Fucking Musk going at it again.
I'm starting to think all his companies are really just for Mars shit.
Rockets? For Mars
Low pressure train in a shielded tube? Perfect for Mars
Solar energy? Mars
Batteries? Mars
Electric cars? Mars too since no oxygen for combustion
Fucking Musk going at it again
Other urls found in this thread:
Tunnel digging company? Mars
Autonomous vehicles? Mars
Its fascinating how he's proposing that around 2024, these big fucking rockets (BFR) are able to carry about 100 passengers with the fares as cheap as conventional aircraft tickets.
Even with a $100,000 ticket, I think there will be many takers.
and then nasa is going to get into the act afew (or more) years later after spaceX.
NASA will become irrelevant at the pace SpaceX is going. With the funding so short and responsibilities so large, they dont have any budget.
I wonder if Armadillo Aerospace will ever return.
Carmack said he may give it another go despite how he already failed.
Government will increase funding if they are incentivized to do so and Musk and others are doing just that.
>Elon becomes the first person to land on Mars
>He sets up defense and claims Mars as Elon Planet
>Other mars landing from other countries/companies gets destroyed by lasers Elon builds on Mars
The conventional aircraft ticket price was in reference to using the rocket for earth-to-earth transport, not mars; the rocket should also be ready for the former earlier than 2024.
>Mars colony starting in 2022.
LOL'd fucking hard!
Reminder to ignore what this charlatan and a welfare queen has to say. He's all about attention whoring and putting himself in the middle of news... because it makes it easier for him to raise money from taxpayers.
>Can we wean Elon Musk off government support already?
>Its Time to Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Elon Musk and Cronyism
>It has been widely reported that among SolarCity, Tesla, and the rocket company SpaceX, Elon Musks confederacy of interests has gotten at least $4.9 billion in taxpayer support over the past 10 years.
>This is almost half of Musks supposed net worthtaken from the pockets of American citizens and put into companies that can survive only by cannibalizing each other, spending without end, and promising that success is always just beyond the horizon and yet never arrives.
Just for comparison. Elon Musk will send his BFR to mars before Intel releases 7nm chips
>Carmack said he may give it another go despite how he already failed.
Carmack's a liar and a thief. He stole shit when he was a kid, ended up in a juvie and then stole shit when he left for Oculus. He ain't gonna do shit again now that VR has been abysmal failure.
The government offering subsides to support innovation should be applauded, also you can't deny the successes his companies have already achieved.
Except the Earth is flat.
>Elon Planet
He'd give it some stupid pun name
But this is good use of taxpayer money, if you want to complain about wasting money on useless shit go complain about the defense budget.
If you put him on 1.25x speed it's okay to listen.
Wanna live on Mars? Mars has no magnetosphere, so enjoy dying of cancer from the Sun's radiation... if the global sandstorms blocking your solar panels and leaving you without electricity doesn't kill you first that is.
People are so gullible nowadays, majority of them will buy snake oil every chance they get.
Elon is capitalizing on that.
What snake oil?
All the things he currently sells do what they should.
Unless you mean specifically investors and stockholders, but fuck those guys.
Cancer rate for Mars is same as habitual smoking.
They've already calculated the risk/reward ratio. Brainlets are excluded from this scenario due to inherent retardness.
Thank god this user who is evidently more intelligent than the world's leading aerospace engineers is here to warn us of the latter's incompetence.
So what would happen if you flew a plane East continuously, and the plane had near infinite fuel, so it never needs to land. Do you reach the edge of the world and fly off into space?
Appeal to authority fallacy at it's finest.
Appeal to fallacy fallacy at it's finest.
Doesn't make what I said any less true. Enjoy giving your money to fraudsters I guess.
Hey that's pretty coo-
>Elon Musk
aww man its never happening
It's not an appeal to authority, you retard.
yes. Mars is flat too.
You seem to be arguing from the assumption that either they haven't taken those problems into consideration or that they're unsolvable - and in both cases, you're wrong.
>reusuable rockets
>cheap rockets
>electric vehicles
>affordable electric vehicles with good range
>largest battery plant
Why are people so divorced from reality?
b-b-b-but soon TM
Why it not be happening? They got VTOL, they're already starting to build this BFR rocket. All this ever needed was will and money.
The hyperloop is a rusting unused tube, it looks so unfeasible and hard to maintain that I'm not even sure how they considered it a thing to be done. Spacex economic convenience is starting to look less appealing according to several studies. Landing on mars is pure fantasy for the upcoming decades at least, we have massive troubles getting a small unit on the moon right now.
Electric cars is the only thing that seems going but I'm skeptical about it, they are not really enviromental friendly, they have refueling issues in most countries and considering the estimate pollution caused by ICE transport is around 15-18% of total is it really worth to start shitting out chemicals for batteries instead of working on the remaining 80%+?
His solar roofing is a meme.
Why the fuck is this nigger wasting time, resources and money on entertainment areas, cushioned seats, and roomy cabins. You're going to another fucking PLANET to brutalize and tame it, not going on a fucking jamaican cruise. God dammit I hate normies
Musk has made it quite clear that to colonize mars requires public interest and support and so the theatrics and comforts are necessary.
If your last moments before uncertain death, you might as well make it comfy.
Mars colonization is the biggest and most ambitious plan EVER devised by humans. It wouldn't hurt them to make it bit more comfortable since it will be a 6-9 month journey.
>tfw you are such a worthless being you won't even be able to go to Mars as an expendable labourer
Why choices made in High School at the age of 17-18 i.e. which subjects to focus, then which Uni to choose can almost determine your whole life?
>no orbital ring in sight
wtf the fuck
There's already a Mars colony populated with slave children
>wanting to travel over 50 million kilometers to land on a rock with fucked up geomagnetism, no oxygen and completely covered in dust
Why is everyone retarded? It's like longing to colonize mid Sahara.
There's a reason only bedouins nibbas roam there.
Nowadays I watch everything at 1.5x unless it's not science / philosophy because then the presenter will just spill shit out of his mouth without thinking at an alarming rate so you have to put it on normal to understand.
Why colonize mars? It has roughly the same resources as earth and the moon. The logical choice would be to build a shipyard on the moon and mine asteroids until we get the tech to mine gas giants.
There are no expendable laborers. The first 100 or so human launches will be occupied purely by scientists/engineers.
The laborers are robots. Also since you've made this post and claimed that "you are not a robot", you won't qualify.
Is your skin black/brown by any chance?
>tfw you might see this in your lifetime
Feels good.
>have billion dollar budget
>tasked to pick which chairs to use
"Hmm those 30 extra dollars are pretty hefty for our budget"
>wanting humanity to be in a position where we could go extinct at any moment
doesn't it take like 4 months to reach mars
There's no atmosphere on Moon. The rotation of mars is roughly 24 hours, where as on the moon, its about a month. Also moon's orbit is about a month as well, where as mars is about 700 days.
There's also bit of atmospheric pressure on mars, 1/100th of Earth, but that's more than the moon's 0 atmosphereic pressure.
Only if you wait years for mars to be as close possible to earth.
Years at least or decades - I cannot remember and won't google to find out.
And basically you want that so you conserve fuel and have more room to store useful shit.
Mor like 7 months. That's why I find it funny to see all those nerds who are incapable of sitting on a chair for more than 2 hours excited about this. You would all go completely insane after the first week of travel and start eating your own flesh and shit.
90% chance its pink and has age factor < 18
I never said that living on the moon would be healthier than living on mars, in fact I find it hard to think of a reason not to live on earth or on a rotating space station next to an asteroid being mined.
There are guys in forests all around me that lived in seclusion for decades when they are found due to the nature of their spiritual practice they have to find a new place to avoid being visited by humans.
Sometimes a guy with a camera might find one and convince him to talk and they prove to be totally sane and give some useful insights about the nature of human mind.
Every 2 years it's within a 3-6 month journey.
Where are you from?
I bet there are plenty of us here, and even more on more autistic boards that haven't left the house, and met other people for a long time. Another thing is, if you are like that, you probably won't be needed up there.
There's a world of difference between being in nature on planet earth and moving around freely, and being strapped to a chair in a shuttle. I'm not talking about solitude but stillness in a confined environment. In fact, being locked up with others can make you crazy just the same.
I'm pretty sure that if i took away your internet connection and strapped you to your chair for days you'd lose your mind pretty fast.
>implying there wouldn't be internet/Earth communication that's near instant for at least a few weeks
>implying you'd be strapped to a chair the whole time
>implying there wouldn't be tonz of drugs available to fight claustrophobia
>implying you wouldn't have VR headsets and mood lighting
>implying the psychologists won't have a busywork schedule to keep you busy and from going nuts
>implying you wouldn't look out of the viewscreen and start seeing the red dot get closer each day to keep you motivated
roasty bo y e
>implying such comfy travel conditions will be available in your lifetime
I got about ~50 years left. So most likely will happen, but I'll be too old, too poor, too sick to afford it.
>Mars colony starting in 2022
No. Reading comprehension isn't one of your strengths, is it?
Also, there is no credible reason to "start a Mars colony" any time soon. Maybe consider a manned station sometime around or after 2050, but unlikely to be permanent even at that point.
Mars colony should be built by AI driven 3d printing robots. Wasting resources on transporting humans there is just plain silly at this point.
>grab a book or two
The first two launch will be work done by robots. The robots will have about 2 years to build infastructure.
You realize we used to travel on boats to the New World for months at a time, right
Because you are on Sup Forums
Sup Forums isn't GOP tho. Their hate for SpaceX/Tesla is abundantly clear.
Yes yes please bring your books, laptop, dakimakura, x-box on the space shuttle user. Your sexdoll too!
You realize that on a boat you're still on earth, see the sky, the sun, and do as much physical exercise as you want and it changes everything, right?
>I'm starting to think
Welcome to 5 years ago.
>the thing he hasn't sold isn't doing anything
Alright then.
>everyone on Sup Forums is one person
He clearly was referencing the GOP you breathless chicken.
Reading comprehension?
> see all those nerds who are incapable of sitting on a chair for more than 2 hours excited about this.
Which ones are those?
>everyone GOP is the same person
Are you retarded? GOP is a party with millions. They stand for the millions who willingly join in to be represented.
>everyone has the same opinion
Fuck off nigger
No amount of damage control will save you now. There is no need to attempt to save face, this is an ANONYMOUS mongolian knitting forum.
>niggers are all the same person
Big Fucking Rocket?
Big *ahem* Falcon Rocket
Actually that's all pretty stupid. What we need first is to build a shipyard in earth orbit and an efficient shuttle system to that shipyard. Only after that is accomplished bigger scale spaceflight makes any sense.
Shipping bulk building material from earth to orbit is hella expensive, best case scenario would be to set it up on a body with low gravity and rich mineral deposits, such as the moon.
>Cancer rate for Mars is same as habitual smoking.
Based on what evidence? How many people from Mars have developed cancer as a result of living on Mars?
The first people to industrialize the moon can quarantine the rest of the humans with the threat of kinetic bombardment.
Take a wild guess. Hint: it involves radiation.
No. Correlation is not proof of causation. To say "Living on Mars causes cancer equivalent to smoking" means you need evidence from people living on Mars that have developed cancer.
Or you could track potentially threatening space rocks and push them out of the way if they appear to be on a collision course.
"Living on Mars for n years is equivalent to exposure to x amount of radiation, which is known to have a cancer rate equivalent to smoking for n2 years."
Is this better?
>Shipping bulk building material from earth to orbit is hella expensive, best case scenario would be to set it up on a body with low gravity and rich
That seems a possible option, too, but it requires to establish a complete industrial supply infrastructure on the moon while we already have it for the most part here on earth.
However sending rockets directly from earth to space is the most expensive because every rocket needs a huge amount fuel to prevail over earth's gravity alone. So indeed everything depends on having an efficient way to shuttle materials from earth to the orbit. I'm thinking on something like a
zeppelin that carries a transporter shuttle into the stratospehere.
>being naked on mars
>living on mars for how long exactly?
>how do you know its not better or much worse than smoking?
>what sort of radiation are we even taljing about?
>strapped to chair
Is it your fetish or what? There is no reason why would anyone spend more time in chair than they do on ISS. It's just not healthy regardless of how trained you are.
Still wrong, because we have no physical evidence of what living on Mars is like. And to say "Radiation causes cancer" is unequivocally wrong, as that same radiation is used in radiation therapy to destroy cancer.
>what sort of radiation are we even taljing about?
All of them.
I wonder which is healthier, sitting for 2 months in 0g or in 1g.
This is idiotic, you cant just drop a rock from the moon onto earth, you have to launch it on a rocket.
Also the earth can threaten the moon with missiles just as fucking well.
What sort of underage garbage inhabits /g?
Pretty sure it's a meme, some political figure said that people on the moon are very dangerous because they could drop a rock on us with the force of two hiroshimas.