Where were you when this woman announced the death of programming?
>Watson would be the beginning of a new era where you didn’t program. Machines would look at data, understand, reason over it, and they continue to learn: understand, reason and learn, not program, in my simple definition.
Luckily my field of expertise isn't as prone to automation.
Xavier Reyes
>understand, reason over it, learn
Oh boy...I wonder if they, or anyone in tech industry has bothered to maybe go visit a doctor's appointment to see *where* most of the time and effort is spent?
Hint: it's not diagnostics or treatment plans.
I'm M.D. and usually I spend about 1-20% of time thinking what the patient's problem is WHILE examining him. Often it takes me one look at the patient, maybe 1 second or so observation to have a good idea what his problem is. It's pattern recognition. More experienced docs figure it even faster and more broadly.
Where most of my time goes is interaction. Explaining and motivating the patient to actually take the medication. I need to tailor the treatment to fit the individual. Cholesterol treatment is pain because everybody gets joint or muscle aches every now and then and often think it's the drug (sometimes it is). I get compliance directly proportional to the time I spend listening to the patient, sort of figuring him out and explaining.
Compliance is THE problem in medicine. NOT diagnostics. But I do see AI being helpful in some weird cases and also finding out drug interactions, warning about some negative lab stat trend etc. But that's peanuts, not the main course. Apparently silicon valley thinks health care is like transportation...invest accordingly.
William Ortiz
>woman It's obvious from the quote that she has no idea what she is talking about, all the programming she knows is setting up a facebook account
Christian Rodriguez
I'd also point out that many of my colleagues are unable to type with more than 2 fingers, have barely become adjusted to using digital archives and filing, loath...absolutely loath anyone pushing a thing coming between them and their patients and generally having great suspicion about tech types after massive record of failures and disappointments by tech industry hype & fuckups in the 90s and 00s. And these guys won't retire soon. They work in their 70s and sometimes 80s. And they carry a LOT of weight. Good luck fighting that. I've yet to see a reliable automated ECG analysis and it's 12 fucking lines not the whole person and every complexity, somatic, socioeconomic or psychological phenomena our patients express.
Henry Diaz
I used to work at IBM in a division that was eventually merged into Watson, and I always thought that Watson would make a better pharmacist than doctor.
She's been CEO for so fucking long now too. She needs to fucking calm down on the Watson shit - she's sinking IBM faster than it's ever been sinking before. For the life of me, I can't comprehend why she's so obsessed with something she doesn't understand, that's targeted at industries she seems to know nothing about.
Oliver Wright
IBM already have a system where they can calculate your personality from just a few social media posts. I think you are vastly overestimating how good humans are at reading/interacting with others.
Isaac Morales
Then programming wouldn't be dying, the human race would be dying; there would be no reason for humans to exist
Logan Baker
>woman Opinion discarded.
Ian Sullivan
Thanks for the point of view. That's interesting and adds to my suspicion that IBM isn't simply pushing snake oil, but the management actually believes the hype.
Ginny seems genuine in interviews. Being genuinely wrong is possibly worse for stockholders than crooks, because often the crooks have the sense to hedge their bets a bit. True believers leave nothing out.
You know, when doctors say something publically, it's usually dressed up very politely with room for reconsideration. We do it with all our non-colleagues. Even when the other docs have clearly messed up we say "well he had his point of view, but now we know more and we'll try this" . Collegialism. So when you start hearing physicians talk about disappointments and trust issues, the smoke alarm means there's raging fire underneath. And a problem in healtch care costs typically 10 times more than problems elsewhere because tolerance for risk is extremely small. "First do no harm."
Nolan James
>I always thought that Watson would make a better pharmacist than doctor that is why you are not a CEO of forward looking company
Charles Gomez
>they thought IBM died when they sold ThinkPad
Big Blue will always be big, and blue.
Jaxon Moore
Stfu no it's not. Machine learning and AI will definitely change programming, but it will be more like another layer of abstraction to deal with.
We're still nowhere close to being able to simulate a human's ability to understand context and creatively problem solve. These traits are pretty much the essence of being a programmer, and these are the types of traits that will skyrocket in value when more things start getting automated. Instead of wealth distribution, we need to figure out new roles to put humans in that make use of these traits.
Jose Parker
The so-called "AI" today is just a glorified data analysis.
Nolan Allen
Dude whatever half the countries backend infrastructure is dated as shit, that's not going to change anytime soon.
Adrian King
>One step closer to communism t. retard who skipped history lessons
>Where were you when this woman announced the death of programming? I'll believe it when I see it. This is just a fucking marketing trick, AI cant even translate simple sentences properly and semantically correct yet.
Justin Bennett
Is that why the Watson project has been a consistent failure ever since their unimpressive PR trick on Jeopardy, why hospitals and other medical institutions are abandoning Watson since it cannot accurately produce any valuable data, why the IBM stock has fallen nearly 30% in less than a year and why Rometty is likely to have to step down as CEO before this year is over?
Robert Perez
Still sounds like a promising product, just not as revolutionary as the marketing hyped it up to be. You did read the article, right?
Ethan Barnes
>siri open the file named pornurls.txt on my desktop then open each url and download every video that features a black midget deepthroating, only download 10 videos at a time and save them in my migetporn folder.
This is programming in 20 years
Andrew Cruz
I might be just an idiot but what shes describing doesnt seem like a replacement for programming. I've been a data analyst for 5 years and a programmer (hobbyist) for 10, and to me it sounds like shes talking about data analytics, not programming.
Jackson Ward
We're really gonna need that IBM 5100
Xavier Johnson
>implying you can't do this now
Gavin Robinson
>Machines would look at data, understand, reason over it, and they continue to learn: understand, reason and learn, not program, in my simple definition.
Machines look at facts over the history, understand that gassing the kikes and an imminent race was is the only way out, reason using plain facts (machines can't be racist), Sup Forums dies in laughter in my simple definition.