so on my tour of Apple facilities I found this iPhone X in one of their demonstration rooms and its cloud unlocked. how do i unlock it?
So on my tour of Apple facilities I found this iPhone X in one of their demonstration rooms and its cloud unlocked...
you know what, just keep it Jamal
If it's unlocked then why would it be required to unlock it nigger.
>its cloud unlocked
gratz op, its unlocked
BASED Jamal btfo the itoddlers
Put it back, phillip
Return the slab, Tyrone
I don't see a notch in the screen i think you're lying Jamal
Apple would never let the safe space be invaded.
You can't sorry. Take off the parts and sell them on eBay
or suffer the curse
Bepни тeлeфoн, Maгoмeд.
You've earned it, tyrone! *pats on the back*
(: I am a very racially accepting person
Based big cock Jamal working icucks into a seething finna shoot
just give it back, Daykquan
give it back, muhammed
you have to go back
Apple shit doesn't belong on this board. Fuck off
Censoring technology doesn't belong on this board.
You fuck off.
Bring the phone to it's rightful owner, DeShawn.
Give it back, jamal
Keep it Dontel, you earned this one
someone post it already !
>claims it's an iPhone X
>no iNotch
you need to work on your techniques more, Dequan.
Has no one noticed this?
Jamal is a bad nigger