It is spring here so that boat might lift have started up again. And yes, tourists do go to Antarctica. Also bored researchers and engineers are there with shitty internet.
Thomas Scott
This is not a mystery, retard.
There are literally thousands of IP addresses allocated to Antarctica, and you can easily get a VPS with an Antarctica IP
Jonathan Bailey
Only if your dns provider is lying.
Oliver Nelson
go back to pol, shitstain
Andrew Stewart
I can't post, so i'm here asking for Sup Forumss help. Its a mystery that needs solving, an user on /x/ said you guys might be able to help. u know because, autism.
Jonathan Morales
So what your saying is that a tourist in the antarctic posted a bunch of codes relating to a contractor for railways in china, for shits and giggles, come on now. why not shitpost somthing funny instead of weird code.
Ethan Kelly
About 1000 people a year
Jack Harris
>dns >geoip u w0t m8 go back to
Xavier Cox
Babby's first time seeing Antarctica?
Gavin Lewis
no i've seen a few, and its always been shit posting but this one had some fucked up codes and the shilling on the thread i made was insane
Bentley Cooper
i'd argue there is heavy shilling here 2, really makes me think
David Morales
Of course there is shilling here you dumb faggot this is a board for shilling. Go buy the new iPhone X.
Tyler Campbell
Probably a LARPer given the fact that Sup Forums is the easiest board to whip into a frenzy.
Dominic Gray
What probably happened is that the anime turboautist stationed in Antartica doing scientific research wanted to pull the larpers leg since they had nothing to cling on after nothing happened today so he just posted cryptic mumbojumbo along with some public uploaded documents he saw when doing his daily tasks
The kind of faggot like you who cling to larps are the absolute bottom of the barrel, i bet you believe the earth is flat too
Ryan Nguyen
William Myers
go back to The_downald
Jaxson Hernandez
nope, flat earth is the biggest load of faggotry the world has ever seen.
Seems a bit far fetched like i said i've seen shitposts from the antarctic before but this one had shilling on a grand scale and got banned within 20 mins. its a mystery, does it not intrigue you user?
Henry Evans
>be Lockheed government contractor working IT in Antartica >bored as fuck and its middle of winter >have to shitpost for lulz but have to do it with Lynx because dont have enough bandwidth due to limited satellite link barely works due to snow storm blizzards
Joshua White
no, stop being a faggot
shilling seems to be getting quite strong here 2
Juan Anderson
Jonathan Miller
oh man you got us... everybody ITT who isn't impressed with cryptic shitposting on Sup Forums is a shill working to prevent you from uncovering some incredible secret
fuck off, Sup Forums isn't your tech support
Brayden Reed
Josiah Anderson
The earth is flat. Think about it. If the earth is round then why do clouds look flat? Clouds would be curved like the earth and you would see it because its so far away but you dont see that
Caleb Harris
oh, fuck me
go away!
Kevin Fisher
>you cant even deny it lol
Jason Williams
your "mystery" is much better suited to /x/ than Sup Forums
Asher Walker
It's obvious this shit was done by some guy bored out of his mind in the middle of a frozen wasteland just to bait retards like you
He even went for the proper demographic of morons, that original thread was about space footage being a hoax just because clothes don't fall back to the ground after being pulled in a zero gravity environment so all you guillible retards were thinking shit were harnesses
You got banned because you made an entire thread about a single shitpost, which is even low by Sup Forums standards, stop chasing smoke and mirrors like a clueless dog you're basically doing the sliding of real important topics for the actual shills for free
Chase Cook
but chemtrails are curved user
Ian Evans
This, the guy was bored. I'm an electronics engineer and wintered at mcmurdo 3 years in total now. I'm not doing it again because of how awful it is. You are completely cut off from everything and what people here think of as boredom doesn't even begin to describe how dull it is to be stranded in a metal box in perpetual night, talking only to your subordinates and the guy selling beer.
Levi Rodriguez
i know
Jaxson Taylor
Jordan Myers
Elijah Perez
No it's much better suited to /trash/
Aiden White
>Tell me to look at the very same post i replied to Take your meds and go back to /x/ faggot
Camden Ross
Look s like a memory address, but that must be one hell of a co outer operating completely at another level than ours and computed with something other than hexadecimal.
William Williams
Yes I remember some guy from codeforces working on Antarctic.
Jordan Turner
No one gives a flying fuck about you autistic shitposts, dumb kekistani.
Mason Gray
jesus, are you paying attention?
Asher King
well i don't know what you just said, is this fucked up then?
Jonathan Ward
Jaxson Edwards
No, if you post autistic fringe shit you're just an /x/ faggot shitposting on both Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Jeremiah Parker
can you faggot kikes open the damn files and translate them already
Tyler Green
you be the judge, this was the thread i got banned on pol for