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Anyone here did some fancy stuff with their network setup? Like installing unbound, DNSCrypt, DNSsec, etc.
I am trying a combination of those myself.
Owen Davis
Any reason why?
Juan King
Jayden Perry
what's the best virtualization program on linux?
Jordan Cook
i dont have enough autism to put the rx vega amdgpu driver into my kernel as an user suggested i do yesterday how long does it take amd to get driver support out to debian when they release a new card?
Connor Ramirez
How to improve acceleration in VM? Creo is still usable, but there are some quirks, like the drop down menus don't appear.
Should I dual boot? If so should I continue to use Windows7 or move onto Windows10?
Or should I try GPU pass through?
Specs: i7 4700 MQ K1100M 24GB Ram
Kayden Cook
of course it will run like shit if you dont do gpu passthrough dual boot until you get that set up
Cooper Richardson
Why why?
Landon Lopez
Speaking of VMs, I usually run with VirtualBox, but I see alot of people using qemu, is it better? If so what does it better?
Josiah Sanchez
If I install Arch as my first distro and something breaks, will /fglt/ make fun of me?
Bentley Harris
Just make sure to update it, read the news and it woun't break.
Brandon Harris
Secure your network against malicious attacks?
Bentley Cooper
Not sure, starting from Arch deserves you be put against the ropes
Nicholas Moore
I'm just thinking about skipping the whole Mint -> Ubuntu -> Debian -> ???? -> Arch thing straight to the end goal.
Colton Rodriguez
I've seen people using Gentoo as their first distro without fucking up. It all depends on your will to read documentation.
Arch is really easy. The hardest step is installing it (when you never heard about things like creating filesystems, partitioning, etc), but over the thumb, it's just ~10 commands to boot into a working Arch. Then you install a DE (or WM) you like and all you need to do at this point is following this guys advise:
Easton Sanchez
Then Manjaro, go for Manjaro. Is based o Arch and just change the sources, you can change it for a full Arch system further ahead but don't go for the pain, don't do it man.
Benjamin Reyes
>straight to the end goal GuixSD, Devuan, Gentoo
Gabriel Hughes
Use arch-anywhere (I guess it's now Anarchy Linux). It's a installer that installs Arch (the real one) for you.
Ryan Taylor
Can someone explain to my why so many newfriends start with Arch, why?
Are they typing "beginner distro" in google and it results in Arch? Is there some kind of forum recommending Arch as an inside joke like Sup Forums does with gentoo? Is this some kind of conspiracy?
Why anons, why?
Gabriel Wright
They see the Arch logo on riced desktops, think you can only rice on Arch, install Arch, rice it and post desktops and the circle snakes bite.
Blake Lopez
A quick look at the uptimes tells pretty much about actually using Arch or just posting with it.
Anthony Harris
Probably this. Even is so easy to do a Devuan netinstall and rice it out they bite for Arch.
Colton King
screenfetch -D Arch
Oliver Baker
I'm not too worried about the installation, though, as said, it's jut typing some commands one after the other. It shouldn't be too bad. Although as an Anarchist I kinda approve of the whole "Anarchy Linux", although I would prefer Anarchy GNU/Linux.
What if I don't necessarily hate systemd?
Manjaro is not the end goal, though.
Isaiah Nguyen
What controls the spacing between the columns and the rows in a terminal? Is it the font? How can I minimize the spacing between the rows?
Liam King
>CPU does not support VT-d Well it isn't that bad in Virtual Box. I found a temporary solution by hiding the ribbon which made the menu's re-apper.
I really don't like the idea of dual booting with windows and anything from windows potentially corrupting by linux partition.
Jayden Wright
>not screenfetch -A Gentoo
Anthony Davis
>not screenfetch -A 'Source Mage GNU/Linux'
Jeremiah Jackson
Nigga I am running Source Mage in my main computer which is more endgame than Arch but can tell you is ten times easier to install Source Mage and is less of a hassle. And I have installed Arch, Gentoo, Slackware, etc.
Evan Robinson
>CPU does not support VT-d doesnt that mean you cant virtualize at all?
Benjamin Lewis
No, it means you don't have KVM, which is near native performance.
Dominic Wilson
What's your experience with Slackware? Never tried it. Lack of prope package manager scares me.
Juan Wood
>gentoo >arch >source mage >slackware is this placebo autism epeen stuff because theyre hard to install or are they actually superior under the hood
Andrew Taylor
All distros have their pros and cons.
Justin Jackson
They all have their good things. >Gentoo USE flags; your packages with your configuration >Arch well, the AUR >Source Mage Whole thing heavenly hackable >Slackware Never tried it
Anthony Mitchell
Imagine installing from source on debian and tracking all those dependencies. But there is a package manager which makes Slackware a great choice. Doesn't come with a minimal installation so is not my cup of tea.
It all have its reasons, although Arch is now being relegated due to ppas.
Jace Cruz
Throw in squid in that combo too and you're golden
Jordan Cruz
>ppas Well, PPAs aren not the same thing as the AUR. The AUR may be just a git clone;make wrapper, but if you're carefull and check what you do, it's actually better and more secure than installing a binary compiled by literally who (PPA).
James Sanchez
>this way is more secure if you check what you are doing than the other way if you don't
Nicholas Sullivan
You are right in that PPAs are not exactly the AUR, I still know users seek them for the same purpose (generally), that is to have applications not available in your repository. I wonder how long will it take for AppImages to take off for this same purpose.
Blake White
Install GuixSD
Brayden Davis
Are you retarded? PPAs provide binaries. Try checking binaries.
Carter Lewis
>implying arch users actually double check what they install from the AUR
Thomas Baker
appimages, snaps, all that crap is cancer if people want .exe files bloated up with every library and whatever else, they should go back to windows
Robert Brown
You shouldn't recommend Windows, not even as insult.
Luke Bennett
I know what you mean. There is a reason why I am moving to a source based distro.
John Myers
They hijacked the init, they will come for the package manager. Lets hope they use AppImage and not Flatpak or Snap, the last two depend on you know what "init".
Gabriel Evans
trying to dualboot GNU/Linux and Win10
what do
Nathaniel Young
Got this Android form a friend, anyone who can recommend a guide how to get rid off all the botnet?
Robert Hernandez
If I want to connect to smb shares over the network, do I need samba installed on my machine, or does the linux kernel's native cifs driver work without samba?
Dominic Thomas
I'd say "throw it out of the window", but that's not the right thing; it may even botnet the guy who finds it. You must kill it with fire. Burn it. And make sure it's really dead (burn it again).
Installed arch as my first distro because I couldn't be fucked starting with anything easier if I was only going to eventually wind up with arch in the future, so I thought I'd cut out the middle man and jump in the deep end right away
Samuel Sanders
installgentoo wiki
Jayden Lee
What distro?
UEFI might also fuck up your bootloader as well, but you can't partition a disk that is in use user
>boot from live USB of distro you chose >use whatever partitioning tool they provide on the live USB to partition your disk >make a new partition on the empty space you just made >install distro on that partition
Levi Carter
oh shit, i didn't even know this was back up
Brody Clark
Is there any hope in sight on getting rid of processor botnet?
Hudson Walker
Doesn't FSF have a list of free hardware vendors?
Hunter Martin
Sitting on my old pre-2006 chinkpad I'm feeling comfy when this question shows up.
Most current CPUs have an internal mini-operating system called "engine". It's some microcode running inside the processor. These engines have access to your whole computer and the network (intented for remote maintence, etc). These engines have a higher priority than your installed OS; if there is something malicious going on, you will never know it.
Alexander Bailey
Can I get away with installing everything on my machine with --no-install-recommends? It seems like every program tries to tack on useless shit I don't need.
Nolan Phillips
Just unchecked the "updade CPU microcode" checkbox in Ubuntu. What the hell. Why does my CPU need network access!
Leo Morales
smb is garbage use nfs
Nathaniel Rivera
I've been doing this for a while, but went back to manually adding that flag since most of the time you just miss the good things.
Dylan Evans
I'm planning on doing just that for the same reason. Care to share your experience?
Easton Cox
>feel cute, want to cuddle >feel creepy, want to hide based Sup Forums
Aaron Miller
Only trouble I had was getting os-prober to pick up my windows partition (forgot to mount it before running mkconfig)
Lucas Martinez
Can we have a /fglt/ mixtape playlist? >post related traxx
Nolan Clark
Well that most likely won't save you from the botnet, but it's better than nothing.
I'm using GalliumOS on a Chromebook Pixel, and I've run into an issue with HiDPI window manager themes. Except for the default hidpi and default xhidpi themes, everything window manager theme has a pretty small UI.
Any tips on finding and installing some xfce4 HiDPI themes? I'm trying to find a guide on installing themes from a tar archive, and all the .debs conflict with my libgtk packages.
Andrew Bennett
>Gentoo Good: Source-based Bad: Source-based
>Alpine Good: If you hate GNU Bad: If you don't hate GNU
>Void Good: If you have a hardon for runit Bad: Not many packages
>Devaun Good: No systemd Bad: Ancient like Debian
>Arch Good: Pacman and AUR Bad: systemd
>Slackware Good: No systemd, well-established community Bad: No automatic dependency management