GNOME appreciation thread

Today I've found out that I can set emacs keybindings in GNOME just by switching one button. It's amazing.
And what do you love about GNOME?

I use to love it but I can't anymore after using Mac OS as my daily driver.

>No acceleration settings
how can devs be so incompetent?

> appreciation
There's nothing to appreciate. It's a giant smelly piece of shit. It looks like shit and lacks basic functionality. Every iteration of that cursed DE removes useful/power features. It's also a horribly-executed knockoff of OSX. GNOME devs copied features without giving it some thought so shit might look like OSX features but it doesn't behave properly.
Then there's an issue with HAMBURGER MENUS EVERYWHERE. On a fucking desktop OS! It's clearly an indication that GNOME designers and UX people are total fucking morons when they resort to those mobile crutches.
Next, there's an issue of bugs. There's so many bugs! Way too many to count (just look at their Bugzilla) and they don't fix them at all. Some are like 8 years old!

GNOME is nothing more than an aborted tablet DE that's slowly being crippled by RedHat since they have very little interest in it.


>knockoff of OSX.
But it has a completely different workflow.
There are less of them than in KDE
>There's so many bugs!
Again, a lot less bugs than in KDE or some trash like Deepin
>GNOME is nothing more than an aborted tablet DE
Keyboard oriented DE is now a tablet DE? You clearly have no idea what are you talking about.

>how can devs be so incompetent?
simple, sjw millenials

who gives a shit about KDE you stupid moron? I thought we were discussing GNOME. KDE is also shit but this thread is not about KDE. Just because GNOME might or might not be better than KDE doesn't somehow absolve it from being a GIGANTIC PIECE OF PIG SHIT.

Okay, KDE aside I still think that your points about OSX are not valid because of completely different workflows between GNOME and Aqua.
Bugs are not nice but I still haven't encounter anything deal breaking. What is sad, though is absence of tray icons. What the fuck should I use instead? Right know I have to keep a window with Transmission on a separate workspace.

What's the point of using gnome over unity?

nice Android Honeycomb screenshot, faggot

Budgie is 100x better

If they actually doubled down on optimizations and made it not run like shit, I'd be totally down to use it.

love this post

Nice butthurt, bro.

Customizability. There are literally hundrets of extensions which can make your DE to either look like w10 or like something completely original. You can even add some tiling window manager functionality. GNOME3 is slowly turning into Emacs of DEs.

>still no thumbnails in file picker
lmaoing @ your life

Budgie is a crappy resource intensive gnome fork to compete with pantheon/enlightenment shit. You like it now while it's popular but it won't last, and something new will take all the work and publicity from it and it'll die. This will happen soon.

I've tried a few gnome tiling extensions, in my opinion they all fucking suck. Do you have any recommendations that just tile by default, and don't give you some shitty menu to control you windows?

What is your preferred DE, then?

Actually, its going away from GTK and GNOME and switching to Qt

>Actually, its [...] switching to qt
Wow that'll help

mfw emojis work in the terminal

Budgie devs have explicitly said they are porting the DE to Qt but keeping it integrated with GNOME based and GTK based applications.

???? :-)

how come this triggers only me.

chromium's client side decorations are ugly as sin, if that's what you're suggesting

pic related

looks fine on my machine

Which theme is that friend? I'm struggling to make GNOME look nice but I'm too noob, every theme I find is either for Arch or Debian and I don't know how to make them work on Ubuntu.

terrible b8. wipe this meme from the face of the earth

whoops I just saw the screenfetch, nvm

I see you are running GNOME