Started using Brave as my main browser for just one week

Started using Brave as my main browser for just one week.

Why isn't everyone using and supporting this again?


Those counters are a cool feature. You can actively see how much bloat and spying you're avoiding. I personally am waiting for a few extensions, as well as some improvements on their new script blocker, but overall it's a nice browser

where and how?

Yeah I don't get it either.

because firefox nightly / quantum is infinitely better, lol.

Because nothing gets past my hosts file anyway.

Because you can block ads and trackers with Chromium and Firefix too. Are you either too dumb to use extensions or do you really need data of the blocked ads?

5 addons

It's basically chrome with a skin.

I have saved 40 seconds cause I do most of my browsing on my desktop. I'm sure on my desktop I probably saves a whole day off my life.

ive been using it for a bit and have about 10 minutes saved total. Its way too buggy and they never fixed some basic bugs for months. fuck em., lazy ass devs i think im gonna go with degoogled chrome or some uncucked mozilla variant

It's open source, a fork of chrome, and doesn't need extensions to be secure in basic ways.

Just use opera lmao

Nice to see you forcing this "chrome skin" here on Sup Forums, third world nigger.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about
Thought so.

then what is it in advance?

I can't use a browser without themes.

because I use Qutebrowser desu!

Honey, they save your browsing activity in the cloud. How do you think they produce these stats?

because I can do all that in browser that doesn't behave like windows 10 and let's me remove preinstalled addons