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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Other urls found in this thread:
is there any program that automatically geolocates the IPs of a tracert
What free reporting tool should I use for my WPF application if:
>I'm using MS Access database
>the database is file-based, so no servers involved
>I don't want the other pcs to install additional shit aside from Access.
how can i make my default recording device automatically switch based on whether or not a program (audio repeater) is running?
I use nvidia moonlight to stream my desktop to my home server that is attached to my tv. It works great, I just ssh into my server and run the moonlight stream command.
I started using a vpn (mullvad i it matters), but when I'm connected I cannot stream. When I disconnect I can stream like normal.
Any suggestions on what I can do to fix/avoid the problem? I've already dug through vpn settings, but I may have missed something.
I turned off hardware acceleration in chrome setting but it doesn't seem to help
(trying to get smooth 4k playback on youtube in chrome)
Also VLC is freezing when trying to play 4k video .. i can stream 4k to plex just fine but when i try to play 4k videos straight from my pc ill get about 1 frame per minute
Alright Sup Forums
I went and got myself this pretty good deal on a pre-built but there is one thing that is bothering me.
What the hell is a B300 AM4 mobo?
Link to PC:
Link to pre-built guide:
Once while I was drunk I stuck my tongue on the exposed wife's of my microusb charger, plugged directly into the wall, and also I think into my phone. I wasn't trying to kill myself or something, I just assumed it wouldn't do much. It felt like putting my tongue on a battery. Why didn't it hurt more?
How do I remove dust filters from a computer?
My PSU's filter is caked and causing it to make a lot of noise. Gaming is pretty much impossible right now thanks to that.
I want to build a SaaS. Anyone got an interesting non-meme problem I can solve for a few shekels?
Wires... Not wife's. Thanks phone
Caught the tail end of the previous thread, so I'll just ask again: Where does one get a clean Windows 7 ISO nowadays? I need an x86 version, and the old Digital River mirror seems to be dead.
I was once lying in bed talking on the phone, didn't really pay much attention to what I'm doing with my hands, and jammed my thumb into an empty lightbulb socket. It hurt like a motherfuck and my thumb smelled like fried chicken afterwards.
I always wondered if I could have died that day and how retarded that would be.
Can I automatically sage all my posts using Sup Forums x? If yes: how? Thanks.
Apparently in any modern house you'll blow a fuse before ever killing yourself with electricity.
because it's only 5v with a milliamperage output so it's less powerful than a 9v battery.
I've got this game that runs only at 640x480. Is there a way to resize the window to something like 1280x960, and have it render the 3d stuff at that resolution? There's a DS emulator that does this, but I want to know if it can be done with old pc games.
my isp recently contacted me cause i pirated way too much shit too consistently
So what's an easy free vpn i can get on my phone to keep them from cutting off my shit entirely
i know it's normie shit tier question sorry
Fixes like that are very game specific but usually done by manually editing config files in most cases. Google is your friend
Linus' shilltips shills tunnelbear. They have a free trial, might be worth a try.
Please anons
Around how much does idle power consumption increase when the Windows power plan setting is changed from the standard balanced plan to high performance?
FWIW, I use a desktop PC with an i5 Haswell CPU and an R9 280 video card.
Just wondering because I've noticed some performance issues in certain programs when the power plan is set to balanced.
>I think I plugged it in wrong tho, the cable in the pic says cpu.
You plugged it in wrong, you used the CPU power cable.
Seriously, what fucking answer were you expecting? Go plug the PCIe power cable into it you knuckle dragging mouth breather.
S-sorry user I don't know many tech savvy terms. There's this cable that says 4p on it right next to the 12p one, but when I plug that one in, power supply doesn't spin
negligible amounts if you're actually being reasonable and turning monitors off when you're not using them, just having the gpu and cpu undervolt and underclock themselves when idle (which is independent of what windows does) does far more for power saving
Google is not my friend in this case, otherwise I would have not posted.
There's no option to change the internal resolution, and the game's modding community is nonexistant.
Sorry for being a brainlet
Then look for config files and see if there's anything there related to resolution.
4p is a molex connector for fans, you need to plug it into the pcie connector
i want to make my g keys work as keys that arent on my keyboard, i dont care what they are, as long as they dont have any function, as in nothing like ctrl or alt, how would i do this?
i need something that i can use for a long time. anything that works on pc is welcome too
i get it if that's too much to ask from a vpn
How do I put a 6pin pcie cable in a 4pin extension gcd provides? BTW I tried connecting stuff on my own and there was a spark and my power supply is not spinning anymore :DDDD
There's plenty, but it just changes the window size. Nothing pertaining to render resolution.
no help?
I guess I'm on my own when the thing arrives this weekend.
Giddy up
That's weird because with this product, you're supposed to plug the CPU connector on the retarded proprietary connector. The proprietary connector is supposed to be plugged into the chink product while it's powered by the 20 pin and 4 pin CPU connector.
I don't see how you fucked up. Some youtubers plugged it the same way you did and never had any issues. Did you follow the instructions ?
>just having the gpu and cpu undervolt and underclock themselves when idle
What setting do I need to change in the BIOS for this to happen? When I set the Windows power plan to high performance, clock speed always stays at its maximum.
I have a ipv6 address fe80::e91f:72ff:fe:27:fbed/64
The mac is EB-1F-27-FB-ED (?)
So the OUI is EB-1F-27 (?)
But that doesn't resolve to any manufacture
What am i doing wrong?
>Make sure if you are using an ATX power supply, that you have the power in the right orientation. I found out that there are 3 ways that fit, so make sure to try them all.
what ghetto shit is this, honestly
you can short the psu_on pin (usually has a green wire) with a ground pin (right next to the psu_on pin) to turn the psu on to see if it is fried, maybe disconnect the gpu/etc first, if it 's not friend you can connect the gpu (with it turned off) and do this ghetto short to power the psu but make sure you get the right connector to the right psu connector, have you tried reading the manual?
Here, the asian pajeet is using the CPU connector to connect the product.
You must have done something wrong.
it should be enabled automatically on defaults but there's a few settings called (intel specific) turbo boost, eist(speedstep on older cpus), c-states and sometimes mobo specific features, mobo manual will have more information (usually referred to as power saving features)
the advanced settings for power options have this but I don't recall them working for me ever
Yup. Oh yeah I fried it. Tried the same plugging I did before and it's not spinning. Fucking great. Is there a simple power supply that works with these ducking egpus
It's supposed to work, as it's standard. You did something wrong but it doesn'tr come from the CPU plug.
What's the best way to use a spare SSD? My mobo is old enough it's only got one sata6g port.
is Google's DNS down? Can't resolve DNSs and can't ping
I don't think so. I even set my ec to gen 1 as someone said, then tried automatic.
Nope. i get a ping back
Weird, still down for me. Probably something fucked up with my isp or something
No it works. But you shouldn't use Google DNS user.
Alright exp gdc turns the green light on when I connect the 20pin, and I have an idea. BRB if it doesn't work I'm probably dead from electricity
Yeah I had set it a while ago. I just switched to my automatic one - is that fine or is there something else I should use?
Someone was asking yesterday on where to get OSX El Capitan and I forgot to get back to it.
I'm on a Linux machine so I can't fully test it, but I believe the app store link is in here
Use this site to find the nearest Open NIC server.
Thank EVGA and their marvelous engineers. How did you fix it ?
>mfw just realized I have no hdmi or dvi on my t420
Bought this, I guess I need a way to connect my gcard and laptop
DP, it's best
>multiple monitors
Should they all be 144Hz or just one?
Did you mean that you want to plug your GPU into your laptop ? It won't work user. Your HDMI is for output purpose, not input.
only monitors that you will use for media would want 144Hz, if that is all of them, then get all 144Hz
Nu "Sup Forums" everyone.
Wait I don't get it. So do I plus anything into graphics card ports? How do I get the picture to my monitor that has both vga and hdmi?
Would it feel weird to only have one at 144Hz?
I know stuff therefore other people need to know at least as I do
How often are you supposed to change out your cmos battery?
monitors only need 1 input, im pretty sure im misunderstanding you though
no, it will just feel like a better monitor than your others, 144Hz is a luxury, not a standard, so the others wont feel slow or anything fif that is what you are talking about
15 years
Read the posts before, I have that but I don't know how to connect my second screen
Brief and stupid question. I see is down. Does anyone know if it is scheduled maintenance or its weekly/monthly downtime?
You plug the monitor into the external gpu, which needs a stand alone power supply.
Why don't you use another port that is on your GPU ?
When it no longer saves the date. I had CMOS battery that went as long as 10 years.
in Advanced > Quick Reply Personas
20p from exp to 20p from psu.
Cpu 4pin to 4pin exp port.
Expresscard in my ec port on my t420.
Graphics card placed into exp. Everything's plugged in except gc fans don't spin. So I'm assuming I have to connect my gcard to my laptop somehow to make it work.
wtf is this thing connected to my gpu (gtx 260 that im replacing)
it's not 6pin pci, it's a red & black cable connected to the motherboard and from which end i take it off, if it can be removed at all. i tried to remove it from the GPU end so far and it wont budge and i dont want to break anything
fan controller
Did you power your GPU with a PSU ? You don't have enough current to run your GPU if you don't plug the 6 pin PCI from your PSU to your GPU.
It's for the fan user.
Understandable. That's why I bought a 6 pin connector yesterday, thinking ahead of time. Oh well, live and learn. Thanks anons.
Nevermind, I figured this one out. I have another question:
How long does a filter need to dry for?
I blasted the dust out with water, padded it with a paper towel, and let it sit for about a half hour or so. Is that enough?
kk, that means it should be removed on the motherboard's end correct? that will be hard to reach in
is there like a latch or key u have to press & then pull to release it or can i just tug it from as far down as i can reach?
Thanks it worked
You're welcome user.
Btw, does the product you bought worked by plugging it with a 20 pin and the CPU connector ? It's so retarded.
IiRC, there is no latch for this type of connectors. You just have to be firm. Be careful not to rip the tiny cables and you will be fine
You should be able to remove it on the motherboard end.
is there a NON BOTNET google maps or something? i'm thinking about deleting all gaps and start caring about my privacy a little more but I can't just go anywhere i've never been before without fucking google maps (since it has a real good subway and bus routing in my city and also i'm a retard who can't remember street names)
there's an app, here WeGo, that you can download the maps to use offline.
not sure about subway and bus routing tho
Does someone know how E;R edits shit like this in his videos? Does he do it on Premier Pro?
Is Black Pidgeon Speaks using Premier Pro here to edit his videos and rotate images (like when looking at the faces of politicians)?
I want to make heaps of different newspaper articles fly across the screen from corner to corner but I don't know if it's motion teens in flash or something in premiere pro.
Why is it retarded if it works? I really don't know
i wanted to get into a programming language and heard ruby on rails was good but all the tutorials are from 2013 and don't seem to be updated. Is there a new ruby wrapper hotness that im not aware of or what would be the best programming language to learn to make a server that will parse incoming emails and enter text into another page's html form fields based on the email's content
Well, I once fried a second hand motherboard by putting the wrong plug into the motherboard because the former owner fucked up the pokayoke and I was unable to search it online.
I was retarded. You do learn from mistakes
>fried 3 computers when I was 7.
13 years since then, and I manage to fry a PSU
Thanks for the retarded genes dad
What chromium updater should I use? Im already using chocolatey but they don't package stable and their builds don't have webrtc or sync
>don't have webrtc
That's good though
i think its most likely a typo, should say b350.
Is it expected to tip the drive through lady at McDonalds? I never have but noticed my friend slipping some extra bills when she handed over the bags and made me wonder what that was about.
ok i found this. i dont think that motherboard supports overclocking...
Inherited a 13" Black Macbook. It has 4GB of RAM, a Core 2 Duo, which is great, but the HDD is ticking. Can I upgrade to an SSD, and if so, any recommendations? I don't want to go past 240GB, since this is going to be a web-browsing and document-writing laptop only.
You probably can, though I don't know how easy they make it to get inside it and swap everything. There's tutorials out there though like
Does anyone know a good .sdt file decrypter/decoder/extractor? I wanna extract some audio files and I've tried everything but my best attempt gave me a garbled mess with high-pitched, almost unhearable sounds mixed with heavy buzzing. I can't seem to figure this shit out.
i have an i7 6700k and i bought it as part of a cpu/mobo deal right before kaby lake came out, but i think i got it for a deal because it's a silicon loser. in order to get to 4.6ghz i need to put in 1.35v (1.392 measured), which seems way too high compared to other specimens
Wrong Mac, mate.