How can i auto kick everybody out of public wifi so that my smartphone can get better speeds and faster wifi while...

How can i auto kick everybody out of public wifi so that my smartphone can get better speeds and faster wifi while blocking everybody else getting any?

this is the kind of shit people would pay for nowadays.

Other urls found in this thread:


that shit will kill my phone. NO!

Google "ESP8266 wifi jammer"



or with linux laptop and mdk3 (maybe there's and Android app for this)
user: admin
pass: admin

Change password
Thats it

Is this rly the state of current Sup Forums?

holy fuck, thats my IP!!!1!!1!!1!!111!

yeah, try that on a McDonald's hotspot

>uses WiFi on phone
>uses WiFi
What a technical illiterate.

ikr! i use ethernet on mine

but then i can't use WiFi either.

Not without denying yourself service as well.

WAN + ethernet are the only GAMES



Who whould you be so dumb to connect to a mcdonalds hotspot and hope to even browse. Unless you're in burgerland, mcdonalds is a noisy place full of tweens snapchating and watching shitty yt videos. Also, ads

But it worked for me in a starbucks, took them 2 hours to figure out how to reset the router and then like a week to put a new password. It was fun.

aircrack-ng can send disconnect packets for wifi devices.

>this whole fucking thread
Sup Forums is dead, time to move on, no real tech in here
Also google "deauthentication attack"
You craft a fake deauth frame with the spoofed address of the machine you want to kick and sent it to the router.

5 GHZ wifi

just wait for it to go 5GHZ and everybody is getting cucked. LITERALYYYY

Is there an eay way to test common default router usernames/passwords? I'd imagine some manufacturers have different defaults, and I can't be bothered to manually try individual options one by one on my phone.

Only real answer in the entire thread...

Just google the brand, its not that hard

Apparently for me it was. It took me a moment to realise that 90% of them should advertise their brand on the login screen.

AirCrack can deauth users from an access point. It's not for normies though.