Atom has finally converted me

Atom has finally converted me.

I used to be a hater, and laugh at the fact that it's built with javascript, but Atom right now has so much more support for different languages then sublime. It might take a few seconds more to launch than sublime, but I realized that caring about launch time is autistic, when coding on Atom is so much easier than anything else.

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ok bro, use what you like
it's a free world

Hang in there OP. I'm making a hybrid text editor like atom written in C++/QML

And it'll have a plugin API like sublime text and atom

If plugins should be also written in cpp and qml, no one going to use/make them, because it's too hard and you can use atom or vscode instead at expense of mere 200 megs of memory out of 8+ gigs.

Plugins are to be written in a language as you see fit. I would officially encourage using nim

That's the ugliest fucking language second only to Julia.

But python is pretty popular among the devs. It's easy for a python dev to use nim.

In fact, the python standard library has been ported to nim recently. Which means by the time nim reaches v1.0, it's a solid C/C++ transpiler

wait until you switch to vscode, it'll rock your world

>support for languages

ed just works anyway.

>when coding on Atom is so much easier than anything else.

I used to use Atom, VSCode is better. Far more polished.

I tried VScode, but it has that Microsoft stink.

God speed, user your heart is in the right place

Disregard what I said earlier. It [nim] looks pretty neat after a quick look.

Second class citizen if not using C#
You feel like a huite male in a Bill Maher audience

Cool blogpost. I use sublime text because it's better in every way.

>it's better in every way
but it's not though

I use sublime, I even paid for it. But at this point Atom has clearly overtaken it in plugin support and quality. The only thing sublime has going for it is that it doesn't run on electron, and it's faster to launch.

Aren't both atom and sublime written in JavaScript?

Also, atom is shit for some tasks, for instance, if you have a long variable that spans a few lines and is quite large (say, 200 chars) in each line, you can't make direct edits on it.'

[Code]blah += "ffffff0927402c1233.....etc"[/code]

It has failed me in cases like this, where you slowly construct a hex files using variables and you need to add/edit something in the middle of it.

Only 20 SLOC in one screen? What the fuck.

I don't like VS Code too, but where did Bill Maher touch you?


He grabbed me by the pussy

audible kek

>muh feelings
well, you deserve to use inferior tools then

What a retarded resolution
Why is everything so big
Looks like a toy
Post what it looks like in 1080p vertical

Not him but VS Code can't distinguish from a C++ source file from that of C. Want a demonstration?

kek. Just use notepad++, losers

I do

Are you using VS Code?

Write a hello world program in C++ and save it as main.C
If memory serves me correctly, VS Code treats it like a C source file.

Learn vim it will change your life.

>it's real
top kek

>Why is everything so big
Probably a HDPi screen

>Are you using VS Code?

>Write a hello world program in C++ and save it as main.C If memory serves me correctly, VS Code treats it like a C source file.
well of course. why would you expect it to treat it like a C++ file when you save it as a C file?

>it as a C file?
That's neither a C file nor a C file extension. Don't you know?

what do you mean?

You don't know what you are talking about, are you?
You don't probably even know C/C++, do you?


>You don't know what you are talking about, are you?
I do
>You don't probably even know C/C++, do you?
I do know C, I don't really care for sepples
that's a bad, antiquated practice. can't you just use .cpp or .cc like a normal person? is this autistic nitpicking your best argument against vscode? if so then it truly must be an amazing piece of software

>Being this mad and frustrated over own ignorance
Never change, Sup Forums. hahahaha

nice argument. never change Sup Forums

I hate Sup Forums, your false-flagging is not working.

At least I don't pretend to know C and think .C is a C source file extension hehehehe

you love that word Sup Forums, don't you?

can you point me to any non-trivial project that uses case-sensitive file extensions? it's so retarded that it's hard to believe anyone does that

Yeah, It's called C standard library. Try changing stdio.h to stdio.H and see what happens

I mean a project that uses .C for C++ code files

>can you point me to any non-trivial project that uses case-sensitive file extensions?
>I mean a project that uses .C for C++ code files
Why are you moving the goalpost?

I'm not. I just wasn't aware that you need to have everything spelled out for you. The discussion has been about vscode not recognizing .C as a C++ extension from the start, and I would like to see who actualy does that, because it seems that every respectable project or style guide uses either .cpp or .cc

VS Code > Sublime > Atom


>I would like to see who actualy does that
Wait I have been looking for the proper fallacy for this
You are either

Atom is so 2016. VScode is the new king.

>unironically using microsoft software

>unironically not using a software just because it's name is attached to a brand/company

I've always been tempted by it but it never quite sits right with me. Maybe next project I'll give it a proper go.

Everybody knows vim. They use it in servers and to edit the odd config file.
>following standards which are set for a reason like increased transparency is considered bandwagoning

I tried it for a day and it couldn't even handle a decently sized project loaded without lagging itself to shit.

Maybe in a few years it's usable enough.

I don't even have anything to code what do I care.

yeah that's why you like it.
Learn a real language faggot.

>Everybody knows vim.
nigga all they know is "press i for insert"
get real

>following standards which are set for a reason
Set by who? You? Because microcucks can't into casing. wow