How the fuck did someone go from call center manager to chief security officer?

How the fuck did someone go from call center manager to chief security officer?

That's obviously Eric Schmidt in a wig

fat chicks give the best dome

Ambition. Never take no for an answer, Sup Forums. You can be ANYTHING!

Blowjobs and affirmative action.

By being a fall guy

doing kegels 12hours a day then snapping the cto's dick off


I wanna be a little girl!

>How the fuck did someone go from call center manager to chief security officer?
It's all about promotion of people of color and women and putting them into positions which they could never achieve on merits alone.
Diversity is the cancer of western capitalism.

By a scam scheme called diversity, is the ponzi of 2017

That and good old networking shenanigans. You can have a shitty liberal arts degree and still get a job in an unrelated field if you know somebody on the inside.

is she to blame for the worst leak of this century?

2 options:

1. everybody (or a few) at the top knew the situation was FUBAR and she was shoveled in as a blame catcher while they held on for as long as possible before cashing out and getting as far as possible from the soon-to-erupt-shit-mountain.

2. nobody knew how bad the situation was (or could become) and they put her in that position because "lol, it's not like that position is important or anything, we can put a cunt in there to up our diversity quota"

people act like women don't fuck their way up anymore, oh no, not in the modern world, lol

Either blatant nepotism or incredible luck combined with trends in social politics

you would fuck her? if i'm giving a chick a job based on sex then she better look like a dime.

affirmative action is fine
does she intimidate you?

I went from being a student to being a CEO and 50% shareholder.

Woah. Now if only I'd have a salary to match.


You're all acting as if this as seen as a regular move. I can't find a single business source that doesn't criticise Equifax for putting a person with her qualifications in that position.

Where was she a call center manager?

It's not about diversity or affirmative action, it's just plain old fashioned nepotism