/bst/ Battlestation thread

Budget edition
>20€ 1600x1200@75Hz 19'' CRT
>150€ Fractal Design Node 202 chassis with Core i5-2400S @ 2.5Ghz and 8GB RAM
>240GB SSD & 320GB HDD inside
>Steam Controller for comfy playing
>Pusheen kitti for love

You know the drill, post yours, rate and hate others violently.

surprisingly comfy op

thanks user! I know it's kinda sterile but I'm renting so I'm not gonna renovate.

>£1 CRT (Got 5 for a fiver)
>£50 2 quad core xeon server board with 24gb ram 500gb HDD free R9 270 gfx
All in roughly £100 computer
>£50 CISS brother printer
>£20 telly + digibox
>£1 christmas lights
>£1 fluorescent lamp warm white
>Currently trying to get an armchair for £15 inc delivery.
Comfy all the way!
Nice desk.





I would put the crt in the corner where your other monitor and computer is and move them to the left but its still really comfy! c:
Do you ever go dumpster diving?
That looks like an awkward way to have your speakers, fnanon.
10/10 from fellow drummer
poor or do you just like the oldschool feel?

I have made thousands out of electronics i've nicked out of skips m8!

comfy as fuck

is that MaXX Interactive or genuine Irix? I tried MaXX for a second and it felt just broken and unfinished

>awkward way to have your speakers

Yes, but it's a temporary solution. I'm gonna put those in a shelf on the wall.

As cringey these movies are, they are beautiful to watch.
Ought to look amazing on oled tvs.

>poor or do you just like the oldschool feel?
I just like older tech. I'm not rich but I see no reason to buy new stuff.

It's MaXX. And yes, it's unfinished. I have real SGI machines but they're too slow even for shitposting and the versions of Firefox available are too old.

I'm ready to jump to the OLED ship right away when they introduce a sensibly priced OLED 85Hz computer panel, but so far I'm digging my CRT.

OLED has other perks too but considering the real blacks meme, it's a meme in well-lit rooms. Only in the dark you really get to see the difference. Maybe for movies it's more useful all over but very rarely do you have pure blacks on your desktop.

Anyway, when it dims outside I always switch to my CRT to save my eyes. Yes I just said that unironically.

I'm waiting on oleds with 12bit color depth.

My note 8s screen is fucking amazing. Want it in 60"+.

that's a pretty sleek setup you've got user


Happines and overcoming depression will come to you

>if you clean those bottles

I'll ask again!

Anyone have pictures of couples Battlestation?
Need some inspo since I'll be buying a new table along with would like some nice ideas for a couples Battlestation!

If there are archive sites, there was the one guy who posted him and his gf's station. I'll see if i can dig it up for you. It was like 4 or 5 /bsts/ ago

On a side note, hopefully getting a monitor mount in today along with a deskmat.
Thats a lot of pizza
those are some big speakers. any reason they're right next to each other?
c'mon user, clean your desk. you deserve better than this

This one?


Yeah, i just found it too, Shucks

I don't have a pick but I bought something on cragislist whenever and when I went to pick it up, it was this pretty young couple, prob studing IT, and they had a little baby and this battlestation room with two monstrous ATX towers and like 2-4 monitors and I went "OH GOD THAT IS SO CUTE". And it was.

How does that room look like all together? Those tables look oddly placed but the desktop itself is nice

There's another posted if the same one. We already agreed to mimic the setup but it's kind of uninspiring. Our current setup for the last two years was a table with PC next to each other, it's not bad, but want to do something neat.

This setup is so tacky, literally nothing fits in with anything else and it bugs the fug out of me

It's a strange setup but it's what I had to do so I could sit without my back to the door.

What would you do to fix it? I need ideas please

I mean if you picked up all this "furniture" for free off the street, you can't complain about the look

But you have:
- metal filing cabinet
- some staples desk or something that looks really out of place
- unmatching filing cabinet and desk for hoodpal
- metal kitchen shelf in the back

If I was you I'd get an Ikea desk top or counter top and make a desk the length of the room and share it with hoodpal and toss everything else

>any reason they're right next to each other?

Not really. desu I used them in the proper way my whole life, last time I cleaned my desk I ended up setting them side by side and forgetting about it, since I plan to use them in a shelf on the wall. Should have set them up right for this pic, it really looks awkward the way it is.


>budget edition
>uses crt
Its like you dont care about money
Rope yourself

Thanks, user.

I only managed half of it, don't worry.

I want to buy a better TV but I keep spending my paychex on holidays.

uh okay?

Slummin it in my gaming bean bag




Good setup. Which Thinkpad is that?

Balcony to the left of the photo. Doesn't come out well in photos but is comfy in person with the views.

How much glue did that take?


T460, it's quite nice actually. Good battery life and thin too compared to the older 4x0s

What state flag is that and why is it colored like the flag of the Netherlands?

In case your mom walks in on you fapping?
Comfy beanbag but that table looks a bit high for sitting in a beanbag on the floor.

>that table looks a bit high
Here's some perspective

Looks like a waiting room or something.
>buys alienware laptop but no table to put it on

How's the node 202? Got a graphics card in there?


The node 202 is awesome.
I've got a 6700k and a GTX1080 in mine.

Nice. Same CPU here but with a fat 1080Ti. I'm thinking of switching my case to a 202 when I upgrade CPU eventually, and am a bit worried about whether my card will fit and how temps will be.

You should only use blower design coolers in the node 202 though.
If you have a card with an open air cooler your temps will be terrible.

Darn. :(
Any good little ITX cases that are good with non-blower designs?

Dunno really, open air coolers kind of depend on having a large volume of air to circulate.
Problem with the node is that the GPU has its own compartment so there's barely any air in there.

Fractal Design Nano S maybe? Not as small but it's a way better case.

Design Nano S might as well be mATX with how big it is. I was thinking more along the lines of SG13 or Dan's A4-SFX.

I really don't know.
They just usually highly recommend getting a blower design cooler for the tiniest cases.


mmm looks clean
waisting all that space on beers
Shit that bean bag looks comfy af
Looks great with that monitor stand. I need to get me one of those.


get rid of the ghost and it'll be 7/10

I got that wallpaper as my login screen

Nah, I like the company.

Node 202 is awesome. I'm never looking back.
I have a gtx750 in there and there's way much space left. Very little underneath it tho for air circulation, but space for a bigger card, yes. In most cases you'll also want to tie all cables in the GPU department to the inner chassis walls because otherwise they easily get in the way of GPU fans.

This chassis is a dream tho. I have a pretty good Corsair (I presume) cpu fan on it too which is nce and quiet even under stress and almost inaudible in light use.

Pic related is what life could be. I'd love to keep this setup, even go a bit further and always hide my mouse and keyboard somewhere when I'm not on my computer. That's almost iMac levels of clean and aesthetic, man. But I won't go there because only one of the two front USB ports work so it'd be a pain in the ass to setup every time from the back of the chassis.

Does anyone have like a two seat battlestation?

I got a regular ergonomic chair that's good for work and gaming but shitty for relaxing. I was thinking of getting a recliner, putting it to the side of my desk so I would just have to turn one of my monitors to the side for movies and shit.

Well the laptop is definitely slum tier

Mine is not budget, but its not top of the line either, so i'm going to join in.

basic PC info.
CPU: intel i7 4790k, GPU: MSI GTX 980ti,

people on here shit on razer but i think the keyboard looks pretty cool, if only the build quality and the customer service were good, i'd probs consider getting one

>shilling nvidia

looks cramped

Moved to a new place. Just got the case and PSU today

What the case?

I have to ask this as I'm planning Skylake build. Does Windows Update work for you on Windows 7? Do you get all the updates? What about drivers and driver updates?

I need pictures, pictures of entertainment centers and audio setups for inspiration. Preferably with naming what furniture you used to put your stuff on

lmao casual, steal your roommates desk and make an l-shaped desk mashup. If hes a cunt about it, then an MATX build by the foot and dual monitors up top to maximize screen real-estate does the trick.

>HP laptop
fucking casuals

Which one of these 2 is stronger, a R9 290 or a GTX1060?


1060, specifically the 6GB version as the 3GB isn't worth the shekels.

Likely going to get one as well when i finally collect the money to rebuild my pc, Since the older completely died in a power surge (Except for one HDD).

Though getting the funds isn't easy when you're in the army, and the parts rig i built from spares i collected from a friend and around the house and a new PSU and case isn't that bad (cost me sub 200$).

I'm curious though if i should keep the current Mobo and replace the CPU to a 3770K or get a newer Intel or AMD one (Along with DDR4 memory).

>buying the new intels


-10€ speakers from flea market
-20€ amp from amazon
-160€ 27" full hd display
-680€ laptop that is 7 years old


My nigger.
I have a huge acustic set at home, but I need edrums for my flat. Any particular recommendations?


I have been out of the PC world in quite a while.

Are they still doing the same %5 performance increase per generation?


sweater weather

desk 10/10 otherwise i don't fancy

nice kbd


im a regular/wavy ruffles/lays kinda guy too

gosh. i know, right? i can't handle the finger-smattering sauces that they put on the other flavors - ruffles is just like... a classic 'chip.' at least, that's how i feel about them:
no fancy flavors, just the salty chip goodness.

that said, i don't eat chips often, as it's bad for my health. at most, a bag will last me probably a month.


Hey dude. Sorry, I just started a new playthrough of Fallout 3 and spaced out.
I think I have installed all updates except for a few that windows couldn't install (updated a week ago and some updates couldn't be installed), but yeah, until a few weeks ago, I got all updates.
When it comes to drivers, I have everything up to date.

Creepy setup


Never had much luck with wireless mice. Nice nixie tube clock. i thought those lcd-c's were hanging from the cable for a second i had seizure. then i remembered how gravity works.

nice setup. maybe it's the light but the lacing on that beer seems sub par.

where to get that mug?

