HTML5 is a mistake

Do you miss flash now?

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bouncing anime tits with sound in one portable file

bouncing anime tits animation files and soundfiles need a folder on a server to playback

I don't even know how you make animations close to Flash stuff like back then with HTML5 now.
It was all so fucking easy with .swf

Not really
The number one security loophole until every single thing blocked it

Flash was shit. dont be retarded

If it's about DRM they would easily find a way to put it in Flash. HTML 5 is superior in every way.

flash is awesome.

webdevs as usual were being moronic monkeys and used it for video streaming, which was never the original intent.

Adobe buying out macromedia was the worst thing to happen to the web.

I so hope Adobe gets fucked over now that davinci resolve 14 is out and hopefully will eat up their margins for lunch.

we just need a free and competent photoshop alternative and Adobe can get bent.

What about GIMP?



why is flash so hated all of sudden? all i hear is MUH SECURITY AND VIRUSES but i never had any problems with it all these years and i doubt anyone had either, people are just hating on what everyone else tells them to hate. its like people cant think for themselves, and just parrot what others say.

>Do you miss flash now?
For videos?
No way, HTML5 is much better.

Other shit, like games and apps?
Fuck yes.

flash was literally THE BLOAT of the internet

it came with much less bloat, when you compare it to electron apps. one step from being mature before the self sabotage by adobe (no threading). we could have real apps in the web, the only reason for apple to protect their store, it's a shame. meanwhile the flash player is still not open sourced. fuck this world.


Flash is trash.

This is the future the faggot OP wants

Hence why Flash needed to die

>HTML5 is better for videos

>Comparing outdated chart from god knows when

Nice try, faggot

Well you could stuff everything into one file, trouble is nobody bothers.

little do you know
>performance in 1080@60fps
>it keeps dropping frames
>FIX: uncheck use hardware acceleration
this was approved by google in their product forums btw

>2014 video


The faggot OP must be crying in bed every day waiting for AIDSDOBE to remove Flush from the world

Flash is, and always has been, absolute shit. Everything you hate about Javascript or HTML5 can also be attributed to Flash, with the added perk of being a security-hole ridden mess.

HTML5 has its flaws, but let's not pretend Flash wasn't garbage.
>a zero day every other week
>using an animation tool to build web applications and rich content
>fixed stage framerate
>garbage rendering performance in general
>every "app" needed its own loader and implementation of fluid resizing
>awful non-native feeling UI controls
>"app"s that wanted to use both HTML and Flash components had to consume resources for every Flash movie they had on the page

We rely on a Flash """"application""""""" at work, so I know it's garbage. The worst part is that mouse wheel scrolling in the app works in Firefox but not on Chrome (fucking why?)

Yes, let's not pretend Flash apps were single-file either. Single-file apps had to stream all the content sequentially, and content to be loaded separately had to be on different "frames" in the "animation," where you couldn't visit one frame without downloading all the previous ones. This meant single file apps had to have a linear flow and would eventually download every asset on every page visit anyway. Real world Flash apps were split into separate .swf, image, audio and video assets just like modern HTML web pages.

try it out yourself because it hasn't much changed

Fuck no. Fuck that shit.

>html5 is less taxing on the CPU
>still hover around 20-30% just by opening a HTML5 video
>can't run html5 videos with GPU

Why is flash being killed of instead of improved?

No, you're retarded and it shows

Hardware these days full support 4K 60FPS H.264 hardware decoding with very low CPU usage and HTML5 just works, but keep grasping at the straws, Flash asskisser, it's being blocked by all browers and gone by 2020 :^)

politics, adobe made a bet on HTML5 authoring software which nobody buys of course

>Hardware these days full support 4K 60FPS H.264 hardware decoding with very low CPU usage and HTML5 just works
>H.264 hardware decoding with very low CPU


that's why you need kaby lake for it to work nobody will notice CPU usage

Keep on lying to yourself if it makes you feel good :^)

Flash is an interpreted language, it's heavy - so heavy that, in conjunction with the way Flash renders video, it's a battery killer.

And it's not just a battery killer on mobile devices. Want to see how quickly the battery on your laptop can run to zero? Load your browser with a bunch of Flash-heavy pages in tabs and let them all run.

Many development systems have numerous internal checks to make sure that the code developed is safe for distribution to the big wide world. Flash isn't one of those systems. Flash has, historically, allowed all kinds of code to run.

It's not only that Flash is closed: It's REALLY closed. That closed nature means that many of the security researchers who might work on improvements in open systems are locked out -- something that seems to be of little concern to criminals and hackers. The result of this means Flash has presented such a rich set of targets to hackers that its developers have spent the last decade (and more) chasing an ever-evolving series of vulnerabilities and exploits. And the nature of Flash means that this game is going to continue.

Flash is yet another media format. Do we really need more?

HTML5 is the new foundation of Web page development and it eliminates virtually all need for Flash. And here's the thing: HTML5 is a programming language that has notable similarities to HTML4. Flash doesn't. Now, Flash isn't the single most complicated programming environment to learn and use, but unless you live your entire professional life inside the Adobe Creative Cloud it's different from any of the other languages you use.

Remember that game of Whack-a-Mole we mentioned? One of the ways that Flash programmers deal with the exploits is by releasing updates. And users of Flash can blithely ignore each and every one of them. If you own a business, and some of those users are on your payroll, then they might provide a path from their funny cartoons straight into your corporate files.

That reason enough?

>HTML5 just works
i hope so

The web itself is a big spaghetti junction of shit.
Can we just start over? (and ban all the normalfags while we're at it?)

here's the kicker
> video decoding in javascript
welcome to the future

HTML5 1080P 60FPS decodes just fine even on Apollo Lake, stay mad, faggot OP

>Why is flash being killed of instead of improved?
because proprietary garbage is not standards material

w3c thinks otherwise.

w3c is irrelevant as fuck and will fall into obscurity in favor of whatwg

what is InDesign?
t.graphic designers

>Do you miss flash now?
I'm stuck using it every day for homework and assignments in my classes.
It's mind boggling how companies like Pearson and Sapling absolutely refuse to reinvent themselves, but still choose to charge exorbitant amounts of cash for their ugly, outdated websites.

Wonder what will happen to them when Flash is killed off in a couple years?

I used flash for the longest time til jewtube broke my addons for it, HTML5 is dogshit

Both are dogshit. Flash is worse, though.

html5 is pajeetware.
Flash is westernware.

Pick one.

I'll take the one with code that is open for review.

>missing flash
>missing malware

how young are you?

That's what I want to know. These sites have flash integrated so deeply as the foundation, it seems impossible for them to change or adapt once it dies. There's never any mention of HTML5 updates or the like.
My worst fear is that these huge as shit learning institutions will use the money they have to extend Flash's lifespan or force other people to submit to their ways (like they are currently).

Education bubble is beginning to deflate anyways. It's not like they are going to hang onto their power for much longer. For the vast majority of people, the investment is not worth the payout.

Keep in mind that government institutions (like colleges, although they are mixed in with the private sector) are the last, and most resistant, to change. There are TONS of government computers that haven't gone past Windows XP SP2.

Also, I know what you're about to say - if you want to work certain jobs, you NEED to have a degree. But how much is that degree worth if you aren't being trained in what you need to? How long will that branch of education last when none of their graduates are qualified to get hired anywhere due to the school's insistence on using a literal dead technology?

Not one bit. Simply the fact that there are massive amounts of streaming sites delivering same h264 material I'd torrent anyways makes it worth it.

>html5 is pajeetware.

You're retarted.

>all of a sudden
Have your (You) and go fuck yourself.

Html5 is dying in favour of apps. Much more secure as well.

Fuck web standards consortium. That's what happens when you drag your ass behind.

>flash is awesome
opinion discarded

You're a small insignificant and shrinking minority and indesign is as intuitive as gimp.

>underage b8s pretending to be oldfags miss flash now

This. Flash was always more hated than even HTML5. You would have to be a fool to miss it. I'm grateful that I can literally delete it off my system without needing to sacrifice anything. It should have been killed off at least a decade before it will be.

I had to disable flash more than 6 years ago due to zero days.

Easy, export your flash file to html5, you can do this since years ago

It was great until actionscript 3

Why didn't you just had click to enable?

What we should have done is dumped Flash in the bin and then not replaced it at all. With HTML5 or anything else. Animations and """""rich content""""" don't belong on webpages.

Normal people think the opposite apparently

How fucking disconnected from the real world are you?

And when have normies ever made good decisions?

btw haHAA

Yeah,and we should use apps instead of web pages!

no, idiot webdevs think the opposite

Don't act like people don't fucking love Netflix and youtube.

my soon to be battlestation

I did at first.

Have you never heard of video files?

>why is flash so hated all of the sudden?
Are all you flash lovers underage? Flash has been hated for a long time now, the only good things it gave us were some web games and video streams. Other than that it plagued us with huge terrible ads and crazy people who made whole websites in flash because they wanted some stupid animations on their site.

Yup. Anyone who thinks HTML5 is bad has never dealt with Flash in any meaningful way. Seemed like every page in the world had those ad "games" where you didn't even have to try to win in order to become a winner. Just enter your credit card number for your prize, so they can confirm that its actually you.

Your resources and code are not easily accessible.

Anyone can do whatever they want with your resources and code.

>X is not bad because Y is bad

I never said that HTML wasn't bad. But it's a godsend compared to Flash.

5 stars on the Shit thread index.
Good job, OP.

How could anyone possibly hate on HTML5? I can only assume OP doesn't know shit about it.

Be honest, are you underageb&?

HTML5 is shit. Show me one (1) good visual porn game made using HTML5.

>stop jerking off
Internet is made for porn, remember?

It needs a lot of love. It is in an unfortunate position of feeling as heavy as photoshop due to a lack of engineers working to optimize it. At the same time, it has a smaller feature set then photoshop despite this heaviness.

Lastly, it needs to be "sexified". Blender has the advantage of being its own ad tool: every cool video made in Blender makes it look a bit better.

As a board game designer, I'm the only person I know in the field using GIMP. Make of that what you will.

>HTML5 is shit. Show me one (1) good visual porn game made using HTML5.

Not my thing, but a quick search had this turn up: