What OS do you use?
What OS do you use?
Other urls found in this thread:
only the best
Void Linux
Android Replicant for personal shit, iOS for business
Pic related
Open office
MacOS/iOS personal
Windows/iOS business
Linux (nixos), L4, mirage
Wallpaper please?
Bud light is the best os ever
Windows, Mac and Android.
Linux if the computer is really shitty and slow.
Travel Laptop - MacOS
Home Laptop - Xubuntu
Work - Windows 7
>Android Replicant
lol Indian.
Best you can handle with that iq
Ha! Nice
Ubuntu because good community and software availability, plus it doesn't crash if I turn off the dGPU with nvidia-prime
desktop - fedora w/ windows 10 for gaymes
notebook - fedora rawhide
*tips distribution*
ubuntu mate, because it reminds me of my childhood, when being a virgin wasn't such a bad thing
A few months ago Ubuntu on my Desktop and KDE Neon on my Laptop
Now Windows 10 on both, full Botnet mode, I failed..
Windows 10 and Ubuntu because I'm a basic bitch.
>KDE Neon
found your problem
Windows® 10 from Microsoft®, the Latest and Greatest version
The one I'm using the least is OSX right now because I mostly carry around laptops running linux. I keep a desktop with Windows at home.
Fuck every single fucktard that has any alliegance or feels the need to be loyal to a fucking OS.
Debian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)
well let's see... I can do actual work on any computer that isn't Linux, so I'd fare higher than you :)
Lineages on my phone
Fedora on my desktop with a windows 8 secondary drive, but I find my self not using that much (only for .exes that have to be run in windows because wine isnt good enough, and StarCraft).
Lubuntu on my laptop because its low spec.
MacOS, with some Virtualbox GNU/Linux guests
lessee Windows 10 Tech Preview, Windows Server 2012 r2, Raspbian, Debian, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Centos and a couple based on freeBSD(pfsense and freenas)
If you don't know how to do work on Linux, I'd say that's your problem, desu
Several. I'm not neo-Sup Forums.
Windows 10 Pro for games and using MS products.
Ubuntu for everything else.
Windows 8.1
I would use Antergos on my main station but it does not support DX11 games
I wondered because many DX9 games in my Steam library work natively
windows 8
windows 7
windows server 2012 r2
debian 8
Windows 10 for gaming/communicating with normies and Void OS for everything else
Sup Forumsentoo
macOS 10.13
watchOS 4
It's good not being poor.
Ubuntu but it says trisquel for some reason
Ubuntu on my personal laptop, sometimes I boot into Windows for Ableton Live and lighting software when I'm mixing a band
macOS on my work laptop
Debian and NetBSD on RasPis
Ubuntu Server and RHEL on my servers
FreeBSD with ZFS for storage
CentOS and CloudLinux at work servers
Arch because I'm autistic and can't talk to other people.
stop using eclipse and java
macOS uwu
Seven, several mint versions, ubuntu server arm and x86_64, debian, xubuntu, rapbian, odroid ubuntu minimal, several self-made distros.
I'm pretty versatile, as long as it's not apple crap.
android 7.1 (keyone)
ios 11.0.1 (ip6s)
Windows 7
My own.
Android, Ubuntu, Windows 7
Windows 7 Ultimate for gaymen and windows 2000 for actual work
Windows 7. I fucking hate it but 'muh vidya games' otherwise I'd be running MacOS
Windows Vista
Fuck 7 for getting rid of the pre-XP start menu.
Windows for games.
Fedora 26.
That's literally the worst OS. I'd rather install Android on my PC than use Botnet 10.
Now uninstall Winshit 10.
This bait is delicious. Have a (You).
Windows 8.1 with telemetry updates removed
my nigga
9front master race
Windows 7
But what os' are in THAT
Windows 8 at home/for GUI applications
gLinux at work/for software development
Primarily Solus. Dual boot Windows 10 for vidya.
POSReady 2009
hi kevin
various versions of Windows, Solaris and HP-UX right now
occasionally: OS X, IRIX and CentOS
Linux Mint XFCE edition, no fucks given.
Playing video games isn't work in my book.
>Martin router king
>quadro FX 570m
Explain yourself, faggot
os/2 warp 4
Arch Linux and MacOS
Customized Xubuntu
enjoy your false sense of security
>tfw you realize that a flaw in the floppy disk driver in xen owns your whole system
Debian. I used Ubuntu for a while but it always just seems to get in the way. I am willing to admit the problem is me, and not the OS.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Windows 10. I'm not a pedophile so I don't have any concerns about the (((botnet))) meme or spying conspiracy.
Windows 8.1 x64.
Win10 for gaymen
MacOS for work, personal projects
Redhat for application server
Android 7 (stock) for phone
What color-theme is that?
Not OP but here
The void.
Thanks dude
Windows 7 for desktop because muh games
Slackware on my laptop because I rarely use my laptop and I don't want to have to update or fix anything when I do use it.
windows 7 cuz im the smartest person in this thread. shit im smarter than einstien
u r girl ?
we date ? ? ?
pls respond
GNU/Linux Xubuntu 17.10 daily build
crashing my system, sending debugging info, rince repeat.