Windows Master Race

>Installing new software is straight-forward as fuck.
>Dont need to manually compile shit unless you plan on programming
>Runs smoothly
>very easy to set up OS, rarely encounter errors
>Not a hassle to deal with
>easy to navigate
Windows is better than GayNU in every way, prove me right linux fags.

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Straightforward as fuck"
>go to Google
>search Photoshop
>get search results tracked by Google botnet
>click on Photoshop website
>get tracked by Adobe botnet
>close popups
>pay $500 to install
>download the install wizard
>click through all the pages of dialog to install
>remove install wizard from downloads folder
>missed a check box in the install wizard so now you have an adware toolbar
>have to install Avast Antivirus to get rid of it
>get tracked by Avast botnet
>wait for antivirus scan to be done
>finally open Photoshop


>sudo pacman -S gimp
>type password

>Runs smoothly

Are you having a laugh, user?

I can do that on macOS without touching aids-ridden exe files

daily reminder that red hat and canonical pay for these shillposters pushing linux

>when you can't be trusted with .exe files
Fortunately I'm not a brainlet, so I know which exes are good and which ones are bad. For your people, macOS is a good OS

Yeah but think about how much money you save every month when you use Windows since you don't have to constantly buy tin foil hats

>digitally distributed software
pick 1.

Photoshop is not windows, and the bullshit it does is not related to the Operating System on which you are running it.

I would also advice installing, it has less tools but its free.

Brainlet detected.

>OP is talking about straight forward of installing software on Windows
>It's even simpler on Linux
>It's not Windows fault!!!

>Due to popularity of windows sw and game devs target Windows
>Some gayme or software does not have a Linux port
>Linux is shit!!!
Windows users are real retards. No wonder their only skill is playing video games.

My Windows install is 4 years old and still lightning fast. I guess I am just smarter than you and manage Windows better, right?

>Due to popularity of windows sw and game devs target Windows
>Some gayme or software does not have a Linux port
>Linux is shit!!!
not my argument and i have no clue how you derived that from my argument. I get the feeling you may be a linux fag trying to justify installing gnu/linux OS.

>OP is talking about straight forward of installing software on Windows
>It's even simpler on Linux
>It's not Windows fault!!!
Again. the example you provided was using the INTERNET, that is not an OS. Getting shitty additional software and fucking pop-ups trying to DOWNLOAD a sub-par software off the internet is not the same thing as installing something off a fucking CD, nor is it the fault of the OS for what the medium to download is.
That would be like me saying my neighbors dog is responsible for what my dog does. Retarded logic.

~ $ sudo pacman -S gimp

Can this install anything other than pacman?

Lastly: I am not a windows loyalist. I couldn't give less of a shit which OS is better. But i have found that Windows is far better all around that Linux/GayNU, because unlike the latter, the former does everything a commercial OS should do and then some. What's more, there was no lazy bastard who half-way through said "fuck it" and gave an incomplete OS to the masses for them to fuck with.

, has a point.
My Windows Vista still manages operations more efficiently than GayNU can in it's current state.

lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os

I like you.

i like you too, but i invite you to have a more open mind. both platforms cater to different niches to greater or lesser extents.

error is the problem. dishonesty, confirmation bias, and delusion are the problem. pegging anything of real substance to tribal identities is a kind of anchor to delusion, a kind of machinery for producing delusion or at least self-deception.

there is much of this on many sides. many sides.

>have a more open mind
I already know that GNU/Linux is applicable to a niche (though what niche or advantages it has i do not know since i have never used it).

I'm being hyperbolic.

My real opinion is that Windows is very good commercially, but there are definitely places to improve.

I would install linus if it provided any improvements to what windows already has, but again i don't know much about it.
Mind educating me?

>>Installing new software is straight-forward as fuck.
Updating said software is not.
>>Dont need to manually compile shit unless you plan on programming
I don't either, all software I use is in my distro's repos or a repo owned by the distributor of the software.
>>Runs smoothly
Arguable, every experience I've had with windows in the last 5 years has been different. You're entitled to your own beliefs though.
>>very easy to set up OS, rarely encounter errors
It's not difficult to set up any mainstream Linux distro's. At least I can fix errors on my machine. What can you do, restart your computer and hope it works?
>>Not a hassle to deal with
Also arguable, Windows is a pain in the cunt to deal with.
>>easy to navigate
Only applicable if you're a gamer, mentally retarded or 12. Or maybe a combination of them.

> Can this install anything other than pacman?

>Updating said software is not.
>I don't either, all software I use is in my distro's repos or a repo owned by the distributor of the software.
What's your distro, bro? Only distro I know is GitHub.
>Arguable, every experience I've had with windows in the last 5 years has been different. You're entitled to your own beliefs though.
Yeah. Depending on hardware and the version of windows, you will get varying levels of performance. I'n my own experience the performance has been grand, Worst delays of processing i've had was from a computer with no memory left running at 10fps.
>It's not difficult to set up any mainstream Linux distro's. At least I can fix errors on my machine. What can you do, restart your computer and hope it works?
Fair point. I haven't encountered any problems that weren't fixed with a restart though, so i would never know what to do in any other case, but from what i know there is a boot protocol that allows one to troubleshoot windows manually if the need arises (the need seems to be non existent in my experience).
>Also arguable, Windows is a pain in the cunt to deal with.
Mind elaborating?
>Only applicable if you're a gamer, mentally retarded or 12. Or maybe a combination of them.
I value an OS in part by usability. If i have to type in 20 fucking commands just to get from point A to point B then i will gladly drop that at the first sign of something easier.

Sorry but i have never touched linux in my life, i'm guessing what that command does. My best guess is it's something to do with a GitHub-like Distribution, right?

Since you seem interested, friend, I will decipher the autistic command ~ $ sudo pacman -S gimp with gladness in my heart for your possible benefit.
~ $
This is the terminal prompt. The ~ may be a part of it that marks the directly the terminal is currently in (because this is highly mutable in the terminal program's config file, so the format here can vary), and ~ is the shorthand for the "home" directory, like %APPDATA% on Windows.
This stands for "super user do". It elevates the command following it as a UAC prompt or running with Administrator Privileges does in Windows. Many important commands, such as installing software, requires such elevation.
This was the fun, crazy name given to the package manager used in some distros such as Arch. A package manager tracks repositories, catalogues of software analogous to the Windows Store (which, like the Windows Store, are not the only vector by which one installs software on Linux) and manages installation of software on the machine.
We have referenced pacman. We must now give it a command. In this case, the command is a flag and a name. -S is the flag, and it stands for "synchronize". This asks Pacman (again, the name is a playful reference -- craziness) to look for the following name in the repos and install it AND all of its currently associates dependencies (libraries, supporting components, etc. -- think DLLs in Windows) along with it.
The name specifies what package (program) to install. In this case, this is Gimp, an image editing tool.

Let's review the command in total:
~ $ sudo pacman -S gimp
It's helpful to read commands like this from right to left. "Install Gimp with all of its dependencies with Pacman with elevated privs."

>What's your distro, bro? Only distro I know is GitHub.
GitHub is a website frontend based on Git, a command line program for version control, not a distro.

I will give you my personal experience having switched from Win7/10 within the past month and using Linux Mint:

Stability (e.g. random bugs, crashing)
Windows 7 > Linux Mint >>> Windows 10

Updating software
Linux Mint >>>>>> Windows 7 > Windows 10

Installing software
Linux Mint >>>>>> Windows 7 = Windows 10

Installing software that isn't available in a repository
Windows 7 = Windows 10 >>>>>>>> Linux Mint

Linux Mint >>>>>> Windows 7 > Windows 10
This assumes you take time to actually learn terminal commands and create keyboard hotkeys

UI/UX Appearance
Linux Mint/KDE >>>>>> Windows 10 > Windows 7
There's much easier customization options in Linux; can make it look exactly like OSX or Windows too

My biggest problems with Linux so far:
I had to hack in a 4.13 kernel so that my system didn't break with a ryzen cpu
Hacking in the 4.13 kernel fucked up my KDE install somehow so I had to reinstall a bunch of KDE packages (easy enough with repos, it was more a problem figuring out WHICH packages were broken/missing)
Pulseaudio KDE shit was the most broken part and audio settings were all kinds of fucked up with audio resetting to full blast on reboot, but doing a purge of all the audio stuff and reinstalling the packages fixed it
I still haven't figured out how the fuck to get playonlinux/wine working so I can use mspaint
Just forget about trying to install something if it isn't in a repo

Simple imagine editing (e.g. open mspaint, ctrl-v screenshot, start cutting the image and adding text or doing pixel edits) are nowhere near as easy. Neither Krita nor Gimp comes close to photoshop. None of the mspaint wannabes can even do what mspaint does. I can't right-click and open a file with another program while using a file picker to look for files to upload (works if you're just browsing a directory though). There's nothing comparable to irfanview either. The best image browsers are image_viewer and feh; feh is stupid and requires opening the folder to cycle through images instead of just letting you cycle through images in a folder by opening an image in that folder

firefox doesn't use dolphin as its file browser and it's a firefox bug that firefox devs have set as 'wontfix' because they're retards; the fix is literally already downstream in openSUSE too
All the games I want to play are windows only
Managed to reduce screen tearing with a few options changes in firefox, but it's still worse than in windows
Mint is too far behind on some software like firefox and libreoffice

Best things about Linux so far:
Installing and uninstalling stuff via package manager leaves you wondering why the hell windows doesn't have it
Not nagged about updates, update whatever I feel like whenever I feel like
Desktop looks baller now that I customized it how I like
Dolphin file browser is a whole lot nicer to use than windows file explorer
The terminal is the greatest thing ever and if you're like me you'll end up wanting to do as much in the terminal as possible just because of how much faster it is
Windows search never worked for me, but the Linux one is basically perfect - I press the windows key, it opens the start menu, I type the first three letters of a program, it selects a match, I hit enter if it's the right program or I enter more letters to get the right one, and then the program is running; I don't even browse through the start menu for anything.
Everything runs smoother and faster than my windows 10 install; I don't know if my win10 install is just fucked or what but the constant hangups, microstutters, and random cpu revving up for no fucking reason are all gone. My computer is virtually silent while I'm booted into Linux
Feels like I actually control my computer
Getting an IDE up and running was a lot easier than it was in windows

tl;dr linux isn't perfect but I like it more than windows and unless I have to use a windows-only program (gaming), I'm always booted into linux now.

Thanks Man.
I have now saved this for educational purposes in my "Mind Porn" folder.

> linux isn't perfect but I like it more than windows and unless I have to use a windows-only program (gaming), I'm always booted into linux now.
Sounds great man. Thanks for educating me.

Based on what you have said it sounds like linux would be great for work and education, while windows would be good for gaming in your case, yes?

I wasn't joking

>Installing new software is straight-forward as fuck.
Next, next, next, here's your browser toolbar you didn't asked, installation finished, restart your computer.
>Dont need to manually compile shit unless you plan on programming
It's recommend, but yet its still optional, you can still use an "easier" distro.
>Runs smoothly
Except that it don't, try an older hardware and you'll see that every single megabyte of ram counts.
>very easy to set up OS, rarely encounter errors
"Something happened. Something happened.", and what kind of brainlet are you to actually install gentoo without experience?
>Not a hassle to deal with
Installing updates. Please do not turn off your computer.
>easy to navigate
Two control panels. Because we just want to add more and more without fixing the spaghetti code being available since the past versions of Windows.

>Next, next, next, here's your browser toolbar you didn't asked, installation finished, restart your computer.
If that ain't straightforward i dont know what is :^)

> try an older hardware
why would i want to do that? That would be like going back to horse-drawn carriages after having a horseless carriage.

>"Something happened. Something happened.", and what kind of brainlet are you to actually install gentoo without experience?
Gentoo is a meme, i'll install it when i'm in hell.

>Installing updates. Please do not turn off your computer.
Fuck me i hate when that happens. Fortuately there is an option to turn off updates (although Microsoft tried their darndest to hide it)

>Two control panels.

>using the right tool for the right job
I think she's on to something.

>If that ain't straightforward i dont know what is :^)
A package manager, use a graphical one if you can't into terminal.
>why would i want to do that?
Not an argument, its more of a personal reason of not having good computer/laptop.
>Gentoo is a meme, i'll install it when i'm in hell.
This is hell. Again, not an argument, install gentoo.
>Fortuately there is an option to turn off updates (although Microsoft tried their darndest to hide it)
Its disabled by default on GNU/Linux :^)
>Two control panels.
Windows 10. If not now, but sooner you'll embrace it.

>A package manager, use a graphical one if you can't into terminal.
Is it fine if i use a windows one, like (
>Not an argument, its more of a personal reason of not having good computer/laptop.
I mean why would you want to try running on older hardware if given the chance for newer better hardware?
>install gentoo.
>Windows 10. If not now, but sooner you'll embrace it.
I'm on 10, i see no double control panel.

How did you learn about Package managers and the like? I would like to know what resources to look at for broadening my understanding of CS and Tech?

>Again, not an argument, install gentoo.
Gentoo is hell. For a good general UX, Ubuntu is the way to go, hands nailed to the desk. Most popular, uses same package format as the most stable distro, making software that much more available for it, has the backing of a company, Canonical, [s]inserting mobile and now IoT cancer[/s] with some money, making the internals polished (Fedora/RHEL is the only other distro for which this is true, with Red Hat, which has way bigger bucks than Canonical and actually contributes to the kernel, not just UX, but they're uncompromising FOSS fags and their distro's popularity [which is much more useful than money in Linux's case] is very low compared to Ubuntu's).

Ubuntu, for example, is supported by Steam on Linux. It's the easiest to use. It's the best one for general use. However, for "general use" (enjoying media and games; 'play'), Windows is far superior. For programming, server or sysadmin work ('work'), Linux has big advantages. So
>Two control panels. Because we just want to add more and more without fixing the spaghetti code being available since the past versions of Windows.
Anyone who complains about this as if it's not a problem in Linux is being a silly goose.

What makes you think i'm a she?

It's a figure of speech

please explain?

What's there to explain? If you were a girl and he said "he's on to something" you'd still ask the same question. Just change the "she" to a "he" and don't worry about it

>Just change the "she" to a "he" and don't worry about it
ok. Thanks for not assuming my gender btw ;^)

I don't care about what you view yourself as, but you're probably male (male)

It is a seizure of the social capital parodied as precisely null here as per the NGOTI principle:

>Runs smoothly
Okay now you're just blatantly lying.

>very easy to set up OS, rarely encounter errors
Okay, now you're continuing to lie.

>Not a hassle to deal with
Stop lying

>easy to navigate
Go fuck yourself, faggot.

>Windows Master Race
More like Rothschild-cucked.

That was interesting. Now i understand the significance of "tits or gtfo".

(In other words, "nobody is a girl" is equivalent in absurdity and spirit as "everyone is a girl".)

>Cortana Botnet Master Race

You like it when software dictates the way you use your machine?

> socially engineered malware

They just made that word up, didn't they?

Installing new software is more efficient on many distros like Linux mint as you can check buttons in the package manager to install multiple programs simultaneously. In windows you always have to click through the install wizard which is tedious as hell.

So you read the asm of every executable? Sorcery? What planet are you from?
>protip look at what happened with Ccleaner