Salary: to be disclosed after the interview

>salary: to be disclosed after the interview

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you for your time but I think we better move our separate ways.

I don't play along with this bullshit.

>entry level job
>Required Skills: Giant list of obscure languages
>5 years of industry experience
>PhD or higher

Well, that is just a wishlist. Just apply if you think the jobs interesting.

i would like to be like you but there is always an endless line of pajeets and desperate brogrammer unicucks that will eat shit right out of their asshole if they asked

>beanbag chairs in the "rec room"

>beanbag chairs anywhere

>Please use this form to upload your CV for your application
>Allowed file types: .doc

>being a race other than white increases your hiring chances because of diversity quota

>it's just a proof of concept
>we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
>don't worry about the details now, focus on the big picture
>security isn't the main concern at this stage
>you're thinking negative, we need to think positive

>Tfw heading towards a comfy life in academia and will never need to worry about this crap.

> he doesn't know that indians and asians are discriminated against more harshly than white people in software engineering

>he doesn't realize that the reason he keeps getting rejected is because he's a literal dipshit

Muh duhscurimination

Go cry more Pajeet apologist

that is a nice indicator that you don't want to work there anyway

Sir, I respect your decision to do that. Please consider talking with me now about potential salaries so that I can make an informed decision about taking your opportunity or to go with another.

>in tech

>work for big American tech firm
>my team is only 20 percent white

i heard all of them from our CEO in the last two days. for a system that he is already selling

hahaha! Oh boy.
Does that happen to be a start-up or small company?

That's good.

First you do the interview.
If they pick you, you get to negotiate your salary knowing you are the best candidate.

>you'll be interviewing with a senior developer
>thank fuck I don't have to deal with HR
>walks in
>22 year old wearing blazer, graphic T, and jeans

>entry level job for entering data in a spreadsheet
>salary: tbd
>need to have a proficiency in Perl and Assembly
>need 10 years of prior work experience

>get the job
>show up
>team is 60% female


get ready for a life of begging chad-investors for funding, desperately trying to justify your existence to people who see you as an annoyance, constantly getting caught up in academic department politics no matter how hard you try to stay out, and then having to babysit a bunch of suburban freshmen who give you sob story after sob story about why the exam was too hard for them

t. academic

How much of a neet are you? Those absurd requirements only exist so the employer can legally reject you for being fat/nigger/female/cripple/wearing the wrong clothes.
Just apply!

>file it as african american
>"im actually 1/32 boer"
What could go wrong?

They are just setting unobtainable goals so that they can hire a chink or pajeet and claim that they couldn't find American talent that fit the bill.

Talked to Qualcomm yesterday. Two reps were there, both actual engineers, not HR flunkies.
The guy I talked to was kinda aloof and just told me to apply online. Meanwhile, the other guy was giving out his fucking phone number to sophomores.
Am I an idiot, a social retard, unlucky or all of the above?

>universities are funded directly by the state
>can fail however many you want, 70% drop out and the remaining 30% are actually competent
Sure must suck being an american.

Has anyone here taken Codility tests?
Whenever a company asks me to do that test, I get kind of peeved.
Why do they want two or more hours of my time to solve some arbitrary coding problem online that has no baring on how good of an engineer I am.
Fuck. I'm an app developer. Give me some real app problem to fucking solve if I'm going to spend hours on it.
I feel like putting, "Fucking look it up on stack overflow and stop wasting my time"

What would you like to see then? We don't want to waste anyone's time on a big project. We need a simple test we can give to everyone. We ask candidates to write a script. We provide what the input will be and what the output will be. We give them 4 hours to finish.

Yeah it has no relation to the work you're going to, but we had a guy who could not solve this problem at all, idiot copy and pasted shit from blogs that didn't even work. I know it was copied because what he gave us had some of those utf-8 quotes in it. Fucking thing didn't even run.

>open plan office
>polished concrete and glass
>exposed rustic wood
>ping pong table
>bean bags
>video game consoles
>stacked beer fridge
>onsite masseur

Are you part of codility or something?
Everytime I take a codility test it's like "find the intersecting area of two squares given this data"
It is a waste of time.

A good quality test for mobile apps is have them fill a tableview or listview from some API
Simple. A good mobile dev can do this within 1 hour or less if they know what they are doing. Easy to weed out and is a true test of skill in that area.
You can pick through their code as well, and see what kind of libraries they are using, if any.

Not him but as a mobile dev I want
>develop this app natively for each platform, use swift, kotlin, objc, java, whatever, client for some website e.g. Sup Forums, lazy loading images, caching, sensible table view following ui guidelines set forth by goog/apple, etc.

comment it make it look nice write unit tests for everything maybe work in a small team with other applicants we'll train you to fill in the gaps

seems reasonable for 99% of positions

That filters out the fags with no self-confidence, wit and drive.

You apply anyway, that is if you can seriously do/ handle the job

>the women have neon-colored hair
>the guys are all wearing casual wear
>only one guy over 45 present and he dresses like he's 18 and has an earring or something

You should move away from portland

Mine is around 90% white.

Probably because it requires a clearance though.

premise for a harem anime. Godspeed user

Ah yeah I don't work with web or mobile apps, we do systems engineering work so it's mainly non-GUI services, APIs, scripts, etc.

you have NEVER been around women in a workplace, have you, user?

It would be a great day when all Pajeets get deported.

Dude that's like 40 hours of work or even more. You can't ask someone to put that kind of time in, especially if they're already professionally employed.

Once I tried to get a job at epic games, put about 8 hours into their tests, and then never heard a word from them again. I was fucking pissed at the waste of time and their indifference. I would never ask a candidate to spend more than a few hours on anything, not in this market where real talent is scarce.

if you have to take any kind of test for employment (other than security clearance) you are a pleb

yeah but always at places with more men than women

In my case I'm looking for a job and I don't mind putting in 40 hours (more like 15). I can do the job and thus I can pass the above 'test' but I can't necessarily past an arbitrary test on some website. I understand that it's a filtration mechanism but it filters people like me out sometimes.

what you want is what you deserve
what you deserve is what you get

The top CS schools are less than 20% white in graduating classes, neck urself

If it's just a simple list/table view with some images, It's just one hour tops.
Image loading from a static web location is insanely easy. Even easier with libraries. So is casheing. The hardest part is making the UI.
I understand though, if you're not familiar with native app development, you wouldn't understand the easy way to do it.
Most native app developers skip unit tests btw.
They slow the process down for a very small ROI. I mean, they are good to have them when you've got the time, but even some of apple's built in libraries don't have a way to properly test and assert things.

Yeah, I understand that.
I've done API and some database, but I stay away from really heavy lifting. I just assist the web guys from time to time.

>I don't mind putting in 40 hours (more like 15)
the world truly has gone insane, we're walking on our heads.
Not everyone searches for a job from the comfy safety net of their other's basement. People like you setting standarts like this are why qualified people end up in precarious situations.

I think that's a little silly to say.
He's right. 40 hours or even 15 is way too much to ask unpaid.
I'd take one look at that as a senior iOS developer and just strike it off the list.

The coding challenge has to be subtle and crafted to fit the situation.
Codility is a try all solution and that's where it fails for senior talent. I remember just recently that I did a codility test where I just copy and pasted my github to the answer. I said "if you like what you see in my github, call me."

>Not everyone searches for a job from the comfy safety net of their other's basement. People like you setting standarts like this are why qualified people end up in precarious situations.
Look at it from my point of view:
Straight, white male. Some experience, mediocre education. No diversity points. All I have are my portfolio and my willingness to take abuse and low pay. I understand that this hurts other devs in a slightly higher position, but what do you want me to do, sacrifice for the greater good?

I'm from Michigan and this reminds me of baby boomers with their bumper stickers that say, "Out of a job yet? Keep buying foreign!"

Like fuck off, how about domestic companies build good cars at competitive prices and stop getting bailed out? The responsibility doesn't lie with me. I'm just trying to survive here.

He's clearly Somali.
well done.

>female coworkers

>entry level position
>2 years experience required
>minimal wage payment

Doesn't matter because they only hire in India these days

is that real???

They just don't like your appearance.

>willingness to take abuse and low pay.
That's not low pay though, that's no pay and no garantee whatsoever.
An unemployed person that doesn't live with his parents is on a clock. Either he finds a job or he becomes homeless and have to beg acquaintances for a place to sleep.
For some reason, even supermarket cashier is a job that asks for cv and motivation letter now. It simply isn't affordable to limit yourself to one job application every two days if there isn't a 100% chance to be taken when the job is done, and at that point might as well make it a trial period.

so the solution is to learn to solve arbitrary puzzles which may or may not be relevant to the position and then apply to hundreds of positions because instant filters and muh numbers game, got it...

sadly, no.

that only applies for the US

The solution is to get more specific to the role.
Giving clear directions to a problem, which is practical to demonstrating some type of skill for the job, that can be done in a reasonably short amount of time.
There is no excuse for a company like Codility to not offer such things. I could understand HR, because they are generally ignorant of skills needed, but for a company that specializes in testing programming talent, they should be on top of it.

>wasting your time with ego maniacs
It's like you want to be depressed.

He's not Pajeet you fucking racist, if he was he would be 10x more autistic and would actually cobble together something slightly better than a clock.

In the past, people were hired based on IQ and aptitude tests and were trained on the job. Most of the rationale for not doing this and similar (adapt it to development) is just rationalization used to reconcile broken civil rights and diversity legislation with the state of affairs desu

I agree with you but only in a pragmatic sense. Ideally things would be so much different

yeah, I'm not going to disagree there.

> Grab the resume pile.
> Throw the first half in the trash bin
> 'I don't work with unlucky people'


He's from Sudan, retard.

my previous company

>ground floor, wide open empty room with multi-panel display at arbitrary angle on rustic wood floor, secretary's desk 40 yards in back of otherwise empty room
>second floor, engineering, soulless cube farm
>third floor, engineering, soulless cube farm
>fourth floor, IT and HR, honest to God exactly what you described minus masseur
>fifth floor, C-level, actually 2 stories remodeled into 1 with gigantic fans, wide open floor plan, each exec has a 2-story office in the corner overlooking the rest of the floor, has a rooftop garden with canopy and pool

what a fucking joke

To be fair, they're like 80% of the world's population but only 70% of the US tech workforce.

>only man in my workplace

>fizzbuzz the primes under 100

Why would our tech workforce align with the WORLD population? That's fucking retarded. Yeah we outsource but that doesn't mean country demographics disappear.

If the job does not list the salary, do not apply.

If the applicant does not state the expected salary, ask on the phone interview. No answer mean we do not proceed any further.

There is no need to be ambiguous about salaries. If we are both upfront about it, it will be easier for both parties.

>age: under 20

>any programing job opening in eastern europe

this, the only hard requirement is if you know how to do the job and how well,
if you think you can handle it, apply and go with it

i can vouch for this somewhat
>work in a city that is mostly french but some english
>chinese fob coders apply
>they hire them at half wage because they can't get hired anywhere else

>open plan office
Cubicles are underrated.


>be eastern european
>get programming job offer
>pay 6000 euros / month after taxes
>basically no interview since I showed them previous projects
>just had to sign a lot of NDAs, a bit secretive but nothing too uncommon
>well that was easy
>first day on the job
>so all we need you to do is review the code to make sure everything works ok
>huh I don't even get to do programming? I'm just some supervisor?
>they show me to my office
>we pass a big room
>it's filled with like 100 pajeets
>each of them gets a cubical space that's barely enough to fit a keyboard and a monitor
>never seen them outside of workplace
>never seen them leave the building
>pretty sure they're kept there as slaves
>at most I've seen like 10 non-immigrants in the building
>pretty sure we're here as cover up for what they're doing with the poos
>quit after one project
depressing shit there

I asked a company for 85k and I wanted that
They said we can do 90k starting for this position
I accepted
>Probably should have asked for 105k or something

>female coworkers


nothing more desu
the whole place always smelled like curry or something
people barely interacted with each other
it was really fucking depressing

>eastern european
Bull fucking shit

he is getting paid 6000 because they aren't paying fucking pajeets anything, and they need someone to supervise them and be quite

NO person in eastern EU will pay you 6000 for anything period.

I don't think he was implying that job is in eastern europe, just that he is from eastern europe

thats a different story then

>Be African American

>Get noticed by Indian recruiters who want to underpay me

>Get insta rejected by white corporation for African name.

Well at least I have a degree

Or maybe your resume wasn't impressive


Oooh, I am so stupid for fucking up so royally.
I guess any point I made in that, is now rendered null.

I got rejected from a top tier consulting firm because I didn't have an inside referral. The worst part about all of this was finding out that this firm has a prostitution/pimp business and hires those women located in South America as responsible for HR matters of the firm.

It's like a tech giant offshoring hr acceptances and rejections to an Indian whore house. Don't ask who it is, I have enough clues

>implying this job market isn't rigged

>Don't ask who it is
why not just say who it is? your anonymous. if its a top tier consulting firm then you probably arent the only candidate or rejected candidate which means even if someone did want to find you they couldnt narrow you down.