>"dude just get your A+ and get a help desk or desktop support job" >get A+ >it's been 2 years and i still haven't found an entry level job
Every """entry level""" job requires 3-5 years of experience, 10 years of 3000 year old programming, my first unborn child, my left kneecap, and a masters degree in CS
Just for fucking ticketing software.
It also doesn't help that I live in NYC. I CANNOT move.
I can't program. Believe me, I've tried. College is NOT an option, I do not make enough money for that. I am not eligble for any financial aid either. I've checked, trust me.
Idk, I graduated high school and have been searching for the past 4 months nonstop and haven't even gotten to the interview phase anywhere. Should be easy in New York, there's a fuckton of jobs out there
Dominic Harris
> I live in NYC. I CANNOT move.
Jump off the nearest bridge. Get out of that liberal shit hole and become and go do something else.
Jordan Lopez
Trades. Try trucking. Always in need of employees.
Or you could try to get a job at a nice place like Costco. Being a UPS driver also pays really well.
Matthew Walker
You need to find a new career. Information Technology / Computer Science is not for you.
Luke Garcia
>He thinks A+ is enough for a job Wow you can turn on a PC, here's your A+
>He doesn't have Security+ Good luck getting a real job faggot
Chase Morales
A+ is totally useless if you can program. If you can't program, you'll never make it
Angel Brooks
yeah that can often be a problem user, what you should do however till you get a job is to make your own projects, you can use to show later, it helps.
Most hires here are through friends, the marked is well not so good these days as they were when I got my job after I took my bachelor. I was still lucky then as I actually quit highschool ti werk, so I had work experience in the field already when seeking werk again after I had done that part of my edu.
But I assume this accounts for most countries, if you know people it is always good for you. They like to hire people they now through proxy that way
David Howard
Get a CCNA R&S
Charles Jackson
Only for those who aren't the type to ask for advice on a Mongolian rotary phone repair forum. It requires proper networking to get most jobs that are "out there" or else you go to the bottom of a large pile that gets thrown out regularly.
Austin Mitchell
>ups driver
you need to be there before like 8 years before you even get considered
Colton Watson
Work at Starbucks. Easy work and great benefits. You'll still be broke as shit but at least you'll have dental coverage.
Oliver Roberts
Yes, move out of that liberal shithole and into some flyover state where the only job opportunities are McDonald's cashier and Walmart associate. Enjoy your $6.00/hr for life. Hope OP's certs prepared him to say "would you like fries with that?" for the rest of his life.
At least if he's doomed to a wage slave job he might as well do it in New York where he'd get paid $10-11/hr.
Joseph Walker
In an overpopulated hell hole of a city sure. Poor people are stupid. Get the fuck out if you don't have any good options. Being in a state that doesn't rape you with taxes and surround you with quota filling cattle is a start.
>it's been 2 years and i still haven't found an entry level job >2 years
William Powell
youre retarded OP
go get a retail job
Easton Long
Just fucking lie. Say you worked at a shop that's out of business now. Find one that folded.
Elijah Moore
This post is hilarious. Enjoy your poverty.
Landon Morris
I'm actually fixing to attempt the A+ exam but am extremely uncertain what exactly to study for. My father says it covers Win 95 and so on, but most of everything is obsolete. Anybody recently take the exam and pass? Could you share a few insights on what it covers and what to study for? I have 4 years hands on experience covering most IT repair and such.
Jayden Wilson
When I took it, i had to study for the hardware part.
They ask you to know how many pins are on each stick of ram and just mundane shit like that.
I didn't study at all for the second part. It's literally common sense.
I didnt know what to study so i just took the test. if i failed at least i knew what i needed to study. did better on that than the first.
Daniel Myers
I am too retarded to math and just work as help desk and on site monkey for a small company. Just accept your fate.
Michael Gutierrez
Absurdly high entry requirements just exist to filter out the retards that fail to recognize it for what it is. You should apply anyway.
I will state that without any significant skills of note your prospects are poor. Those who are very social and really network can find odd unskilled jobs that pay decently. I have a friend who seems to be really good at finding jobs like that but those jobs are rare and that sector of the economy is very volatile. A lot of low skill jobs are being automated, shipped overseas, or just plain cut and the work load redistributed to other staff members. You shouldn't rely on any kind of career you get with no skills to sustain you for life it's likely you will lose your job in the future through no fault of your own. Skilled labor is really the only path. You need to get educated. Trades qualify as skilled labor as well and like all skilled labor you will need money because trade school is not free though it is cheaper than college. Also trades are hot right now especially in low income communities and those near technical high schools and colleges. They provide a relatively easy crime free path out of poverty so there's a lot of interest BUT when there's a lot of interest there's saturation and with that comes poor employment opportunities and cuts to wages and benefits. Beware the risks what seems like a good option now might be a poor choice ten years from now.
Good luck.
Evan Taylor
I'm actually an employed engineer in the North East but hey feel free to dream.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Thanks for that insight, it's actually really useful for my basis of the exam. I know the just of hardware and what each does from MOBO to HDD/SSD, but not the real technical sit like how many pins is such and such.
Josiah Adams
Just because he can't code? Are you fucking retarded?
Nathaniel Harris
>justifying yourself to strangers on a Laosian fruitbat breeding forum
Sebastian King
literally no advice, the thread.
Chase Foster
how can you give an advice to a programmer who cant code and want coding job?
Nathan Wright
just go to real estate offices around your town, or places that do taxes. just hand out your resume and dress well.
Austin Torres
I never even fucking said I was a programmer.
Oliver Sanders
professor messer on youtube look him up, watch the whole series, make some flash cards and look for practice exams online
You don't need to pay a dime to study for the A+, other than the final tests
Christian Sanders
Here is your solution, user. Lie on your resume. List some no-name company that's out of business as your experience.
you can't move is a bullshit excuse. Jobs are fucking everywhere and you're complaining you can't get one because your living condition is your problem. Obviously if getting a job is that serious and important you will do ANYTHING to get it.
I work with an asshole from another state, he did it and he's a fuck. if he can do it, so can you.
People like you are the same fucks that get mad they can't smoke weed legally. fucking move to the state with the jobs, OP.
Lincoln Jackson
its not a living condition you fucking retarded third world piece of shit.
i'm poor. im literally unemployed.
Carson Gutierrez
>wahhh too many people are trying to get into my field wahhhhhhhhh neck yourself bud
Landon Lee
>10$ in ny is better than 6 dollar in a small city. Lmao, I hope you unironically believe this
David Collins
My recommendation for the time being is just find yourself an entry level job like at fast food, or a grocery store. You will be able to get some money coming in to help stabilize your home life even it if is just a part time job. Once you have some cash coming in to stop the bleeding go look into skilled trades. For example HVAC systems need to guys who can maintain and repair them. There are a wide variety of different things out there that can suit your personal needs. I know it is very difficult trying to see things getting better but just take it one step at a time. Your first step is to find an entry level part time job.
Chase Moore
this pretty much. I have a hard time believing op couldn't land a single entry level job in 2 years
Nathaniel Sanders
>you can't move is a bullshit excuse. Moving costs money, user. If you don't have enough money to move to a place where jobs are, OP might be out of luck.
Nolan Ortiz
I think the issue was that he was being naive and only applied for IT jobs. Instead he should have got a part time job while searching.
Trade schools are much cheaper and far more useful than getting a degree. Some community colleges offer certificates for specific trades which are cheap. You should be able to apply for financial aid as you have no money. I am a part time janitor and I was able to receive a full ride because of how broke I am. When it asks you about race/ethnicity at least put spic just in case.
Austin Baker
I live in a major city (in yurop, mind you).
I just apply to jobs from my field. If my qualifications sort of match, I will apply, regardless of required exp and profficiency level in said field.
I assume 75% of my resumes went into trash. 20% invited me for an interview, but decided I'm not at the level they need. The rest said "hey user, you are not quite ready for the senior position you applied for, but you are quite good anyway and we we would like to offer you a junior one".
Accept, change jobs every year to pick up different things. Congrats, you now have x years of experience.
Ryder Martin
>What can I do? Keep applying to jobs >Where are there guaranteed jobs? No such thing, America is not a communist state where people are guaranteed a job after graduating their free university.
Ryan Gray
sup OP
my friend is a whoremonger.
how attractive are you and how willing are you to suck cock?
good pay, flexible hours
Charles Fisher
Looking to take the net+ exam. Any tips on where to study and exactly whats on the test?
A+ doesn't mean anything at all beyond understanding basic computer usage and maintenance. Got mine after burning through professer messer in 3 days worth of free time.
Get a real cert if you want a job that's better than like, a geek squad position or something.
Hunter Watson
Idk every job I've applied for I've got. Rn working it help. Was easy to get. Also why can't you move?
Caleb Rodriguez
Gimme a example cert?
Aaron Peterson
exactly, if I see it on a resume I assume the guy is in his 40s and gave up on getting a real cert.
Caleb Reyes
Did a mock test and got most of the questions right. It really is an easy test by the looks of things (as is the job of PC "technician")
Joshua Perry
What sort of certs do you wanna see?
Elijah Flores
>Every """entry level""" job requires 3-5 years of experience Have you tried applying anyway?
James Nelson
If no one will give you work experience, make your own.
>register business name YOU CANNOT SKIP THIS STEP, if you dont actually want to do the work, then MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER IT SO IT APPEARS REAL >register free website >print cheap and nasty business cards >put business in online yellow pages >distruibute business cards
ta da. youve created an event on your resume.
Andrew Turner
yeah i feel like all these companies ask for that shit and end up hiring the people who apply anyway since that obviously seems to work at scaring people away.
Brody Nelson
>Cant program >Want to get job in tech
Just kill yourself lad
Henry Thompson
You fags are lucky. i cleared the interview and got the letter of intent to hire, but till waiting n actual call letter. It's been a year. A year of NEET life. A year I spent not programming. . A year spent letting my skills just stagnate