Is linux obsolete now that you can run a linux terminal from within windows?


If Windows ran, and respected users, like Linux, then Linux """might""" then be obsolete.

is windows obsolete now that you can run a windows vm with gpu passthrough from within gnu/linux?

If you had used it you would know it is dog shit slow.
So no.


You mean the GNU terminal? Linux is a kernel. The WSL doesn't contain any Linux.

another stupid shitpost

I can't actually install it because i'm not a windoze (((insider)))

Is Microsoft paying for this OP?

rude. I spent a lot of time working on this thread.

That's not even a linux terminal. It's a windows cmd

pic related


Windows insider here.

You faggots deserve to be embraced, extended and extinguished. And you will be. Laws will be passed and there will be no hiding from the long arm of the law. You will all rot in fema camps and reported missing. I hope the anime was worth it because your time is up.

If I need to run Linux, why would I limit myself by W10's virtual machine when I can run Linux on raw hardware?

>windows insider
Oh wow i didnt know we got royalty around here!

actually it can't even run nmap

It's not event a vm you fucking moron. It runs natively. Typical Linux noob who thinks he knows shit just because he uses Linux.

And you don't have do be an insider either, wtf are you obanto niggers talking about

Come and git me faget

git rm ./you
git commit
git push

Typical "advanced windows user" baby.
It's not native you cock sucking turd of bill. They have a compatibility layer which translates the linux binary calls into windows api. Sort of reverse WINE. Just gas yourself already

and that means its actually native but still it's not a VM AT ALL.

No. If Microsoft were to do a Mac OS X and release a version of Windows built on BSD, then there'd be less point in me continuing to use Linux, but it still wouldn't make Linux obsolete.

enable it in the Windows features dialog

pic related, I'm on whatever the latest stable release is and have been using it ever since the subsystem came out (quite a while ago)

Not yet. You still need an AMD processor or a specific Intel CPU that has VT-d and IOMMU like a Xeon, i3 or i7 to do that and passing through Nvidia GPUs isn’t a fun time. Once more consumer motherboards and CPUs support pass through then yes.

> to do that and passing through Nvidia GPUs isn’t a fun time

For Ubuntu users (the ones that need the help) a community-provided script (or package, or desktop utility dedicated to a script) can handle that.

>community-provided script
oh boy, can't wait to run a random script made by Pajeet and his brother Rajessehtoeesh

It still comes with nearly all the downsides of using windows, so nope.

>run X11 server program on Windows
>install regular desktop shit on Linux for Windows
>run full Linux inside Windows

now what, nerd

Only if it was somewhat different in Microsoft...

It’s not about the setup, nvidia put some shit in their drivers to fuck with pass through setups. That may be old news but I remember being told I had to use kvm=off in QEMU args if I used an nvidia gpu to pass. AMD cards haven’t been a problem for me


if wwindows were able to do what linux can do on the terminal, then yes. but the linux terminal on windows is gimped and barely functional. Using windows stuff on Linux works much better.

>windows is gimped and barely functional
works fine here
only thing not working rn is networking tools like ping

Does it use the linux kernel? Does it have a sane framebuffer (kms) yet? Does it support all the DEs and WMs linux has to offer?
Face it, the only reason to use windows is because of gaymen.

No, nobody likes Windows and this does nothing to address the underlying problems with it.

You are obviously not using it for anything 99% of the functions are nonfunctional and gimped. You can't even look into linux file systems like Btrfs, ext4+++.

It's functionally useless other than as a gimmick.

stop shitposting user
linux is linux is linux

>Does it use the linux kernel
it works as a translation layer between Linux's userland and the NT kernel (kinda like Wine)

>Does it have a sane framebuffer (kms) yet?

>Does it support all the DEs and WMs linux has to offer
it's literally ubuntu over top NT, just install an X11 server program for Windows and you're set with all the Linux GUI goodness you can get

>ubuntu over top NT

Enjoy your bloat and spyware.

But I'm not using regular GNU/Linux Ubuntu though

No. It literally does nothing useful. Better question is, is windows obsolete now that you can run it in a KVM?

>is windows obsolete now that you can run it in a KVM
wake me up when getting Windows running with passthrough as easy as a couple of clicks

I tried it a while back for about a week and on 2 occasions the system shit itself and forced me to uninstall/reinstall(which was the way the devs recommend).

It might be fixed by now but both errors had something to do with file name resolution. I think of them was as simple as mv dir/ other_dir, something about that trailing slash on dir/ caused the system to shit the bed.

I gave up on that buggy shit and back to my VM.


and what about native wayland and x11?
until then its just a gimmick and you better of using ssh and sshfs


>He does it for free
>For a multi billion dollar company
Only the cuckest of the cucks use wincuck