I really want to buy an iMac lately.
What do?
I really want to buy an iMac lately.
What do?
Don't, it's shit. Also stop watching gay pron.
buy it
by a Mac Pro. the fusion drive on an iMac is shit
>those bezels
How can macucks ever defend this?
Buy a Macbook Pro.
get an old mac mini
If you want a Mac get a macbook pro
If you want an AIO PC for god knows what reason get that fancy Windows Surface thing
MacBook Pro nig
>Bezels xDDDDD
>desktop computer
Back to YouTube comments you go, teenager.
Don't buy legacy hardware. Do they still come with Core 2 Duos, btw?
Get a MacBook pro
Install it on your current computer. I've had multiple Macbooks but I always build my own desktops and Hackintosh has always worked flawlessly.
They come with Kaby Lake Core i5s in current year. Quad cores, no hyperthreading.
If you do, buy one that's user upgradeable.
Except fucking don't. There are better AIOs on the market in current year and the problem with the current gen of iMacs is that they're so thin that they're cooling is shit so they throttle like a bitch. Same problem as the Macbook Pro that all the mactards in this thread keep suggesting you buy.
Don't buy current year Apple. Maybe buy used if you feel the need, just make sure it's user upgradeable.
I already have an iPad Pro for my portable computing needs (there aren’t that many).
I don’t really want or need a laptop. I’d rather get a desktop which has better specs
Kek. Please don't buy a fucking trash can OP.
So many fucking Apple shills ITT. Only buy a Macbook pro if you enjoy 100C+ temps and throttling to 1Ghz every 20 minutes.
But the iMac looks great with its 5k display.
nah nig you need a MacBook Pro
Get a macbook bro. If you want a workstation get a nice keyboard/mouse combo with a big ass monitor(s) and you'll be set.
Excpe the current iMac doesn't have better specs than anything. Kaby Lake i5s and an RX 560 for god's sake. Wait for the iMac Pro or just get an actually GOOD AIO so you don't waste those high specs on shit cooling that will throttle them.
Is it a meme on Sup Forums now to make unaware retards buy the shittiest laptop Apple has offered in 20 years? I can get behind that actually.
5K is a fucking meme there are AIOs available with 4K if you're doing hardcore 4K video editing though.
Not very nice user, I also recommend a Windows Surface Studio :(
That thing is useless because you can't use it for just the screen and the upgradebility is limited. Even the CPU is fucking soldered, not even Apple does that on their bloody iMacs. It's also pointless for artists who will get a Cintiq with far superior capabilities anyway.
There are other good AIOs on the market you know. Microsoft and Apple don't have a duopoly on this shit. And there are AIOs that are fully upgradeable with ultra high resolution screens as well.
Take the fork out of your brain.
considering OP's needs I was being serious
What are OP's needs? He hasn't said anything about what he "needs" except that he already has an iPad Pro so for mobility he's covered. He just said he "wants" an iMac and I gave him some ACTUAL options and told him what was wrong with Apple's entire current lineup, namely the thermal throttling.
Buy it, it looks great and has quite well performance. iMac pro would be even powerful, dare i say it.
What is up with all the Apple shills here today? Jesus Christ. First we had people telling him to buy a fucking Macbook and now we have people telling him to buy a trashcan. Is this real life?
OP for the love of Christ I know it looks pretty but that thing gets so hot it might just melt your desk. It has ONE fan for both the CPU and the discreet GPU (!) for God's sake! If you're actually expecting to do any gaymen or any serious work on that thing, think fucking twice.
Sell your car and get a mortgage on your house. Tell your wife to prostitute herself for a month while selling your kids to Ahmed in Kenya. Then you'll maybe have enough cash to get one.
Buy one. The specs are hilarious for the price. It'll be a good joke
>"""serious work (not offloaded to a server)""" (gaymen)
It edits text. It plays rogue, nethack and dwarf fortress. It runs a unix. What more can you ask for?
Also iMac pro has 2 fans methinks
>an "iMac" with a GTX 1080ti
I fucking kek'd. Good job on the rig, user.
Double dubs wasted on a shill.
iMac Pro is not user upgradeable. Not even the fucking RAM. iMac Pro also uses Vega, which runs like a fucking oven.
>offloading everything to a server
Fuck off. Just fuck off. No, no I'm serious, fuck right the fuck off you NSA charlatan.
>it plays dwarf fortress and edits text
So does my fucking toaster. It's also sleek and made of aluminium. Should I pay 2000 bucks for it?
>it runs a Unix
Who fucking cares? Make a hackintosh or install BSD or Loonix if you really feel that's necessary. And if OP wants those coding capabilities you need Unix, methinks he appreciate something that doesn't run at 100C and then throttles while trying to compile.
I kek'd. Macfags will defend this.
iMac looks good! Just downclock it. And you should stop being poor.
Real serious work actually is offloaded to a server/network, people realized that a long time ago. Accordingly, it wont heat to 100c because the ci/build server would be somewhere else
>I fucking kek'd. Good job on the rig, user.
I'll admit I have a Macbook Pro for mobile stuff, but that's mostly because hackintosh on laptops is complete garbage.
I honestly don't understand why someone would buy a Mac for desktop use at this point, Hackintosh is so good I can barely tell a difference between this and my Macbook when I'm using it. Only "issue" is that it doesn't have airdrop, which I can fix if I buy a wifi/bluetooth card for it. But I don't use airdrop enough to justify it.
Assuming OP isn't a troll, just go the Hackintosh route and buy a used Macbook for mobile work if you need it. If you want the Apple aesthetic then pick up an old cinema display for cheap on Ebay, I bought pic related for 30 fucking dollars as a secondary monitor.
Have you also considered suicide or sucking a dick? This is important.
this desu senpai
>just downclock it and offload anything important to different machine!
Nice bait, mind if I have a quick bite?
These are the actual depths Macfags and shills are willing to sink to, folks. Breathe it in. Just breathe it all in.
But just to fucking put an end to this shitty baiting.
Do you game? If not, do you do any serious work on your computer? Compiling, video editing, music production, photo editing, compressing large files, anything of the sort? And if so, are you willing to offload ALL OF THAT to a different machine? If not, don't buy a current year fucking mac.
Wifi and bluetooth cards are like 20 bucks and only use PCI-E 1x. Still comes out on top over buying an actual Mac.
I just hope you bought one of the older Macbook Pros, you know, the ones with non-shit battery life. Otherwise good for you user. And I agree.
It was an older 2013 one, but was newer at the time. Still does everything I need it to. Dreading the day it falls apart though.
Macs actually have decent game support now, there are quite a few companies constantly porting games and almost all modern Unreal, Unity, and IDTech games are released on them day 1. The only issue is that the 580 is way too weak for 1440p (scales nicely on the 5k).
>Macs actually have decent game support now
Yet they use an ANCIENT version of opengl
true, but most games make use of Metal
nigga Apple themselves just started using metal with high sierra and it runs like absolute garbage
And games have been making use of it for over a year, heck Unreal 4 and Unity 5 have support for Metal 2. Pretty sure everything Aspyr and Feral have ported this year have a Metal path. A rendering bug with the system composer is hardly the equivalent of running like absolute garbage.
I bought a 27" 5k iMac recently and I'm happy with my purchase. The base model is actually a good deal, upgrading the RAM is super easy too. I'd recommend it desu.
>Apple product
>runs like absolute garbage
Shocking and totally unexpected.
2 rupees have been deposited in your designated shitting street Suhkdeep.
>The base model is actually a good deal
My desktop doesn't have bezels.
Are you a designer? No? Don't buy it.
If you want it for professional use it won't help you Apple doesn't appeal to the pros anymore and is nothing more than a marketing word. Any professional will know this.