I hate you guys

You guys said programming was fun and easy to learn

Other urls found in this thread:


Alright, did you get tricked into learn assembly?


perhaps a liberal arts degree is more your speed?

it's okay to hate programming
i hate programming
which coincidentally makes it hard motivation-wise

It is easy to learn. It is fun, but not for long, unless you're autistic.

>try learning programming python
>get stuck at for loops
>try learning c
>stuck at for loops

Literally why?

I learned to program by building flash games with actionscript in 2003 and submitting them to newgrounds.

I learned because it was fun.

Programming is easiest to learn when its a means to an end, if you have some kind of reason to learn programming, something you want to accomplish, then you'll have the drive necessary to deal with the bullshit.

If you're just learning it because you're a pajeet and you want a high-paying web dev job, then... I dunno, is money not a good enough motivator for you? What do you want?

But don't worry, I'm not a conservative who just thinks its all about "hard work" and "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, nor am I a liberal who thinks its all about "education" and "feelings" and "social conditioning"... I'm realistic, I know that IQ is largely determined biologically, some people are too stupid to learn complex tasks like programming. However if you're literate enough to post frogs on Sup Forums, you probably also have sufficient IQ to be a web developer.

Maybe because you suck at for loops?

dumb frogposter

I actually gave up learning Java for a time, went to different assemblies and c++ for a long time learned to love programming, went back to Java required for class, realized how stupid it was. Started saying C++ forever like an autist. I will never go back user, so please, go on.

You need to do more problems with for loops. Also helpful is remembering that you can convert any for loop into a while loop, although it is usually bad practice.


teach me the secret to understand them

Honestly, I've tried these courses before and, lets say I'm good at seeing patterns, so I get through excercises not knowing what I'm doing until I get to "hard" shit and get stuck.

Isn't there other method to learn programming?

>work as webdev
>work accidentally hires a developer who didn't know what for loops are
>they fire him as soon as possible.

Keep at it user, you're better than some people out there.

If you know what your sticking point is... go on google, and find a blog post or youtube video that babysteps you through it. Try koding with klossy.

Git gud

>teach me the secret to understand them
They're a programming construct like an if statement. except that the if statement only executes the code in the block if the condition is true. A for loop executes the code in the block over and over as many times as you tell it to. Because that's better than writing the same code over and over.

Also good for looping over arrays.

a for loop can be rewritten as a while loop (and vice-versa) -- in most cases.

while (stuck at loops) {
practice more!

there is this one user at /dpt/ who posts his java for loop asciis. try looking at his code

there's no for loops or while loops or until do loops

everything is based on "GOTO"

you define a set of instructions, you execute them, and goto makes you start over at the beginning of that set of instructions if some condition has been satisfied.

Usually I pseudo code a solution on paper and refine it into working code. The pseudocode would go something from "draw a star" to "turn 36 degrees and go forward 10 units 5 times" to actual code. Also if you know how a for loop works, it's really a matter of ingraining the motions into muscle memory.

Hello, Pajeet.

Remember, learning programming is pointless if you have no use for it. I was doing some repatative shit and thought "wow, this is bullshit", and so that was a motivating factor to learn it

Dont listen to these retards on here.

Welcome to the functional programming group where we all solve our problems with inefficent recursions.

For loops are basically an if statement. However, it's not "If X get in else skip", "If X move on else repeat".

>inefficent recursions.
Get a language with tail call optimization... i.e. not python.

Is anyone here in Penetration Testing?

How do I get into something like that as a beginner

>not using directly conditional jumps/branches for loops

>implying every problem can be written with a tail recursion

Maybe internally to the compiler or interpreter. Even assembly language lets you jump to an instruction if a value is less than, greater than, or equal to 0. I'm not sure if its this way in machine code though.

The thing is, OP doesn't even understand loops. Don't talk about GOTO because next he's going to write a script or a program littered with GOTOs and make-a-nice-a-pasta.

>not straight editing the 0s and 1s out of your hard drive
>thinking you are an elitist

>using anything other than c++ and python

Who uses for loops in 2017? Use list and dictionary comprehensions or generators in python, don't use C at all, and if you are lucky enough to be blessed by the JavaScript Gods, they might even let you into a little thing we like to call forEach.


it takes a certain mind and it's definitely not for everyone
it's easy for SOME people

agreed on the not fun for long part

Declaring a matrix in MATLAB is so much more compact than in Python. Really makes you feel at home.

I knew a Python fanatic that reluctantly started learning C once he learned that bad C code ran faster than good Python code.


>Programming is easiest to learn when its a means to an end, if you have some kind of reason to learn programming, something you want to accomplish, then you'll have the drive necessary to deal with the bullshit.
This. Trying to learn it to make money will result in failure 95% of the time, unless you have godly patience. You really have to know what you want to do with it and spend years failing and sucking at it before you can make anything decent.

Because it is.

OP do what I did. get another major, in something you're good at and make programming your hobby.

it's not for everyone.

>something you're good at

>tfw have nothing i'm good at except tinkering with computers, programs and games
>tfw hate programming
should i just an hero?

Kill yourself, dumb frogposter.

Where did you get that from?

ya have to make programs that do shit, making programs for the sake of making programs is something that causes you to unload a round into your skull