Linux is the best operating system if you do not have ADHD
Linux is the best operating system if you do not have ADHD
>Linux is the best if you have autism
Not even then. You need the stupid kind of autism.
I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.
To be quite frank, this, family.
>Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software
The first to go will be the entire Windows codebase. Linux and macOS are here to stay.
Windows 7 runs better on any netbook in the market and have better battery life than any linux distro, ever.
Its only good for servers because they can't get their shit together into the home user ecosystem
I hate how people can't contribute actual intellect on Sup Forums. It's gotten 100x worse over the last few months, where people seriously solve captchas just to post "go fuck yer mom", because that's easier than actually thinking about a reply.
Seriously considering a different fucking forum.
I agree Windows will be the first to go, but I disagree that macOS will stay. Proprietary, and non-free software will eventually die.
You have no idea about what you're chatting, boi.
Why do you think they embed it?
Or use it on tablets and phones?
Or the flexibility and customization needed for servers, mainframes (when not running z/OS) and supercomputers?
Get fucked.
>Windows 7 runs better on any netbook in the market and have better battery life than any linux distro, ever.
You must have some pretty incredible netbook then, because mine lags like crazy with Windows 7 on it.
Like I said, it runs good on servers because they don't need to worry about the end user, and works good on tablets and phones because ARM, its shit on actual x86-64 hardware.
Atom 450, 2gb ram, good hdd, nothing out of the ordinary, you get the most of them when you learn that the hdd seek and read speed improves any system usability by a lot. This thing even flies when used with an SSD.
Agreed, but I also think might be somewhat onto something.
People are slowly starting to care more and more about privacy.
You can correlate it with Sup Forums making the news more and more with the election, thanks to Sup Forums.
If you want lightweight and not botnet, Windows 7 isn't the answer.
Damn Small Linux might be outdated but there are alternatives:
Or just perfect your ricing.
Whereas Windows lacks that flexibility and utility, all it does is 'just work', only without the ethical nature of GNU/Linux.
Sup Forums has always been the domain of a certain age group and we're seeing the devolution of humanity.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
this is objectively false. have you ever heard of puppy linux? what about linux that was designed for MUCH older hardware. I'd like to see you try running windows on 72mb of ram like running solus headless does.
Say that to my thinkpad that ran 2hrs on battery with clean windows 7 install (not even one program installed), vs my arch install with i3-gaps that lasts over 5hrs on battery. Fucking winfag
>Windows 7 runs better on any netbook in the market and have better battery life than any linux distro, ever.
>Bloat is the only thing that can affect the battery.
Not necessarily, some hardware vendors ignores linux a lot, they're not putting the same amount of resources on their drivers. It's not windows not being "less bloated" or "being better engineered", it's the hardware vendor giving a lot more attention to windows. If you take a piece of hardware that doesn't support windows properly but supports linux fine you'll get a very different result.
>inb4, this would never happen on the desktop or a laptop.
While it's true to a certain extent due to the windows' marketshare this wouldn't negate my point. Also it has actually happened in the past:
The same way, does windows phone failed because it was bad or because of the vicious circle of "low marketshare -> developers not supporting it -> people don't use it because lack of programs"?
>Its only good for servers because they can't get their shit together into the home user ecosystem
Nice dogma but there's a lot of reason for this that are not related to the quality, i'm gonna post the pasta but i don't put here because it's kind of long. Both statements proves that you either are brainwashed into believing what propaganda says without researching or questioning it or that you're right on the top of MT. Stupid (see pic).
The pasta:
True but consider the following:
- Microsoft has deals with hardware companies, so most laptop and desktop computers comes bundled with their products.
- Most people uses whatever comes bundled with the hardware and i can bet a lot of them doesn't even know what is an operative system and that you can choose it. If the brand "Windows" were related to quality then WP would be the most used mobile operative system because the demand would be high.
- Microsoft has deals with schools, so people is trained from a young age to use microsoft products. For a lot of them it's a question of being a comfort zone, not even about the difficulty. I can say this because in my own experience most windows users never solve their own problems, they ask other people to solve their problems.
- Microsoft has a huge lock-in with their formats and APIs. Independently on if we can consider they products are good or bad, the fact is that they use anti-competitive measures to lock their users and developers. For example their document formats doesn't honors the "ISO standard" they supposedly issued. If they care about interoperability with competing solutions they would use the well documented version of their format. But no, they uses their dominant position to push a version of the format only they know exactly how it works (interestingly and despite this, i have gotten problems even with different versions of MSO). Most of the documents in this format are created with MSO and most people doesn't even knows about the strict version of the format, this makes their format a moving target for competitors at best. Their development tools is another good example if a lock-in, they only care about compatibility on markets where they're losing like server or mobile.
>Windows 7 runs better on any netbook in the market and have better battery life than any linux distro, ever.
>Implying macOS won't eventually become free software
Some hero will liberate it. Perhaps Steve Jobs from beyond the grave.
Linux is the best operating system if your computer have no mouse or keyboard.
>The pasta:
>True but consider the following:
>- Microsoft has deals with hardware companies, so most laptop and desktop computers comes bundled with their products.
>- Most people uses whatever comes bundled with the hardware and i can bet a lot of them doesn't even know what is an operative system and that you can choose it. If the brand "Windows" were related to quality then WP would be the most used mobile operative system because the demand would be high.
>- Microsoft has deals with schools, so people is trained from a young age to use microsoft products. For a lot of them it's a question of being a comfort zone, not even about the difficulty. I can say this because in my own experience most windows users never solve their own problems, they ask other people to solve their problems.
>- Microsoft has a huge lock-in with their formats and APIs. Independently on if we can consider they products are good or bad, the fact is that they use anti-competitive measures to lock their users and developers. For example their document formats doesn't honors the "ISO standard" they supposedly issued. If they care about interoperability with competing solutions they would use the well documented version of their format. But no, they uses their dominant position to push a version of the format only they know exactly how it works (interestingly and despite this, i have gotten problems even with different versions of MSO). Most of the documents in this format are created with MSO and most people doesn't even knows about the strict version of the format, this makes their format a moving target for competitors at best. Their development tools is another good example if a lock-in, they only care about compatibility on markets where they're losing like server or mobile.
I'm going to say this once and only once...
Linux will never beat Active directory...
>we got the best spyware don't we folks?
go fuck yer mom
>Linux is the best operating system
Fixed. Considering the others are awful is not saying much though.
Oh, I've seen this copypasta.
Can relate though. Tech illiterates should leave.
nah i disagree
i think linux will see widespead normie adoption when it's more ironed out because it's decentralized and free/libre on a low level (which normies don't care about but benefit from) linux will always have proprietary software available for it though
>Windows 7 runs better on any netbook
This is why oems shipped the first netbooks with xp. Potentially wangblows bloat contributed to the end of the category.
>Windows 7 runs better on any netbook in the market
Fanboys are pathetic.
I have ADHD.
And I used *BSD.
I have ADHD and love Linux
>Why do you think they embed it?
>Or use it on tablets and phones?
>Or the flexibility and customization needed for servers, mainframes (when not running z/OS) and supercomputers?
Because it's free.
Let's face it, Android shows just how shitty Linux really is. Give it a basic interface and it uses more RAM than Windows 10.
Linux is only worthvile if your work demands it
>cant play nekopara on linux
its a no from me
It doesnt
Windows 7 was unusable on my netbook, windows XP (which was preinstalled) was also quite slow
Xubuntu is perfectly fine
Atom N270, 1GB RAM