Any VLC/MPC-HC users here?

Any VLC/MPC-HC users here?
My windows system comes with a sound normalization feature, so basically when i watch a movie, the explosions are way quieter than they should be, and whispers are way louder.
This feature cannot be disabled, so for my music player I got a plugin called ASIO and that fixed the problem, because ASIO circumvents windows stupid sound settings altogether.
Is there a similar way to fix the problem on MPC HC or VLC?

Other urls found in this thread:


install gentoo

Can't you just remove/disable the sound equalizer?

>This feature cannot be disabled
I find that hard to believe

no i cannot
i googled for days on end and there are a number of solutions, and none of them work for me
so do I
I will be very upfront with you and tell you I'm not a techie, so perhaps there is some way to disable it that is out of my grasp
but as far as an actual option to disable the normalizer, I'm almost certain does not exist on this laptop

i just want to have my sounds work properly, i would rather just not watch videos then learn how to use mpv and gentoo just to fix this sound issue


Check Realtek Audio Control Panel or something similar, or Dolby Atmos or whatever

Or Playback devices -> -> Properties -> Enhancements -> Disable that loudness eq shit

yeah i've checked all that
I don't have an audio control panel
and I don't have the normalization option in the playback devices menu

You know, posting specs, Speccy or motherboard info and what soundcard / chipset / drivers you use would help a lot.

I didn't know

is this it?

where'd everyone go

Use mpv



well after another 6 hours of researching thought I'd just update you guys and vindicate myself by finding proof that there is indeed, no option to disable normalization
finally found some other people who have the same shitty audio service as I do
gonna try their fixes tomorrow and pray to god one of them works, i need some zzz's anons
may the sound gods bless us all

how is the normalization implemented? you can uncheck it if this setting's available.
also check your sound settings from the manufacturers if you have an item in control panel (soundmax, idt, realtek).

also, I doubt mpc-hc or vlc can bypass system-wide sound settings unless directly accessing the hardware (a no-no on NT)


MPV users become as annoying as linux users, can't believe people who work on that project even come here to shill it