Are they any good?

are they any good?
poordroids don't need to post their poor opinions

it's shit

I see a lot of people now using Bluetooth headphones at uni

I guess with Apple dropping auxiliary, I think they're finding airpods just fucking shite

>I think they're finding airpods just fucking shite
who exactly?

nah shut the fuck up cunt they're shit

Do they support apt-x? Otherwise straight into the trash it goes

I have some friends that like theirs.

AirPods are the best value 'truly wireless' earbuds on the market right now, and they work particularly well if you're already deep in Apple's ecosystem.

All bluetooth headphones are shit
These are the least shit though.

ex iPhone 7 user here: Q12s cost a fraction of the price, sound better, have longer battery lives, and actual buttons.

They're perfect for going to the gym because of the ear hook thngie and magnetic lock.

They're overpriced for the terrible sound quality and battery life. On top of that they fall off easily. I would pay $10 for them max.

No, they're really really bad.

They sound terrible. Bluetooth buds aren't the greatest in the world anyway, but it's like Apple went out of their way to make them complete shit. They're also way too small and easy to lose.

Look, I wanted to like them, but they don't deserve a purchase. Get a different pair of Bluetooth buds (I have a skull Candy SB2 set and it works pretty good) or just bite the bullet and go with an adapter (for best sound quality).

They turn brown if you don't clean your earrs...

they are pretty decent. the case gets very easy dirty. the sound isn't top notch. if you have the money they are worth it.

they excellent at giving you bone cancer


every fag who wears these looks like he has cigarettes coming out of his ears

iFag getting upset.

Daily reminder that ifags like you don't belong here. Fuck off

From what I read, about the same as EarPods but wireless but with shitty battery life.

Going to wait for version that charges over a distance when in use.

lol this

>going to the gym

I like most apple products, but these earbuds and the watch are hot garbage and I LOL at retarded cucks who think they are good because they are white and labeled Apple.

They are shitty plastic wireless earbuds - no isolation. I'm sure some BT earbuds like the Q12 have some degree of isolation, but these shitty plastic $150 Apple ones are just plain bad and they look faggy.

utter shit
expensive utter shit

>not going to the gym
Hey can you do me a favor and just take the elevator during metro rush-hour? Some of us have jobs and places to be at. And you're gonna need more than walking up and down stairs at 1 mph to lose all that lard you fat fuck.

No isolation is a pro when you're using the shit outside but still have to pay attention.

Might as well buy Beat Solo

I mean, my etymotics with triple flange with light music will block even some faggot eating an apple on my lap. The only issue is that you can literally hear your fucking heartbeat and other things while wearing them.

These apple pods are so bad that you can hear word for word the conversation of somebody across the hall and have to consciously pay attention to the music as it all blends together.

>No isolation is a pro when you're using the shit outside but still have to pay attention.
>Have to pay attention
>using earbuds

take them out you autist, your shitty music isn't going to disappear

Which is a problem if you're walking around or in gym or at work in phases where you do want to relax but still have to be kinda available and not like some autist oblivious to people behind him fucking.

Noise cancelation does have its benefits but for every day stuff it's more of a con.


ugtfrdtyryugihojuyftdrytf cac

To people saying these are bluetooth they're NOT. Uses proprietary apple wireless chip.

it's bluetooth

It's bog standard Bluetooth. The W1 adds automatic pairing for recognized devices with the same chipset. I can use AirPods on my LG V20 just fine, only thing I don't get is automatic pairing.

>projecting this hard


>noise cancellation

That's how I know you don't really know much about this.

Noise cancellation = interfering patterns to block out constant noise. Eg. driving a loud car on a highway, airplane, etc. Noice canceling headphones won't do shit for some autist eating chips in the quiet section of the library.

The reality is most of us live indoors and the usefulness of noise *isolating* earbuds outweigh the negatives. For example, when you're hiking in bear country, you shouldn't be wearing ANY earbuds.

I would probably change my tune if I was walking in the wrong areas of LA or Chicago, but I don't live in either of those shitholes.

Even if you're walking through your average city, not hearing cars, people or some jerk off on a bike can be pretty inconvenient.

I see AirPods in use literally everywhere now. NYCfag here. I can walk down any block and I'll see at least a single person using them.

I'd really love to have a pair but I'm an earlet and the EarPods don't fit my ears, so AirPods wouldn't either.

why anyone would use wireless headphones/earbuds is beyond me. I just imagine one falling out and/or losing it

Not really. Regular EarPods are perfectly acceptable for the price point but at AirPod prices they are definitely lacking. They are pretty convenient but you'd do better just buying a generic Bluetooth set in most cases. B&W P5 wireless arent much more and are a considerably better prospect. You could also just get a fairly light BT adapter for regular high end-ish headphones.

It's not very nice to call rich people retarded.

I got my pair in march and i use them daily at college + work

These are amazing. I use them on Android. The tap controls don't work, but they're great otherwise. Fuck wires. Fuck Apple too and the tech illiterate normie faggots allied with them, but I compromised for these babies. Good engineering knows no politics.

Fuck off. Not good enough.

Never happens. Try 'em. Shaped perfect, comfy and secure, no fucking rubber dildos fucking your ear canals or popping off when you take the buds out, getting stuck in your ear or, to wit, FALLING OUT AND GETTING LOST BECAUSE THEY BOUNCE LIKE MOTHERFUCKERS





And you can't put the fuckers in without those rubber things. They're these little jagged cylinders. How about designing the pods with a shape that's comfy and secure to fit in the outer ear canal without a detachable rubber piece of shit? That's what Apple did. It's amazing.

Then they managed to get two buds to seamlessly sync and work without a wire between them. They're amazing. iOS or Android, get them.