>APPLE HAS RELEASED macOS 'High Sierra', its latest major update for Mac users that includes Safari autoplay blocking, a switch to Apple File System (APFS), and, er, a vulnerability that allows hackers to pilfer passwords.
>updating the web browser requires updating the entire operating system
Elijah Anderson
Nope. I'm done with Mac OS at this point. This shit is indefensible.
It doesn't.
Gavin Bell
>I'm done with Mac OS at this point A good decision, friend.
Jonathan Cook
Okay, so, there was an Update to MacOS and it contained a vulnerability. That's it. Happens to every OS multiple times per year. I don't get this "iToddler" and "iFag" bullshit, do you just create threads to feel superior? Because of your operating system of choice? I'd rather be gay than having to create threads like this to boost my self-esteem. All operating-system debate aside, im legitimately sorry for you.
Wyatt Anderson
Welcome to Linux, friend!
Henry Hughes
Nathan Anderson
Nicholas Jenkins
still on el capitan
Xavier Sanchez
On Sierra for my hackintosh. It’s probably gonna be awhile. Apparently HS contains an EFI checking mechanism? Sounds like trouble.
Dylan Cox
>downloads hottestnewjustinbieberxdrniggagangstashit.jpg.mpg.HOT.music.album.FREE.tar.exe >OMG WTF I GET VIRUS >FUCKING M$!!!111 >goes out and buys a macbook >max r SO secure and KEWL!!!11 no VIRUX xD
>downloads tottalyfreehotnewgameforabsolutelyfree.lol.nojoke.completelyfree.notavirus.apk >OMG WTF MY PHONE GET VIRUS >goes out an buys ishit >PHEW im so glad apel treats me like a toddler and doesnt let me install or do anything, freedum is too dangerous xDD
Why do technology illiterate apple users come to Sup Forums at all?
Carson Fisher
some people already used hackintosh while high sierra was beta
Josiah Evans
>mactoddlers >"""""""""""people""""""""""""""
Lincoln Long
>sorry for you. I don't think about you at all.
Elijah Garcia
if you weren't such an ifaggot sheep, you would have noticed that the password stealing vulnerability also exists in _previous_ fagOS versions enjoy your walled hell
Christian Evans
isnt hackintosh effectively the opposite of such?
Isaac Ross
>I'd rather be gay than having to create threads like this to boost my self-esteem.
>t. mactoddler
Julian Bennett
their parents are amazed at how adept they are at using facebook, and they get it into their minds that they're "good at computers"
Cameron Parker
So this is the power of "the world's most advanced operating system"? Woah...
>half of the quoted posts have been btfo'd What the fuck
Christopher Cooper
Old threads about Mac Just a copypasta that had archived posts
Jeremiah Peterson
When was he ever wrong senpai?
David Collins
From the guy who discovered the exploit: patreon.com/posts/14556409 "You can change the keychain password (so it is not automatically unlocked during login, or (via the Keychain Access app) lock the keychain while you are not using it." Stop complaining and spilling your shit all over Sup Forums if you don't even care to read what the exploit is all about.