Is your job safe from automation Sup Forums?:

Is your job safe from automation Sup Forums?:

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No job is safe from automation besides job automation

When they train a robot to be good enough to cook in a Michelin star restaurant is the day I'll be out of a job.

yes im neet

only if a robot can do a better job looking for a job than I can

I'm a cinema projectionist. Every system I work with can be fully automatized since 2013 yet we cannot do this because in this industry we are surrounded (pun not intended) with idiots. Film makers who cannot normalize volume, DCP (digital cinema package file format) creators who cannot tell "flat" and "scope" apart, advertisers who cannot get that cinemas work at 24fps and not 25 and on special events we get all the shitty DVDs, blurays and "people with laptops who even use their own laptops" you want.
Lest I forget about the untested digital cinema hardware with "sloth dropped on his head" tier bugs/problems.

So, as long as people don't stop being bakas my job is secure for the next few decades.

For my lifetime. At least for as long as I need/want to work.
Nobody will ever make NEETdom automated.

This can't be right. I thought we need Mexicans to do the jobs Americans don't want to do for minimum wage. I was also told that Mexicans are good for the economy and do not take away jobs from Americans. Surely the same thing is true of robots.

It's safe until AI learns how to program

me on the right

>people creating robots to fap, watch anime, install arch linux and mythic raid in WoW to replace neets

what an age to live in.

me on the left

Shouldn't be too difficult writing an AI that can outperform pajeets...

when everybody is a NEET nobody will be

I'm going to train a neural net to make loli!!

This. Pajeets are all a bunch of low IQ drones.

Should have posted the video OP:

I do actually. That's why they hire me and not pajeets.

Please post loli to feed into my neural net!

i work for a dentist. dentists are cheap fucks. so im not worried that hell buy an expensive machine to replace me.

Yeah I'm a sysadmin

Job automation is why I have a job. Because it fucking sucks. Too much variables to handle for a fucking 201X AI.