Fall for freetard propaganda

>fall for freetard propaganda
>try installing a dual boot of ubuntu and win7 to try linux
>i dont touch the partition that has win loader and install it on another partition
>somehow windows doesnt show up in boot menu
>search google
>they say i have to update grub and use boot-repair
>install boot-repair and run it
>it says copy this text into terminal and run it
>i do that but after it says linux-signed i click the forward button on boot repair
>it says boot-repair is still present
>nothing happens

wow just fucking wow. kill yourself with your shitty OS you fucking retards.

Other urls found in this thread:


how the fuck did i fall for this shit

now my windows doesnt load as well fucking neckbeard pieces of shit


OP can't into computers


Fuck you.

[spoiler]Git Gud.[/spoiler]

Should've use VMWare, even brainlet frogposter like me managed to do it.

First, flash this to a USB: supergrubdisk.org/rescatux/

Second, boot into and run the Easy GNU/Linux Boot Fix. If you just want your windows install back, run the "restore windows MBR (beta)" on your windows partition.

Third, don't fuck with your partitions if you don't know exactly what you're doing. 5 mintues of research could have saved you the headache.

i didnt touch the partition with windows installed on it. why the fuck would it fuck it up? where the fuck did it get the permission from to touch that partition? also i used the boot-repair tool from the shitty ubuntu wiki and now it boots into a DOS like shit with grub> as command line fucking kill yourselves god damn neckbeard pieces of shit