Ryzen 7 1700
RX580 4gb
Ryzen 7 1700
RX580 4gb
do they have a non-gayman alternative?
>plastic gaymer design
no thanks Im not a manchild
When RTG fixes the Vega drivers mess.
it's a shame
the 8 cores make it a decent workstation
Why do they fucking do this.
Because they're the only people, who'd buy this shit. Whats the point of a gaming laptop and heavy as this?
>Deploy on ships
>Fell for the gaming meme laptop
>Shit was heavy, cumbersome and I hardly played games on it
>Took up a fuck ton of room
>Only really used it for movies/anime
Never again, when I go back to sea I'm buying a fucking business grade notebook.
Why no Ryzen thinkpads yet?
a series variants are in the making
That's your own fucking fault. You're the user, you should have decided what your usage plans were and shopped accordingly.
holy shit they actually put a fucking oven rx580 in a laptop the absolute madmen
that thing's gonna burn your lap worse than the x100e
that is by far the most retarded directional keys design I have seen lately holy shit it looks like a newfag triforce sideways
God I don't understand the whole fucking "yeah we gotta make gayman computers look badass" thing. I don't want my computer to say that shit on it, while I may mainly use it to play games that's not all it can do so FUCK OFF COMPUTER DESIGNERS.
At this point, ROG is a brand all on its own, with Asus being the parent company.
>but the looks
are part of the brand image. Look, if all you're going to do is bitch about it with no legitimate complaints, why not start your own company making Ryzen gaming laptops that are subtle in design and don't compromise performance.
was gaymen a mistake?
Gaymen laptop/10
Ryzen specifically? A Sager representative said AMD signed a deal with Asus so they're the only ones to sell Ryzen laptops for now.
In any case, Raven Ridge APU's should be arriving soon for every brands.
Check this out.
That's hideous.
I'll just wait for the New Razer Blade to come out, it's gaymer aesthetics but it's the best value for your money.
>tfw you cannot change cases unlike on ROG motherboards where you can shove them into Define R5s
Benchmarks and temps plz.