually secure, transparent and well audited services. Now fuck off my board, triple nigger.

Oh, since you probably will misunderstand that post as well.

I will be using two VPNs. One for downloading, one for browsing.

Actually, I drew a little diagram for your retard ass so that you can actually understand because I've read that retards find it easier to understand when given images.

It's simple. You post over 1 million anime tiddies and then they come and find you.

Underage, please leave the board and seek help at your nearest Autism Speaks branch office.

>I literally just told you that you shouldn't bother with VPS, seeing as you're a person who is technically incompetent and mentally deficient to the point of preferring a fucking Netflix proxy for normies hosted in the land of NSA to actually secure, transparent and well audited services. Now fuck off my board, triple nigger.

First of all, PIA is the only one proven in court.

>technically incompetent
I work as consultant for the biggest IT-company in the western european region. More specifically, I work with securing banking infrastructure and everything that entails. I'm more technically competent than your retard ass will ever be, fucking brainlet. Now fuck off.

>thinks you require technical knowledge to set up VPS

Literally thousands of scripts out there for the specific purpose of setting up VPN on a VPS.

>downloading anything in a format that isn't FLAC

>I literally just told you that you shouldn't bother with VPS, seeing as you're a person who is technically incompetent and mentally deficient to the point of preferring a fucking Netflix proxy for normies hosted in the land of NSA to actually secure, transparent and well audited services. Now fuck off my board, triple nigger.
>Using a service that doesn't allow portforwarding when dealing with torrent traffic
you're the retarded one lol.

who hurt you

>First of all, PIA is the only one proven in court.
Your autistic repeating of that sentence doesn't mean anything to anyone. PIA is hosted in a land with aggressive litigation practices in regards to piracy and agencies hellbent on raping user privacy.
>in the western european region
Deliberately placing yourself under US jurisdiction despite no formal need to is just paramount idiocy. Consider suicide.
>I work as consultant
This isn't the thread for larping, Timmy. Again, do fuck off my tech board.

NordVPN and their virtual servers. What a fucking shitty service.

Alright, sounds good.

what the actual fuck is up with this guy? does he think he's going to get offered a position on RED staff if he spends an entire 24 hours shilling on reddit

t. Z

>that comment history
>literally literally shilling Red for 24 hours

at least he makes intelligent posts, unlike most people on reddit

Attacking a post line by line but then conveniently ignoring anything that proves him wrong isn't in any way intelligent

Hmm... I feel like I have seen that type of discourse somewhere before.


I'm in cgpeers, it's my only private tracker and I want to get into more.
how do I do that? my ratio is pretty good btw

reach power user and you'll get most trackers from there

>shilling Red

>1.1+ million torrents
>5.6+ million snatches
>4.2+ million seeders
>509k+ artists
>520k+ perfect flacs
>27k+ users
>10 months old
Hot damn, RED sure needs as many shills as it can get

Yeah I've seen this shit on reddit all the time


nice trips red shill

Pages 11+12

Exactly - it doesn't. Yet this person has been autistically contrarian and defensive of any and all Red critique for literal hours now.

Sup Forumsentomen

I want to upload a season pack to a filehost for a friend. Is mega still any good or is there something better?

Mega is shit with bandwidth limits now, just make a torrent using some public tracker like leechers-paradise.org/