What's the point of women (female) in tech?
What's the point of women (female) in tech?
daily reminder that homosexuals will go to hell
they neutralise the foul smell of your neckbeard in the open space with their perfume
They are beautiful creatures.
to prove there's no IQ discrimination in IT
And this contributes to the advancement to society... How?
Humans are a pretty flexible think, and sometimes once a full moon, a woman with actual talent for tech is born.
Of course, hiring unqualified personal based on their gender for political reasons is terribly sexist, and should not be done.
Men in tech might be the only men in the entire world who consistently complain about more women being added to their surroundings.
They become an obstacle and drag people down in niches that require thinking.
Well, its the only field where they are being added to their surroundings.
I don't think the coal miners would be too happy to carry a bunch of unqualified weak liabilities around then as well.
>What's the point of women (female) in tech?
Women are inherently different, and thus can provide alternative viewpoints. This is really helpful in tech bc companies don't need brute workforce, they need innovation. A more diverse workplace both in gender and cultural backgrounds provides this
Imagine, if all the employees of a company were clones, how great do you think that company would innovate? Piss poor.
What's the point of women (male) in tech?
I have no idea, but as long as she is smart, have her own passion for something and a good taste is music, art, literature or other forms of culture, i would be a happy man to share everything i have with her.
I guess i'm selfish but i don't care much about the "greater good".
to help the programmers release stress.
They draw good ASCII-art figures in the comments. Very illustrative and informative.
Men are also inherently different, this women are not needed.
feminine penis
To increase the supply of technology workers in order to drive down wages.
Having attractive women in the office increases worker moral apparently. So there's that at least. Eye candy.
What's the point of frogposters in tech?
Dank memes
what's the point of faggots (OP) in tech?
Apple tech support.
How else will people in STEM reproduce?
t. just being realistic
Nice bait.
Say one (1) groundbreaking innovation in the 21st century hat spurred out of diversity.
the field of science has greatly improved with cooperations between professionals across the globe
Women are useless
they can meet people outside of STEM, or more specifically IT, since the STEM areas are far bigger than just computers.
t. software dev engaged to a (soon to be) medical doctor
>women (female)
gtfo of here you filthy normie
What's the point in men (male) in tech?
This isn't the way we should be thinking op. Judge on merit.
>Women are inherently different, and thus can provide alternative viewpoints.
I don't need "alternative viewpoints", the point is that alternative viewpoints in exact sciences are simply wrong. There is no "alternative" to truth, and there is "alternatively correct" solution to a problem. "Innovation" is a meaningless apple buzzword. We don't need alternative viewpoints, we need people who are smart and efficient at what they do, and obviously women and niggers are not remotely efficient at anything technology-related, perhaps with very rare exceptions.
Diversity hires, same reason why pajeets infest IT. It looks good for the company and they can pay them less.
>exact science
>he believes himself to be doing exact science
I'd probably fire you and pick up a woman off the street. At least she'd be company instead of a destructive influence.
its really not the same
the thing about pajeets making less is because immigration laws are LITERALLY rigged to only bring in the dumber ones. the government doesnt want to poach the smartest from india, they want to bring in dumb pajeets that are desperate in order to pay them less.
when it comes to women, they have the same rights as citizens that a man does. they're honestly really dumb if they get away with paying them less
t. "coding ninja" bootcamp grad
It makes the working environment nicer because you can look at some tits and ass. Consider it a perk. The company spends money on to keep your mood up.