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Technology #626
Give me the greatest website idea of all time
Eclipse or Geany? (as java ide)
CPU coolers
Stop using Microsoft Windows
What is the purpose of pointers in c/c++
Tablet was supposed to kill pc
Atom has finally converted me
Hey Sup Forumseeks
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tfw i have 10x better workflow and comfort on my tiny thinkpad running i3...
After CCleaner - more software contains spyware:
The software is trash
*doubles market share in a month and surpasses OS X*
Windows 10 Start menu is getting ridiculous
Why does arch linux have shitty amdgpu-pro driver support
Rust Hate Thread
Show your family of thinkpads edition
What's an old-looking DE or WM that I can use for my new Gentoo Linux installation? Something like blackboxwm or kde1...
10 years ago this thing came out and ruined the internet forever
No one here talks about 3D modelling
I have a red-green color deficiency. which is a form of color blindness
Leave OS to me
R8 my laptop stickers
Walk me through installing a rom or whatever its called on my phone please
Is there any reason to use this piece of shit? linux for privacy, windows for gaming, mac for??????
Friendly reminder that you can now delete your account from this
What do you think of Openpepe?
Budgie is pretty comfy
What are the chances we will get windows 11? If we do,when will we get it? July 2018?
Floens, what the fuck is it with the faggy annoying hat ?!!
Sticker thread. I need suggestions for more stickers
Started using Brave as my main browser for just one week
The great debate
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So Sup Forums
Is this the best music player available?
Sup Forums memes
GMO are technology. Why isn’t this shit banned yet?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What is your hacker name?
I am a longtime Android/Clover user and fell for the blue text bubble meme...
DELETE ClOVER botnet alert
Installing Linux
Looks like youtube will soon implement automatic blocking of all """""inappropriate""""" comments
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
F.lux alternative google free?
What is this memery?
How about Linux for gaming? It's good?
How the fuck did someone go from call center manager to chief security officer?
This is the web 3.0 of imageboards. Thoughts?
/hpg/ Headphone General
*breaths in*
What's the TRUE and HONEST way of generating random numbers?
NPM CEO calls for murder of "Nazis", after criticism for it creates blocklist for "a safer Twitter"
ITT: fictional laptops you want
What are some Sup Forums anime?
Radeon RX 64 considerably faster than GTX 1080Ti
Fuck it, why not?
*zaps you're cpu*
How did you come up with your username, Sup Forums?
What email provider does Sup Forums suggest? is cockmail a meme?
Admit it
Using linux
Legacy Software & Hardware
Buys an $800 GPU
IOS kernel becomes open source
Is switching to linux worth it on my windows desktop? I'm doing programming in my school and everyone has linux...
Admit it. You'd buy it if you could afford it
You fuckers hate chrome, dislike pale moon, Firefox apparently went to shit...
Daily reminder rms was handsome in his 20's
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What browser does Sup Forums use on they're mobile device?
How do I get past megas 5gig limit...
Tech Trump should fund
I fucking hate this new era of "flat" phone UI horseshit web design. I want a full-fledged skeuomorphic UI...
Hey Sup Forums! I'm assembling >babby's first gaming computer! Oh boy how exciting!
This again
Post some interesting technological advances that can revolutionize the way we live
Name one (1) program
What are your thoughts?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What is the fastest way to learn vim?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's so bad about GIMP?
Tick tick tick
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Laptop Thread
Why don't you own the current best phone?
Is it that time of the year again?
I'm having trouble installing Gentoo. You guys mind giving me a hand? The Live CD just isn't booting. Is it fucked?
Part of the screen of my thinpad x1 carbon 5th gen is not stuck very closely to the frame and I can separate them very...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk & Cybersecurity General
What is the best monitor for under $200?
Is there anything cool I can do with this old powermac g4? Besides selling or gutting for parts...
New video gaym
Miss me yet, Sup Forums?
Why is it with small board computers we are now blatantly ignoring ESD?
Firefox Quantum
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
802.11ac wireless adapter for Linux desktop
Specs / Speccy thread, post them, rate them
Why is .rar so popular when .zip makes more sense?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is there any linux distro that allows you to use completly whatever you want (including whatever init system you want...
Everything I buy from Amazon breaks in less than a year...
Im 30 years old and today i got my first ever smartphone. Never needed one, never wanted one but i got it for free...
Which is the optimal gaming OS for this configuration:
I know this is NOT my "tech support"
Living in a city that's not on the blockchain
What is the best way to setup windows 10 and stop all of the cancer running constantly...
I'm fucking done with your computer science cucks...
Sup Forums hates Powershell now
Your IDE of choice
How is your project going Sup Forums?
Discrete math
Callin all smart fags, is my build any good?
Dogs are genetically engineered by humans. This makes dogs in part technology...
Must Have Windows Programs
Has anyone had any success trying to install Windows Vista on on modern Intel chipsets? Anything from Haswell and up
Can anyone explain this thing? my cpu don't work 100% most of the time. but the disk use is 100%...
There's so much misinformation being spread about firefox right now it makes me wonder why I still browse neo/g/
>TFW can't install linux
Its time to stop using google products, including phones with android on them
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I fucked up by buying an Engineering Sample processor
Is 4ghz it for desktop computers?
I’ve noticed a number of people here look down on people who use Apple financing. Let me educate you
Your Preferred/Best IDE?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Is there no distro that's both intuitive and nice to look at? Xubuntu and Elementary's a close call, but functionality...
Found the RX Vega 56 for 475 euros with 100+ cards left in stock, you cant even buy a decent 1070 for that money
*Adds one extra pin*
/bst/ Battlestation thread
Screenfetch thread
102 IQ nigger here. Will start my computer science course on monday. How fucked am I?
Install Kubuntu with pic related
Gives tech advice in perfect english
My fagbook air is heating up too much which is currently on Manjaro...
Ubuntu has Lost everything she ever loved
Will this BTFO Microsoft pajeets and VSCode posters?
Vega is already outperforming the 1080 Ti after just six weeks of FineWine optimization...
You have 5 seconds to tell me why you're NOT using the comfyist OS around
So I got this iPhone 5 from a relative in Austria, and it seems to be "provider locked"...
Friend just built another computer
Windows 10 not being able to function thread
Why is this place so jealous of Apple?
GPD WIN is still useful
Work in a small company as an engineer
Fully supports Subscriptions now
What is Sup Forums approved mouse for 2018
Mozilla nightly
Thinking that STEM is god tier
My 180 dollar elitebook can play a gamecube emulator. can your thinkpad? is the cpu fast enough?
Thanks Comcast
C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot
Any memelang programmers in the house?
Meanwhile you can get double this in Europe for €60 a month
How do i remotely force enable gps?
Why... the FUCK... is there barely any funding for fusion power development...
Samsung Galaxy X
Why are kids these days so fucking retarded and know nothing about computers and are proud of that?
Guys, I need help. Recently, I can't update, install or download anything from third party apps such as steam and avira...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Sup Forums I tried Sup Forums but everyone just trolled me, please help me
My Uni offers a laptop through Dell with the following specs:
Any c# programmers here? I'm ripping my damn hair out over this stupid math equation for my c# program
Install windows 10
Elon Musk is taking us to Mars, boys. What did you Sup Forumsuys think about Musk's presentation?
BSD is usele-
Android phones are obsolete the day you buy them
Just got some fresh batteries in it, aw yeah
Crypto Miners being implemented on websites
He doesnt have a 27' monitor
What are your thoughts?
Is Infinite Scroll the worst thing to happen to webpage design?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Just got a job offer in Shenzhen. What is Sup Forums's opinion on the internet in China? Is it sustainable...
Why Electrical engineering dont have the mainstream appeal of coding?
/hpg/ Headphone General
/lap/-Laptop General
Porn Station Portable
Sup Forums humor
12V battery backup for internet connection
How do I teach computer science in high school or middle school...
Fell for the self teaching in your spare time meme
Lets fill this out, I started with ya boy Dave2d
YouTube DRM
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
'Hacker' Keyboards
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Whats the best anti-virus for linux?
I have an old gamecube since 2004. The laser or something died on it about 5 years ago
What to do with an old computer?
Why are APUs exclusively very low end...
AdNauseam, De-Googling, and Privacy on the Internet Thread
Which one is Sup Forums??Win and Linux
Samsung should quit making phones
What's actually happening when a system is installing?
What's a good keyboard OS?
Shit old people say
Anyone hyped about the Ataribox? I'm just glad we're getting a Linux top box
Syntactically significant whitespace
Can I get a quick rundown on uMatrix? Looks very complicated
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
/wt/ - watch thread
Talk me out of it faggots
Things only plebian programmers say:
Password Managers, which one do you use?
London to NY on a rocket will take 29 minutes
The absolute STATE of the linux community
So what Firefox add-ons did you lose during the "Purge of 2017"?
Specy / Specs thread, post them, rate them. I got a pci sata card so I can use my 960 evo again
Password needs to be at least 8 character
Is this the most technically accurate movie?
Bitcoin miner in firefox addons
Self Taught Employed Programmers
Windows Master Race
What is your reason for not using Gentoo?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
This shit real?
What are some tech related fields that will never get infested by SJWs?
Created 16 Amazon Affiliate sites
Windows just works
What would be the oldest, most usable OS for today's use?
Why aren't you wearing your computer yet?
Find me a better Thinkpad for that low low price
Trying to sign in account
Being a deep web drug dealer
Just got out of prison after 12 years (2nd degree murder). How has the tech world changed since 2004?
>you wouldn't download a prostitute
Okay Sup Forums:
Time for a new a client RIP 2.2.1, crashing w/e I close the program.Any suggestions?
Picking your fights in tech culture poorly
What do you think of the creator/inventor or Linux?
Good, this is the one time when apple does something the rest of the industry should actually follow and they will...
NVIDIA GTX 1070 Ti Launching October 26th At $429
SDC alternative for Firefox 57
We-we ab- ab uh... a-a
I posted this thread earlier and I don't understand why it was deleted...
Is this real?
Give me difficult project ideas, vir/g/ins
Are they any good?
Why did VR fail Sup Forums, is it because of the price?
Do you guys keep a microwave in your room?
Is TypeScirpt a good first coding language to learn?
Nokia is back, will you buy it?
Punishing Google
Cups are now technolo/g/y
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
If Linux isn't communism then why does every communist country have a Linux distro?
Tfw can't into git terms i.e. staged, unstaged, tracked, untracked, commit, branch
OS puts advertisements in itself
Age: 30
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Seriously, How can I become a hacker? I don't know shit about technology, I just have browsed Sup Forums for 2 years
Perfect Programming Language
Stop being Wintoddlers and/or Mactoddlers
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Spent 5 hours on Sup Forums instead of learning Python
Iphone 8 casing splitting open during charging
Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it
Implying thinkpads can't break
In big trouble (don't try vim)
Do you follow the cat-v philosophy Sup Forums? Do you try to avoid harmful software?
Find a flaw
"women in tech"
Why does everyone that programs for a job or educational sources always look so fucking tired
Why do normies prefer Whatsapp over Google Hangouts?
Why are you not using a flip phone user?
Can a Highschool student with a 2.0 GPA get a job in Computer Sci?
1070 level performance so hot right now
Post your Lock screen
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why do modern day UX/UI developers hate functionality?
Why should anyone use Linux over Windows if they're not worried about privacy?
Fucking Musk going at it again
Let's talk about the LTSB version of windows 10
Who's ip is this
Let say technology to transfer your consciousness to a machine exists...
Why are programmers generally faggot bi-sexual males?
Rate my code, Sup Forums
They're big
Why hasn't this bug been fixed yet?
Outdoors Programming
Could a self aware machine ever be a possibility?
My friend currently has a Samsung Galaxy On 5...
I posted this thread earlier and I don't understand why it was deleted...
C preprocessor macros aren't so b-
Do you use your phone with your left or right hand, and which pocket do you store it in?
Librem 5 Thread
Sad truth about Sup Forums
What laptop do you use Sup Forums and what do you use it for?
So New York City is installing these towers and wont say what they are for. What do you think they are for?
Browser privacy test
Isnt pic related the best thing ever happened to developers?
Neural Network to uncensor japanese porn?
Damn you pajeet!
Advanced Meme Devices
Tech problem/IP became static IP
So on my tour of Apple facilities I found this iPhone X in one of their demonstration rooms and its cloud unlocked...
You must choose between one of these two companies for a software engineer position
Why would I want linux if I'm a gamer?
Retro Computer Thread
Facebook frog Edition
"I'll PM you the answer."
Will 4k monitors ever go mainstream or will they remain a meme?
Should I get ProtonMail or Lavabit?
Install linux already
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Sup Forumsuys, is this show another hacking meme or does it have some truth to it?
How do i secure my Ubuntu?
What can $60 Sup Forumset you?
Why are we fighting so hard to hold on to the technological fossil known as the micro SD card?
I am looking for an audio interface.Can't decide between Steinberg UR22 MKII and Roland Rubix22...
Tech as status symbols
How do I access a private member in a C++ library without modifying the library?
Hahaha X470 hahaha never go full Intel
Post your browser and extensions. Others will rate you
Inb4 fucking newfag
How do I learn functional programming and master scheme
Edc plz
There's no difference between cheap and expensive hdmi cables
Is Ryzen really better or is it just a meme
Just learn programming bro
Wiped down chair with rubbing alchol + distilled water
Sup Forums we have a bit of a problem, new ransomware bullshit after hitting...
GNU/Linux Phone
Why do thinkpad users always cum on their thinkpads? It's disgusting
What would happen if I walked into Apple with a Windows laptop in my hand?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
I just finished reading an piece in the Washington Post by the former U.S...
Times you listened to Sup Forums and it backfired on you?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Do you have to be a literal autist to make fucking 3d models?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Sup Forums
Chromebook Thread
Sup Forums uses google analytics
Why even use Linux if you can't use Internet Explorer 11?
Programming Languages 101 exam asks to parse HTML using regular expressions
Woah, so this is the power of linux gaming!
I was meme'd into buying a color laser printer because the ink was supposed to be cheap but then i find out it costs...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I hate you guys
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does Sup Forums use a booru browser?
Sup Forums, what programming languages are actually worth learning that aren't Python?
FCC chairman Ajit Pai wants Apple to turn on the FM radio that’s hidden inside of every iPhone
How do people typically use this? It doesn't seem that efficient to rip an entire video to watch it once...
IBM Now Has More Employees in India Than in the U.S
What botnets are YOU connected to right now?
Potential "iPhone X" made in Google called "Ultra Pixel"
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Can Sup Forums finally accept Japan outside of anime?
The perfect phone doesn't exi-
Nice resume user, we're just gonna do a basic whiteboard coding exercise
Which one is better?
So I updated from Firefox 56.0 to 57.0 beta 3 and I saw NoScript was removed. What are good alternatives Sup Forums?
Blog time
Thinking of switching my home file server over to Arch. How much of a boner pain am I in for? Also...
Can someone explain to me how processor works? I mean how the hell it makes calculations? it's just a piece of silicon
I know tech support threads aren't usually allowed...
Nokia 3310
Firefox 56 out now
How are you going to prevent your sexbot from going rogue?
Speccy / Specs thread, post them, rate them. Who else is mini itx here?
How 2 disable Windows Updates
What VPN does Sup Forums use?
I don't understand. Why are the AMD Vegas flying off the shelves and selling out completely...
NSA Leaker Told FBI That She Was Triggered By Fox News Being On At Her Workplace
High quality mice
Is Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 really worth the hype?
This is literally the best phone of 2017, how can Apple even compete?
Will my laptop handle Manjaro KDE?
Get fucking detained for non-Sup Forums reasons in my shithole of a country
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I just learned about this bitch called Karlie Koss here & Im mad as fuk
Strange .mp3 file
ITT: List your reasons for not owning an iPhone
Anime girl shilling for Wix
/bst/ battlestation thread
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Current state of Applel
Android homescreen thread
Just installed ubuntu yesterday...
What are your thoughts on Opera?
The other day some user told me to user kvm with virt-manager over VirtualBox. I installed it in a fresh Arch
Hey g/amers
Washers are technology. I must buy one for my new apartment. I live alone
Ok, now i'm paranoid
Stop using proprietary software
IBM Now Has More Employees in India Than USA
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
I love Atom
It's here again
Terry A. Davis and TempleOS appreciation thread
Tl;dr I feel guilty about everything I do or don't do and how I do and don't do things...
Programs worth learning
Chads as CS students
Google access to Sup Forums
Salary: to be disclosed after the interview
Lagdroid bloatware gookshit 8 btfo the newest iPhone 8 Plus
How many girls in real life do you know that are legit tech-savvy?
What in the G*d's holy name is this? What happened to Firefox? Is there any good alternative browser?
Rx580 still $100 above msrp
Youtube starts recommending videos related to your Sup Forums posts
Need a good tablet for reading e-books
Investing billions to get 5% more performance on processors
What the fuck is this fucking shit?
The audiophiles of monitors
I've been using the same original Nintendo 3DS for 6 years now. It's STILL being updated...
Threatens to boycott all of AMD's products (both GPU and CPU) because RX Vega got price gouged by greedy...
First Build =')
/wdg/ - Web Development General
I am from 2036
Glass side panel on "old" pc cases
How is wireless charging better than a normal charger? You plug in a pad into the wall...
Post hacker music
Apple: It's Good If You Like CRAP
How do FOSS advocates want people to live?
De-botnet windows 10
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How many of you recognize this image?
Ataribox thread
Daily reminder that owning an iPhone increases your chances of mating
/dpt/ - Daily programming thread
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
What is AdNauseam?
Is linux obsolete now that you can run a linux terminal from within windows?
No one Only 3rd worlders use androids
People complain about getting poor performance for PUBG even with the latest hardware
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why don't they just load everyone's passwords onto a tiny wafer computer that weighs .1 grams and is powered by light
Is Firefox 57 worth it?
A reminder
So what the hell can you do with Linux that you can't with Windows/OSX?
What does the botnet™ smell of Sup Forums ?
Who here UpperCamelCase insted of lowerCamelCase for functions in javascript?
How do we solve tech's bro culture problem Sup Forums?
Please post your comfy stations
Admit it. You'd buy one if you could afford it
Cluster/Migraine Headaches
Shitter thread - /wt/
Current state of windows
/hpg/ Headphone General
Tfw $1000 Sup Forums machine
Who here is literally immune to carpal tunnel, even when using keyboards and mouses for hours every day?
Windows nt
Which computer is the sexiest of all time?
VR/AR thread
Internet Explorer bug leaks whatever you type in the address bar
Windows nt
Mystery Device Thread
What the fuck is freeBSD?
Does linux actually have benifits compared to windows or is it just for a bunch of nerds?
I need a new TV, problem is most new TVs are 4K now
My boss let me conduct interviews for a JavaScript "developer" position. I came up with some super simple questions...
I think it's legit this time guys
Should I learn Rust or C++?
Hi, my name's Karlie Kloss, and I just created my cam whore site with Wix
What do i do after installing solus?
I this actually used in the industry or is subversion more popular?
What browser does Sup Forums Reccomend
Looking for new image viewer aka a good (open source) alternative of this garbage
What addons /weebExtEnSIoNs do you still use on FuckerFox? Go
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Sup Forums, how are they allowed to do this?
Give me ONE (1) reason for someone to like macIS's desktop
Bitches don't know about my Pi-Hole
Bill Gates was a ruthless...
Custom Roms
Mouse Thread
Firefox "Quantum" - install unsigned addons?
Finish programming homework for university with the knowledge I've gained from self-studying
I bet you can't make this photo into a working clock
What torrent client should I use Sup Forums?
Hello Test
Best YouTube video or series to teach yourself python?
What happened to monitors? Why the fuck are there no new monitors since 2014...
Why aren't you using the best functional programming language in existence?
Do I really have to pay for this shit
How much self-loathing do I need to use this?
What is this?
My sister is going back to College and wants me to find her a good laptop. I know nothing about computers...
Technology brainlet
Why does everyone who owns an iPhone have a massive crack on it? Is it the terrible build quality...
Data is important and I feel like HDD, SSD, or Fusion Drives aren't discussed enough...
How do we defeat facial recognition without intentionally looking like complete piece of shit?
Absolute madman
Let's hear those startup ideas, Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How can you even compete?
Sup Forums, why shouldn't I use this?
You know it's true
Who here is an employed self-taught programmer?
When did you grow out of tiling window managers?
It sucks so much now, but I use the same account since 2005 when I was 11, can't stop now
I'm so sick of American news/politics everywhere on the internet...
Wtf this case is a steal
Why there's not women in CS?
When will GNU/Linux users admit that it simply isn't as good as Windows or macOS? GNU/Linux is just a hobby OS
Edit the registry and services to disable windows updates
Using 4chanX
I took this with my friend iPhone 8 today
Have you ever fucked something up big time Sup Forums?
God of keyboards
Alright guys. I've never tried Atom. Sublime was my mainstay for a long time. That said...
PSA: Don't buy LG phones
Going to a hacker space in the next few days
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Looks like Firefox and Chrome got btfo by Edge
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Faces of Sup Forums
Can a laptop replace a desktop now?
Iphone SE is faster than Galaxy s8 plus
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Im a complete fag that cant into tech
Looking solutions up
What is /g's opinion on Microsoft Exchange?
Biggest tech cringes of your life
How does Sup Forums stay online from the toilet?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Isn't it funny how, now that we have enough graphical power to render decent skeuomorphic design...
Name a better file system available in a consumer operating system
What's the deal with Macs?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Be statistics graduate student
Find a flaw
What DE|Distro made you stop Distro hopping?
If my main priority is battery life, which one should i choose?
Intel says fuck you to z270 motherboard owners
/txt/ - Plaintext General
APPLE HAS RELEASED macOS 'High Sierra', its latest major update for Mac users that includes Safari autoplay blocking...
Where were you when Snappy saved Linux from fragmented package manager hell?
What is Sup Forums custom ROM of choice?
/lap/ - laptops general
Supporting Free Software is an integral part of building a good future for us and generations to come. Why...
Is he right Sup Forums? Is Nvidia shit on Linux?
Easier to remember secure passwords
Why i should use GNU/Linux?
New thinkpad CONFIRMED
Gigabyte says no to custom Radeon RX Vega 64
Web development is for retar
The Official Sup Forums Private and Secure Messaging Thread
Has technology finally gone too far this time?
Hey Sup Forums what os do you prefer...
Rust is replacing C++
Remember when UI designers actually cared about quality, consistency and functionality?
I really want to buy an iMac lately
Well, I guess that's it for Coffin Lake's time in the spotlight
Unless you are a gaymer, you don't need more than 4 GB Ram
What's the final verdict on this one?
Is adnauseum a botnet?
$700-$1000 Phones?
USA is the most technologically advanced country in the world. In case you forgot...
Non-Free Web Browser
Web frameworks
He unironically hates apple
There is nothing better than a perfect unix ecosystem
Hello Sup Forums!
What happened to the incentivized meshnet idea?
Duck Duck Go
The dark age of AI is upon us
What went wrong?
Twitter allows 280 characters
Web Browser Wars
Oh my god. I just deleted my entire /var/ directory on arch. How the actual fuck do I fix this? I am fucking retarded
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is Russia /OURGUYS/?
Over-population of the Tech Industry
FACT: most of Sup Forums audience can't install hackintosh because it's HARDER than Linux
I've been using Archlinux for the last three years and I'm fed up
Remider this is what a Macbook will look like if they implement an AMD processor. Intel has superior temperatures...
Does Sup Forums suggest this?
Why do real dolls all have tranny/porn-slut faces and are never actually cute?
Can someone redpill me on lightbulbs?
Taking down open-source software with DMCA
/hpg/ Headphone General
Who /highSierra/ here?
So what will happen to Linux after Google dumps that outdated kernel?
Why does Linux run so well on laptops, but Windows runs like garbage?
What is this ABOMINATION?
P O T T E R I N G ! ! !
Face it, you wish you were as successful as him
He uses a cyrex processor
GPU's BTFO. You now only need this cable to do anti-aliasing on your PC instead of wasting GPU power
Thank you based Mozilla, a new golden era for Firefox has just begun
What are some of the worst IT stories?
I've seen at least 3 autists in my college who unironically have their laptop cameras taped
How can i know that this isnt watching me every minute of the day
Use a normal mouse
Mfw programming is addicting
You're going to update your website, aren't you user?
Writing Utensil General
Give me ONE reasons you aren't using this
Programming in C++
What would make you love me, Sup Forums?
Bought a Threadripper on impulse
What underrated apps do you use
IPhone X, is it worth the buy? Think I’m going to preorder but not sure
I'm not interested in owning a smartphone. What's the best music player for my dollar...
Sankaku coin miner
I still can't believe Shuttleturd is discontinuing Unity. Ubuntu was the only acceptable looking distro...
When the richest man on earth uses Android
I need a job by the end of this year
I'm a dev guy and need something answered
Forgot password to websight
/sqt/ - stupid questoins thread
My product idea. Why doesn't this exist as a sleek all-in-one solution?
Is Google officially evil yet?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Don’t you wish cryptocurrencies would all be declared illegal in order to stop these internet money geeks from...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Prove you're not a programming shitter!
ITT: We pretend it's 2001
Can I theoretically create files that use...
Speccy/Specs Thread
Does python have a future?
Install ubuntu
Is it still possible to move up in the IT world and possibly get into consulting without a proper degree...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why did Macintosh considered as a breakthrough in modern computing?
Is anyone out there using machine learning for sex/pornographic purposes...
Random I/O errors when seeding >50 torrents
I was just asked to mentor an intern who happens to be a Woman in Tech. How fucked am I?
Tell me why I should buy this
ITT: comfy, non-evil botnets you actually enjoy using
Do you guys actually use some linux distro like full time? Seems weird to cripple yourself during your job and all
I'm doing a fresh install of Arch Linux soon, digits pick my hostname, as well as anything else they like(DE...
Windows 10
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What's the most you've spent on a computer in the past?
I'm actually in love with the new Blackberry Keynote One, and none of you can change my mind on it
I have a module in college that requires us to use Linux but they want to steer us in the direction of using Ubuntu...
Firefox Quantum
This or wait for quantum?
I think censorship is a more important issue than animal rights
ITT show your start menu. Windows or GNU/Linux let's go!
Show me your filters, Sup Forums
/wt/ - Watch Thread
What's a good alternative to the iPad, Sup Forums?
I was just told you could use a USB to turn it into RAM somehow
So my old mouse buddy is finally kicking the bucket, switches breaking, cords fraying...
Processor help
>this kills chromefags
Help choosing programming language for tast
Would you buy a smartphone with no camera, Sup Forums?
What was your last experience with Indians Sup Forums?
Name a bigger joke
Currently de-googling my life because I'm over their fucking shit. Only issue is I use android on my phone...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Lets hear those startup ideas, Sup Forums
Now it's Atari
What's the current best AV?
Best setup for writing TeX?
See silicon valley pending more towards PC and censorship
Is it possible to speak to someone from Japan using radio?
Why is noone talking about newpipe. New version 0.10.0 has added the long awaited client side subscription feature
Where were you when Ryzen got BLEWN THE FUCK OUT?!
/hpg/ Headphone General
What's going on with my fonts on firefox?
Are coding bootcamps worth it? - need advice
I want to change the identifiers of a phone to have it as a more anonymous device
Redpill me on javascript Sup Forums
What now apple fags?
What stage are you on?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sony won
So this is the power of VR:
Why haven't you switched to Firefox Quantum yet?
Linux will never look this good
/p/ here... how will i feed my family now if i cant do any work?
What would you choose?
Windows and macOS users:
The perfect distro doesn't exic-
Reminder not to use the "photoshop" or "shopped" as a verb...
What does the future hold for sex robots?
What OS do you use?
/bst/ - Battlestation [CLEAN EDITION]
It smells pretty bad after 5 years. How do I fix this?
Let's write a C# program, line by line
ITT: Pretend we’re on Hacker News
Would $200 on a brand new pair of Klipsch R-15PM be a good deal?
Post the last thing you bought online
What browser do you use Sup Forums?
Freshly installed Windows 10, what now?
ABP vs uBlock Origin
Stop hating it works well
Sup Forums iOS browser
Your mind is the ultimate graphics card
*sips tea*
Laptop brand that is the most trustworhty ?
New Firefox
How's iOS 11 working for you guys so far...
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Give me a single reason why you're not running Linux, besides being brainwashed by the media and corporations
What technology would exist today if the good guys won?
Xubuntu, what version to install?
So Sup Forums
What's your excuse for having a gf and a job?
Getting a job on anything computer related
Do you support an independent web, Sup Forums?
This proves that Intel can still just shit out more powerful products than AMD whenever they want
What percentage of online users needs to install this to kill Goolag / online advertising model?
What the actual FUCK is his endgame
How to watch webms on Safari?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Laughs retarderly
Can you explain why people always say not to use an admin or root account on GNU/Linux...
Wouldn't Sup Forums benefit from allowing a Reddit like feature to create your own communities...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is Debian worth it?
Grandma rebased master onto the unstable branch
Any other web developers out there, how do stop from killing yourself on a daily basis...
Is it even possible to get a tech job in Ontario Canada? My parents want to kick me out. I have no degree or skills
Sup Forums BTFO
ITT: We emulate a Sup Forums thread
Is Arch worth it?
What did she mean by this?
I need a job by the end of this year
Admit it. You'd use it if you could install it
I'm not surprised nobody uses Linux
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread For Posting Keyboards
MacOS High Sierra
Linux is the best operating system if you do not have ADHD
Not expensive laptop
Want to pirate a movie
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Any good suggestions on free engraving on Ipad Pro
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Phones of Sup Forums
Your internet connection's last mile
Microsoft Edge
Which one?
Pls buy the iPhone 8 ;_;
Hey son, wanna watch that movie with me?
In C why don't variable names need terminating null chars, they are strings after all
Does g still use Optical drives, I ordered pic related!
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...